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  • Acting site manager

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Trant Engineering Standard Audit Questions

1. Security / Induction / Access & Egress

  • Have all contractors signed in and out accordingly?

  • Have all operatives provided evidence of their trade cards, qualifications and asbestos awareness certs?

  • Has the Site Manager presented evidence of their SMSTS card, first aid and fire warden certificates?

  • Is there evidence of everyone's site induction attendance?

  • Is there safe access to all operational plant and are all walkways free from trip/slip hazards?

  • Where appropriate the CCTV in good working order?

  • The site perimeter (Fences and gate) are secure and not compromised ensuring and no unauthorized access?

2. Documentation / PTW

  • If a permit to work is required has this been issued to the contractor?

3. Fire Plan & Emergency Procedures

  • Does the site manager hold a valid fire warden certificate? if not, is there a worker on site at all times who holds a valid fire warden certificate?

  • Are operatives aware of the site fire plan & is the area clear and accesible?

  • Is a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment in place?

  • Are all designated fire exit routes clear from obstructions and appropriately signposted?

  • Is there an adequate and appropriate number of fire extinguishers and/or fire horns for raising the alarm? These need to be at the work zones & not just the welfare areas.

  • Have the fire extinguishers been serviced in the last 12 months?

  • Are hot works being carried out?

  • Has a hot works permit been issued?

  • Have all combustible materials been removed from the work area?

  • Are there 2 appropriate fire extinguishers to hand? (These should not be from the company vehicles)

  • Has the Oxy/Fuel equipment being used for hot works been subject to an annual inspection?

  • Are all Highly Flammable Liquids (HFL's) being used, transported and stored correrctly?

  • Are all gas cylinders being used, transported and stored correctly? (LPG, Oxy-Acetylene)

4. Accident & Reporting. Physical & Mental health First Aid

  • First aider identified & first aid box/eye wash/burns kit on site? Kits need to be at the work zones & not just the welfare areas.

  • Do the contractors understand the need to report near misses and incidents?

  • Are all accidents, near misses & incidents recorded and, are accident procedures in place?

  • Is there a nominated Mental Health 1st Aider on site?

  • Is there evidence of the teams having a health and wellbeing check-in call / team meeting? (min once per month)

  • On occupied site is there information displayed on the Trant Health and Wellbeing initiatives?

5. Welfare, (Schedule 2 of CDM)

  • Is there an adequate number of toilets for the number of workers on site? If 1 to 5 workers then 1 cubicle, if 6 to 25 workers then 2 cubicles (minimum). If 1 to 15 men at work then 1 cubicle, if 16 to 30 men at work then 2 cubicles (minimum).

  • Toilet facilities are clean and provide soap, hot and cold running water and clean towels (roller or paper) (if applicable). Welfare facilities are a high standard, well maintained with no issues, clear ownership recognizing the area is a welfare area and not a general storage area.

  • Is there provision for food storage & preparation appliances? Fridges, microwaves etc are in good, clean, working order with a valid portable appliance testing date (where applicable).

  • Are there drying rooms (where applicable)?

6. CDM / SHE Documentation

  • Is the CDM documentation on site & displayed? if applicable F-10, CPP, Pre Construction, HSE law poster, company insurances, site rules, emergency procedures & H&S policy?

  • Risk assessments & method statements: are they available, project specific, operatives signed for acceptance & fully complied with on site?

  • Is the RA review form completed for all contractors on site?

  • Is there evidence that the site conditions are being inspected daily? Sensible monitoring

7. Specific Assessments COSHH, Noise,

  • Are COSHH assessments available for the materials used on site?

  • Is the PPE being used suitable & sufficient, and in line with the COSHH RA for all substances?

  • Are noise levels due to work activities at an acceptable level?

  • Has noise monitoring been considered on site?

  • is there a sufficient amount of PPE for noise controls on site, this needs to include ear plug dispensers and/or ear defenders?

8. Site Wide Considerations / Public / Housekeeping

  • Is the public segregated from the work with hoardings, barriers, fencing & is traffic management and signage suitable?

  • Is appropriate PPE for the task provided and being used?

  • Are site operations conducted safely and in line with method statements?

  • Is housekeeping in good order & the site free of trip hazards and materials are stored safely?

  • All materials, plant and equipment have a dedicated area where it is stored.

  • Bins are provided and regularly emptied. No waste stored around the site – waste must be within designated areas.

  • Plant equipment (containing hazardous substances) have spill kits in place that are appropriately stored and secure.

  • Are spill kits available in suitable locations?

9. Tools & Work Equipment (including electrical & Plant)

  • Is the equipment suitable for the job and in good order?

  • Has all work equipment undergone a thorough inspection and can a certificate be evidenced?

  • Is there evidence of equipment & plant checks before use?

  • Is electrical equipment 110v or lower and has a PAT test label which is in date? Are inspections/test certs or registers on site?

10. High level works (including roof works)

  • Is high level working being carried out safely and have control measures been implemented?

  • Is a permit in place?

  • Do all the operators have W@H credentials?

  • Is there a safe and suitable means of access to the roof?

  • Is there adequate edge protection or systems such as man anchors in place?

  • Is there a means of raising the alarm on the roof?

11. Asbestos

  • Is a suitable asbestos R&D survey available?

  • Has asbestos been removed from the site?

  • Have clearance certificates or clean air tests been collated and filed on site?

  • Have hazardous waste transfer notes been collated and filed on site?

  • If the building is Pre-2000, is there an emergency asbestos grab pack on site with instructions?

12. Excavation

  • Fencing/Barriers. Are adequate barriers, fencing in place at all sides of trenches and excavations to prevent persons falling into open works?

  • Has a permit to Dig / Break Ground / been issued by the PC?

  • Have utility plans / drawings / consents been referenced and collated?

  • Have subscans or CAT scans been carried out?

  • Has the CAT and associated equipment (Genny) been calibrated within the last 12 months?

  • Is there evidence on site that operatives are competent to use the CAT and associated equipment?

  • Is only hand digging with insulated tools taking place within 500mm of exposed services?

  • Is the work area clearly segregated from other operatives / colleagues and members of the public?

  • Is there safe access / egress to and from the excavation for operatives?

  • Is there suitable and sufficient edge protection around the excavation?

13. Scaffolding

  • Has scaffolding been erected?

  • Is a design in place for the scaffolding?

  • Has a hand over certificate been produced by the scaffolding contractor and accepted by the site manager? Is the Site Manager competent and qualified to formally mange, review and accept the scaffolding on handover? (must have TW awareness or scaffold awareness)

  • Have pull tests been carried out and recorded for anchor ties?

  • Has suitable edge protection been installed to prevent contractors falling from height?

  • Has the PC taken reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access to the scaffolding?

  • Are formal checks being carried out, up to date and recorded on scaff tags?

  • Are access ladders secured correctly, at the right angle and on firm level ground?

  • Has the scaffold companies’ credentials been checked along with their staffs’ qualifications? (CISRS minimum)

  • Have all the staff’s lanyards been checked for inspection dates?

  • If lighting is required, is it fitted in secure places and suitable for its needs?

  • Are all scaffold standards fitted with foam to help prevent injury to workers and the public?

  • Are end caps used to prevent hand injuries ?

  • Is debris netting fitted where required to help reduce noise and dust pollution to the public?

  • If rubbish shuts are fitted, are they secure and are pointed directly into skips?

  • Are all walk/crawl boards free from defects and fit for purpose?

  • Are all kickboards in place and fitted correctly?

  • Is suitable signage in place at ground level?

  • Has the local public and/or schools been informed that scaffolding has been erected? (not a playground).

14. Dust & fume controls

  • Are activities that create dust or fumes being undertaken?

  • Is "On Tool" extraction or "On Tool" water suppression being used to control dust?

  • If used, are all extraction units Class M as a minimum standard?

  • Are all masks FFP3 as a minimum standard? (Half mask or disposable mask) required and being used correctly?

  • Have face fit certificates been collated and filed on site?

  • If dust has been created, is it being cleared in an appropriate way to reduce exposure?

15. Waste

  • Are skips being used?

  • Is there signage identifying segregated waste? Plasterboard, mixed, timber, asbestos etc.

  • Is the waste stored correctly and correctly segregated?

  • Are skips suitably barriered off and/or locked to prevent unauthorised use?

  • Where waste has been removed from site are Waste Transfer notes Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes available and completed in full and contain the waste transfer station and address?

  • Is the waste carriers license certificate filed on site?

16. Traffic Management

  • Vehicle access is good, with sufficient space to park (safely) off the main road and reverse park. There are reverse parking signs in place (Where possible).

  • A traffic management plan in place?

  • Goal posts as protection for overhead cables in place where (if applicable). Warning signs in place to indicate overhead wires

  • Clearly identified pedestrian routes with barriers where appropriate (vehicle turning areas etc.). (if applicable)

  • Clearly marked paths and roads, with hatched turning areas, loading areas and parking areas where appropriate.

  • Where appropriate one-way traffic system in place and being complied with. Evidence of regular checks to ensure the standard is kept high

Work in progress

  • Describe the works taking place

  • Describe any good practice and areas for improvements

Inspectors Summary:

  • Summarise the site conditions and the behaviours/attitudes of the site manager and contractors

Inspectors name

  • Name

  • Sign

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.