Title Page
Site conducted (number_location name)
Type of BTS
Conducted on
Prepared by
Generic information
Describe the works executed (in short)
Punch items
Is the site free of punch items?
Can the site be accepted without a re-visit
Are the test calls executed (including the emergency test-calls)?
Did the TRDL agree on performing test-calls?
What is the reason for not executing the test-calls?
Health and safety
Has the start of work meeting been held?
Is the Alarm Card available?
VGM information available digitale or on paper?
Pictures of the site
Provide top view drawing
Provide front view drawing
Provide overview picture of the location
Provide picture of the BTS/Equipment cabinet with the door opened
Provide a picture of the label on the cabinet indicating the site name and site number
Provide a picture of the side view of the cabinet
Provide a picture of the backview of the cabinet
Provide a picture CEE socket for temporary power
Provide picture(s) of the correct bonding of the lighting protection (to the frame and feeders)
Provide picture(s) of the antenna's mounted.
Mobirail S&R: Has the site been build according to all rules/regulations and site specific information?
Subcontractor: Has the site been build according to all rules/regulations and site specific information?