Title Page
姓名 Name
值勤日期 On Duty Date
房間號碼 Room No.
預估住房率(%) Expected Occupancy(%)
當日預進房間數(間) No of On-Date Arrivals(Rooms)
次日預退房間數(間) No of Departures Next Day(Rooms)
說明 Instructions 1. 請針對以下的問題回答"YES"、"NO"或"N/A" Please answer "YES", "NO" or "N/A" on the questions below. 2. 點選回紋針圖示以新增照片和註解。 Add photos and notes by clicking on the paperclip icon. 3. 若要新增調整措施,請按一下回紋針圖示,然後按一下“新增動作”,提供說明、指派給MOD成員、設定優先順序和截止日期。 To add a Corrective Measure click on the paperclip icon then "Add Action", provide a description, assign to MOD member(s), set priority, and due date. 4. 提供數位簽名以完成MOD報表。 Complete audit by providing digital signature. 5. 請於值勤結束當日12:00匯出MOD報表成為 PDF,並email至MOD成員來分享您的報告。 Share your report by exporting as PDF, and email to all MOD member(s) before mid-day.
A. 抵達 Arrival
A-1 迎接 Door Service
A-1-1 門房或行李員表達歡迎之意 <br>Was doorman/bellman welcoming?
A-1-2 行李是否被妥善置放,並綁上行李牌<br>Was your luggage properly handled with luggage tag?
A-1-3 工作人員的服儀及制服是否符合標準 <br>All associates are well groomed, uniforms in good condition?
A-2 接待 Reception
A-2-1 當您接近櫃檯時,服務人員以笑臉及熱情接待您<br>Were you greeted with a smile and warm welcome while approaching the front desk?
A-2-2 當入住手續進行中,您的名字被稱呼超過三次<br>Were your greeted at front desk with names at least 3 times?
A-2-3 服務人員是否清楚地解釋您此次入住時享有的福利<br>Were you clear explained on your privileges and benefits at the check in?
A-2-4 入住手續開始到拿到房間鑰匙,所有動作在三分鐘內完成<br>Check in process was finished in 3 minutes?
A-2-5 您是否被指引到電梯處<br>Were you guide to the guest elevator?
A-2-6 服務人員是否清楚地向您解釋飯店設施<br>Were you explained on the hotel facilities clearly?
A-2-7 房間型態是否符合您的需要<br>Is the room type(king/twin) assigned on your preference?
A-3 大廳 Lobby
A-3-1 大廳的燈光、音樂、香氛是否運作正常 <br>Lighting, music, scent is operating properly?
A-3-2 是否整齊清潔<br>Is there any visible dust and debris?
A-3-3 大門門扇是否乾淨透明<br>Main door pieces are clean and transparent?
A-3-4 沙發區是否整齊清潔<br>Is the seating area tidy and clean?
A-3-5 雨天時,是否有做適當的警示與保持地面乾燥<br>When it rains, whether there are proper warnings and keep the ground dry?
B. 客房 Guestroom
房號 Room Number
B-1 客房狀況 Room Condition
B-1-1 所取得的房卡,每次都能順利開啟房門 <br>Is your room key able to access to your room everytime?
B-1-2 客房氣味是否正常<br>Is the smell in the room normal?
B-1-3 客房各項備品是否齊全<br>Are amenities are fully supplied in your room?
B-1-4 客房空調是否正常運作<br>Is the air-conditioning system working properly?
B-1-5 客房照明燈光是否足夠且正常運作<br>Is room lighting adequate and working properly?
B-2 客房清潔 Room Cleanliness
B-2-1 玄關 Entryway
B-2-1-1 玄關及衣櫃是否乾淨無髒污<br>Is the entryway and closet clean and tidy?
B-2-1-2 衣架種類和數量是否正確 (衣架4支、衣夾2支)<br>Is the types and quantities of hangers correctly placed? (Coat hangers x4, hangers with clothespin x2)
B-2-1-3 備品品項、數量是否正確<br>Is the quantity of amenities placed correctly?
B-2-1-4 客房飲品、茶包或點心皆有超過6個月的保存期限<br>All beverage, tea bags or snacks are more than 6 months prior to expiration.
B-2-1-5 冰箱是否正常運作<br>Is the refridgerator working properly?
B-2-2 浴室 Bathroom
B-2-2-1 浴室整體是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the bathroom clean and tidy?
B-2-2-2 淋浴間是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the shower room clean and tidy?
B-2-2-3 浴室間玻璃、鏡子是否清潔<br>Is there any stain on the glass and mirror?
B-2-2-4 浴缸、洗手台、淋浴間、馬桶是否清潔<br>Is bathtub, basin, shower room and toilet bowl clean?
B-2-2-5 電話功能是否正常<br>Is the telephone working properly?
B-2-2-6 浴室備品品項、數量是否正確<br>Is the quantity of amenities placed correctly?
B-2-3 客廳 Living Area
B-2-3-1 客廳整體是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the living area clean and tidy?
B-2-3-2 客廳天花板是否乾淨清潔,無裂痕或灰塵累積<br>Is the ceiling clean and tidy, without any crease or dust?
B-2-3-3 電視是否正常運作<br>Is the television working properly?
B-2-3-4 電視內飯店資訊是否正確<br>Is the hotel information on television correctly displayed?
B-2-3-5 前一位住客於電視內多媒體平台的登錄訊息是否已刪除<br>Is the username of previous in-house guest, in the multimedia system on television reset completely?
B-2-3-6 電話功能是否正常<br>Is the telephone working properly?
B-2-4 工作區 Working Area
B-2-4-1 工作區域是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the working area clean and tidy?
B-2-4-2 所提供的文具或文宣品乾淨整齊,無破損或筆跡在表面或內頁<br>Is there any scratch or pen mark on the stationary supplied?
B-2-4-3 電話及網路線路正常運作<br>Is the telephone and Wi-Fi working properly?
B-2-5 床 Bed
B-2-5-1 床單、枕套、被套是否完整,無任何可見的裂痕或破洞<br>Is the beddings clean and tiday, without any visible torn or worn?
B-2-5-2 天花板是否乾淨清潔,無裂痕或灰塵累積<br>Is the ceiling clean and tidy, without any crease or dust?
B-2-5-3 床頭櫃下方是否擺放聖經及手電筒<br>Is Bibble and flashlight stocked under the bedside table?
B-2-5-4 床底是否清潔<br>Is floor under the bed clean?
B-2-5-5 對於床舖整體清潔感及舒適是否感到滿意<br>Your general comment on the beddings condition and cleaness.
B-3 其他建議及補充事項<br>Any further advise and comment
C. 客房檢查-1 Guestroom Inspection-1
房號 Room Number
C-1 客房狀況 Room Condition
C-1-1 客房氣味是否正常<br>Is the smell in the room normal?
C-1-2 客房各項備品是否齊全<br>Are amenities are fully supplied in your room?
C-1-3 客房空調是否正常運作<br>Is the air-conditioning system working properly?
C-1-4 客房照明燈光是否足夠且正常運作<br>Is room lighting adequate and working properly?
C-2 客房清潔 Room Cleanliness
C-2-1 玄關 Entryway
C-2-1-1 玄關及衣櫃是否乾淨無髒污<br>Is the entryway and closet clean and tidy?
C-2-1-2 衣架種類和數量是否正確 (衣架4支、衣夾2支)<br>Is the types and quantities of hangers correctly placed? (Coat hangers x4, hangers with clothespin x2)
C-2-1-3 備品品項、數量是否正確<br>Is the quantity of amenities placed correctly?
C-2-1-4 客房飲品、茶包或點心皆有超過6個月的保存期限<br>All beverage, tea bags or snacks are more than 6 months prior to expiration.
C-2-1-5 冰箱是否正常運作<br>Is the refridgerator working properly?
C-2-2 浴室 Bathroom
C-2-2-1 浴室整體是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the bathroom clean and tidy?
C-2-2-2 淋浴間是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the shower room clean and tidy?
C-2-2-3 浴室間玻璃、鏡子是否清潔<br>Is there any stain on the glass and mirror?
C-2-2-4 浴缸、洗手台、淋浴間、馬桶是否清潔<br>Is bathtub, basin, shower room and toilet bowl clean?
C-2-2-5 電話功能是否正常<br>Is the telephone working properly?
C-2-2-6 浴室備品品項、數量是否正確<br>Is the quantity of amenities placed correctly?
C-2-3 客廳 Living Area
C-2-3-1 客廳整體是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the living area clean and tidy?
C-2-3-2 客廳天花板是否乾淨清潔,無裂痕或灰塵累積<br>Is the ceiling clean and tidy, without any crease or dust?
C-2-3-3 電視是否正常運作<br>Is the television working properly?
C-2-3-4 電視內飯店資訊是否正確<br>Is the hotel information on television correctly displayed?
C-2-3-5 前一位住客於電視內多媒體平台的登錄訊息是否已刪除<br>Is the username of previous in-house guest, in the multimedia system on television reset completely?
C-2-3-6 電話功能是否正常<br>Is the telephone working properly?
C-2-4 工作區 Working Area
C-2-4-1 工作區域是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the working area clean and tidy?
C-2-4-2 所提供的文具或文宣品乾淨整齊,無破損或筆跡在表面或內頁<br>Is there any scratch or pen mark on the stationary supplied?
C-2-4-3 電話及網路線路正常運作<br>Is the telephone and Wi-Fi working properly?
C-2-5 床 Bed
C-2-5-1 床單、枕套、被套是否完整,無任何可見的裂痕或破洞<br>Is the beddings clean and tiday, without any visible torn or worn?
C-2-5-2 天花板是否乾淨清潔,無裂痕或灰塵累積<br>Is the ceiling clean and tidy, without any crease or dust?
C-2-5-3 床頭櫃下方是否擺放聖經及手電筒<br>Is Bibble and flashlight stocked under the bedside table?
C-2-5-4 床底是否清潔<br>Is floor under the bed clean?
C-2-5-5 對於床舖整體清潔感及舒適是否感到滿意<br>Your general comment on the beddings condition and cleaness.
C-3 其他建議及補充事項<br>Any further advise and comment
D. 客房檢查-2 Guestroom Inspection-2
房號 Room Number
D-1 客房狀況 Room Condition
D-1-1 客房氣味是否正常<br>Is the smell in the room normal?
D-1-2 客房各項備品是否齊全<br>Are amenities are fully supplied in your room?
D-1-3 客房空調是否正常運作<br>Is the air-conditioning system working properly?
D-1-4 客房照明燈光是否足夠且正常運作<br>Is room lighting adequate and working properly?
D-2 客房清潔 Room Cleanliness
D-2-1 玄關 Entryway
D-2-1-1 玄關及衣櫃是否乾淨無髒污<br>Is the entryway and closet clean and tidy?
D-2-1-2 衣架種類和數量是否正確 (衣架4支、衣夾2支)<br>Is the types and quantities of hangers correctly placed? (Coat hangers x4, hangers with clothespin x2)
D-2-1-3 備品品項、數量是否正確<br>Is the quantity of amenities placed correctly?
D-2-1-4 客房飲品、茶包或點心皆有超過6個月的保存期限<br>All beverage, tea bags or snacks are more than 6 months prior to expiration.
D-2-1-5 冰箱是否正常運作<br>Is the refridgerator working properly?
D-2-2 浴室 Bathroom
D-2-2-1 浴室整體是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the bathroom clean and tidy?
D-2-2-2 淋浴間是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the shower room clean and tidy?
D-2-2-3 浴室間玻璃、鏡子是否清潔<br>Is there any stain on the glass and mirror?
D-2-2-4 浴缸、洗手台、淋浴間、馬桶是否清潔<br>Is bathtub, basin, shower room and toilet bowl clean?
D-2-2-5 電話功能是否正常<br>Is the telephone working properly?
D-2-2-6 浴室備品品項、數量是否正確<br>Is the quantity of amenities placed correctly?
D-2-3 客廳 Living Area
D-2-3-1 客廳整體是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the living area clean and tidy?
D-2-3-2 客廳天花板是否乾淨清潔,無裂痕或灰塵累積<br>Is the ceiling clean and tidy, without any crease or dust?
D-2-3-3 電視是否正常運作<br>Is the television working properly?
D-2-3-4 電視內飯店資訊是否正確<br>Is the hotel information on television correctly displayed?
D-2-3-5 前一位住客於電視內多媒體平台的登錄訊息是否已刪除<br>Is the username of previous in-house guest, in the multimedia system on television reset completely?
D-2-3-6 電話功能是否正常<br>Is the telephone working properly?
D-2-4 工作區 Working Area
D-2-4-1 工作區域是否乾淨清潔<br>Is the working area clean and tidy?
D-2-4-2 所提供的文具或文宣品乾淨整齊,無破損或筆跡在表面或內頁<br>Is there any scratch or pen mark on the stationary supplied?
D-2-4-3 電話及網路線路正常運作<br>Is the telephone and Wi-Fi working properly?
D-2-5 床 Bed
D-2-5-1 床單、枕套、被套是否完整,無任何可見的裂痕或破洞<br>Is the beddings clean and tiday, without any visible torn or worn?
D-2-5-2 天花板是否乾淨清潔,無裂痕或灰塵累積<br>Is the ceiling clean and tidy, without any crease or dust?
D-2-5-3 床頭櫃下方是否擺放聖經及手電筒<br>Is Bibble and flashlight stocked under the bedside table?
D-2-5-4 床底是否清潔<br>Is floor under the bed clean?
D-2-5-5 對於床舖整體清潔感及舒適是否感到滿意<br>Your general comment on the beddings condition and cleaness.
D-3 其他建議及補充事項<br>Any further advise and comment
E. 餐飲 Restaurant
E-1 福粵樓 Fu Jue Lou
巡查時間 Time of Inspection
來客數 Number of Covers
E-1-1 接待 Reception
E-1-1-1 餐廳入口處是否是否有接待人員<br>Were you greeted at the entrance?
E-1-1-2 工作人員的服儀及制服是否符合標準 <br>All associates are well groomed, uniforms in good condition?
E-1-2 餐廳環境 Cleanliness
E-1-2-1 餐廳環境是否乾淨整齊<br>Is the restaurant clean and tidy?
E-1-2-2 餐廳燈光是否正常運作<br>Is the lighting system working properly?
E-1-2-3 餐廳空調是否正常運作<br>Is the air-conditioning system working properly?
E-1-2-4 餐廳音響是否正常運作<br>Is the audio system functioning properly?
任何員工或顧客意見回饋<br>Any comment from colleagues or customers?
E-2 聚樂餐酒館 Join’s Café & Bistro
巡查時間 Time of Inspection
來客數 Number of Covers
E-2-1 接待 Reception
E-2-1-1 餐廳入口處是否是否有接待人員<br>Were you greeted at the entrance?
E-2-1-2 工作人員的服儀及制服是否符合標準 <br>All associates are well groomed, uniforms in good condition?
E-2-2 餐廳環境 Cleanliness
E-2-2-1 餐廳環境是否乾淨整齊<br>Is the restaurant clean and tidy?
E-2-2-2 餐廳燈光是否正常運作<br>Is the lighting system working properly?
E-2-2-3 餐廳空調是否正常運作<br>Is the air-conditioning system working properly?
E-2-2-4 餐廳音響是否正常運作<br>Is the audio system functioning properly?
任何員工或顧客意見回饋<br>Any comment from colleagues or customers?
E-3 田園西餐廳 Arcadia
巡查時間 Time of Inspection
來客數 Number of Covers
E-3-1 接待 Reception
E-3-1-1 餐廳入口處是否是否有接待人員<br>Were you greeted at the entrance?
E-3-1-2 工作人員的服儀及制服是否符合標準 <br>All associates are well groomed, uniforms in good condition?
E-3-2 餐廳環境 Cleanliness
E-3-2-1 餐廳環境是否乾淨整齊<br>Is the restaurant clean and tidy?
E-3-2-2 餐廳燈光是否正常運作<br>Is the lighting system working properly?
E-3-2-3 餐廳空調是否正常運作<br>Is the air-conditioning system working properly?
E-3-2-4 餐廳音響是否正常運作<br>Is the audio system functioning properly?
任何員工或顧客意見回饋<br>Any comment from colleagues or customers?
E-4 Lobby Café
巡查時間 Time of Inspection
來客數 Number of Covers
E-4-1 接待 Reception
E-4-1-1 餐廳入口處是否是否有接待人員<br>Were you greeted at the entrance?
E-4-1-2 工作人員的服儀及制服是否符合標準 <br>All associates are well groomed, uniforms in good condition?
E-4-2 餐廳環境 Cleanliness
E-4-2-1 餐廳環境是否乾淨整齊<br>Is the restaurant clean and tidy?
E-4-2-2 餐廳燈光是否正常運作<br>Is the lighting system working properly?
E-4-2-3 餐廳桌椅及靠枕是否排列整齊<br>Are the tables, chairs and cushions neatly arranged?
任何員工或顧客意見回饋<br>Any comment from colleagues or customers?
E-5 宴會廳 Banquet
巡查時間 Time of Inspection
是否有活動舉行 Is there any event held?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
E-5-1 宴會活動-1 Function-1
活動名稱 Function
場地 Venue
E-5-1-1 接待 Reception
E-5-1-1-1 工作人員的服儀及制服是否符合標準 <br>All associates are well groomed, uniforms in good condition?
E-5-1-2 環境 Cleanliness
E-5-1-2-1 宴會廳及前廳是否乾淨整齊<br>Is the banquet and foyer clean and tidy?
E-5-1-2-2 宴會廳及前廳燈光是否正常運作<br>Is the lighting system working properly at banquet and foyer?
E-5-1-2-3 宴會廳及前廳空調是否正常運作<br>Is the air-conditioning system working properly at banquet and foyer?
E-5-1-2-4 宴會廳及前廳音響是否正常運作<br>Is the audio system functioning properly at banquet and foyer?
E-5-1-2-5 宴會活動看板是否正確<br>Were the informations on bullentin board correct?
任何員工或顧客意見回饋<br>Any comment from colleagues or customers?
E-5-2 宴會活動-2 Function-2
活動名稱 Function
場地 Venue
E-5-2-1 接待 Reception
E-5-2-1-1 工作人員的服儀及制服是否符合標準 <br>All associates are well groomed, uniforms in good condition?
E-5-2-2 環境 Cleanliness
E-5-2-2-1 宴會廳及前廳是否乾淨整齊<br>Is the banquet and foyer clean and tidy?
E-5-2-2-2 宴會廳及前廳燈光是否正常運作<br>Is the lighting system working properly at banquet and foyer?
E-5-2-2-3 宴會廳及前廳空調是否正常運作<br>Is the air-conditioning system working properly at banquet and foyer?
E-5-2-2-4 宴會廳及前廳音響是否正常運作<br>Is the audio system functioning properly at banquet and foyer?
E-5-2-2-5 宴會活動看板是否正確<br>Were the informations on bullentin board correct?
任何員工或顧客意見回饋<br>Any comment from colleagues or customers?
E-5-1 宴會廳/前廳環境是否是否有明顯易見的灰塵或髒汙 <br>Is there any visible dust or stain at banquet and foyer?
E-5-2 宴會廳/前廳空調、燈光是否關閉<br>Is air-conditioning and lighting system at banquet and foyer turned off?
E-5-3 前廳是否有任何家具或雜物堆放<br>Is there any furniture or debris at foyer?
F. 用餐體驗 Dining Experience
用餐日期及時間 Dining Date & Time
用餐餐廳 Restaurant of Dining-In
F-1 接待 Reception
F-1-1 餐廳入口處是否是否有接待人員歡迎您 <br>Were you greeted at the entrance?
F-1-2 是否被詢問用餐需求(姓名、人數、是否已訂位等) <br>Were you asked any required information(name、number of party、reservation etc)?
F-1-3 工作人員的服儀及制服是否符合標準 <br>All associates are well groomed, uniforms in good condition?
F-1-4 當您就坐時,服務人員是否為您將餐巾打開 <br>Were your served seated with napkin unfolded?
F-1-5 菜單未呈上之前,是否備詢問飲料需求及喜好 <br>Were you suggested on beverage selection before menu presented?
F-2 餐廳環境 Cleanliness
F-2-1 餐廳環境是否乾淨,無明顯易見的灰塵或髒汙 <br>Is there any visible dust or stain at restaurant?
F-2-2 餐廳燈光是否正常運作<br>Is the lighting system working properly?
F-2-3 餐廳空調是否正常運作<br>Is the air-conditioning system working properly?
F-2-4 餐廳音響是否正常運作<br>Is the audio system functioning properly?
F-2-5 桌上的餐具是否乾淨整齊擺放 <br>Is tableware placed on table clean and proper presented?
F-2-6 桌上的桌巾是否乾淨,無可見的破損或髒污 <br>Is table cloth with visible torn and worm?
F-3 菜單呈現及點餐 Menu Presentation & Order Taking
F-3-1 等待菜單呈上的時間是否恰當 <br>Was menu presented to you in a timely manner?
F-3-2 菜單是否乾淨,無任何毀損或髒污 <br>Was there any torn and worn on menu?
F-3-3 是否被告知有新的促銷方案 <br>Were you suggested on the recent food promotion?
F-3-4 您是否被推薦其他餐飲選擇 <br>Were you suggested on the food variety ordered?
F-3-5 您所點的餐點是否被複誦 <br>Was your order repeated?
F-4 上餐 Food Service
F-4-1 食物的溫度是否適當 <br>Was food served in appropriate temperature?
F-4-2 出菜的速度是否符合您的期望 <br>Was your food served in an expected timely manner?
F-4-3 餐廳服務人員是否有注意到其他客人的需求並滿足嗎 <br>Was staff attentive to meet other guest needs?
F-4-4 服務人員是否前來詢問用餐滿意度 <br>Did staff check on your dining satisfaction?
F-4-5 您對於用餐的整體經驗是否滿意?<br>Are you satisfied with your dining experience?
G. 飯店巡查 Hotel Inspection
G-1 公區 Public Area
G-1-1 客用洗手間檯面是否清潔整齊<br>Was wash basin at public toilet clean and tidy?
G-1-2 客用洗手間廁間是否乾淨<br>Was public toilet booth clean?
G-1-3 客用洗手間的壁面/天花板是否完整,無任何破裂或損傷<br>Is the wall/ceiling of the guest restroom intact and without any cracks or damage?
G-1-4 客用洗手間的各項備品是否補足<br>Were all amenities in the toilet stocked?
G-1-5 吸煙區的煙灰桶是否乾淨清潔<br>Was ashtray clean and tidy?
G-1-6 飯店前方車道是否乾淨清潔<br>Was the driveway clean and tidy?
G-1-7 停車場地面是否乾淨清潔<br>Was the floor clean and tidy in the parking area?
G-1-8 所有機房的門是否緊閉或上鎖<br>Were machinery rooms properly closed and locked?
G-1-9 各樓層樓面整齊清潔,無任何不適當的擺設或標示物<br>Was the floor clean and tiday, without any off-brand activity/signage posted?
G-1-10 數位看板是否正常運作<br>Was the bulletin board operating properly?
G-1-11 戶外飯店招標是否正常運作<br>Was the hotel signage operating?
G-1-12 飯店戶外燈光及照明是否正常運作<br>Was the outdoor lighting system functioning properly?
G-1-13 員工休息室、員工餐廳及廁所是否乾淨清潔<br>Were the staff locker room, canteen and toilet booth clean and tidy?
G-1-14 驗收區是否乾淨清潔<br>Was the receiving area clean and tidy?
G-1-15 垃圾回收區是否乾淨清潔<br>Was the recycle area clean and tidy?
G-1-16 後場辦公室是否乾淨清潔<br>Was the BOH clean and tidy?
G-1-17 客梯梯廳是否乾淨清潔<br>Was the elevator hall clean and tidy?
G-1-18 客梯梯廳的燈光和空調是否正常運作<br>Was the lighting system and air-conditioning system working properly at elevator hall?
G-1-19 電梯車廂是否乾淨清潔及各項功能是否正常?<br>Was the elevator clean and tidy?
G-1-20 逃生梯防火門是否確實關上<br>Was the fire door closed properly?
G-2 休閒設施 Recreational Facilities
G-2-1 健身房 Gymnasium
G-2-1-1 健身房門扇、玻璃及鏡子是否乾淨,無任何髒污<br>Was the glass and mirror clean, without any stain?
G-2-1-2 環境是否乾淨,且無明顯易見的灰塵或髒汙 <br>Is the clean and tidy, without any visible dust or stain?
G-2-1-3 健身房開放時間有清楚告示<br>The operating hour posted clearly?
G-2-1-4 所有設備是否都運作正常<br>Were all facilities functioning?
G-2-1-5 是否提供礦泉水和毛巾<br>Was drink water and towels provided on-site?
G-2-2 泳池 Swimming Pool
G-2-2-1 泳池門扇、玻璃及鏡子是否乾淨,無任何髒污<br>Was the glass and mirror clean, without any stain?
G-2-2-2 環境是否乾淨,且無明顯易見的灰塵或髒汙 <br>Is the clean and tidy, without any visible dust or stain?
G-2-2-3 泳池開放時間有清楚告示<br>The operating hour posted clearly?
G-2-2-4 置物櫃是否正常運作<br>Were all lockers functioning properly?
G-2-2-5 客用更衣室檯面是否清潔整齊<br>Was wash basin at changing room clean and tidy?
G-2-2-6 客用更衣室是否乾淨<br>Was changing room clean?
G-2-2-7 客用更衣室的壁面/天花板是否完整,無任何破裂或損傷<br>Was there any crease/scratch on the wall/ceiling inside the changing room?
G-2-2-8 客用更衣室的各項備品是否補足<br>Were all amenities in the changing room stocked?
G-2-2-9 泳池水質檢測是否依規定完成並記錄<br>Was the swimming pool water examed and recorded accordingly?
G-2-3 兒童遊戲室 Kid's Club
G-2-3-1 兒童遊戲室門扇、玻璃及鏡子是否乾淨,無任何髒污<br>Was the glass and mirror clean, without any stain?
G-2-3-2 環境是否乾淨,且無明顯易見的灰塵或髒汙 <br>Is the clean and tidy, without any visible dust or stain?
G-2-3-3 開放時間有清楚告示<br>The operating hour posted clearly?
G-2-3-4 所有設備是否都運作正常<br>Were all facilities functioning?
H. 早餐 Breakfast
H-1 接待 Reception
H-1-1 您是否在入口處被迎接<br>Were you greeted at the entrance?
H-1-2 是否有服務人員帶領入位<br>Were you escorted to the seat?
H-1-3 服務人員是否解說用餐各項資訊<br>Were you explained the information for breakfast ?
H-2 清潔 Cleanliness
H-2-1 座位週遭是否乾淨清潔<br>Was floor around the seat clean and tidy?
H-2-2 地面是否乾淨清潔,無任何可見的灰塵或碎片髒污<br>Was the floor clean and tidy, without any visible dust or debris on the floor?
H-2-3 餐具是否乾淨並擺放整齊<br>Was tableware setting in clean and tidy look?
H-2-4 餐檯是否乾淨清潔<br>Were the food counters clean and tidy?
H-3 食物呈現及選擇 Food presentation and selection
H-3-1 餐檯食物呈現是否看起來份量充足<br>Was food presented considered as enough quantity?
H-3-2 盛裝食物的容器是否完好<br>Were all kind utensils in good condition?
H-3-3 餐檯上的湯匙及食物夾是否乾淨<br>Were all tongs and spoons at the food serving counter clean?
H-3-4 餐檯上的食物溫度掌控得宜<br>Was food presented a proper temperature look?
H-3-5 食物口味與您預期的相符<br>Was food taste to your expectation?
H-3-6 是否滿意食物種類的選擇<br>Were food selections to your satisfaction?
H-3-7 您對於早餐的整體感受是否滿意?<br>Are you satisfied with breakfast experience?
I. 退房 Check Out.
I-1 服務人員是否主動打招呼<br>Were you greeted with a smile and a warm welcome?
I-2 服務人員是否確認帳單內容<br>Was your bill presented correct?
I-3 服務人員主動詢問是否需要交通安排<br>Were you suggested to arrange the transportation?
I-4 服務人員是否主動詢問是否需要行李寄放<br>Were you recommended to stock the luggage?
J. 電子簽名 e-Signature
是否有其他建議或補充事項<br>Any further advise or comment?
確認報表無誤,簽名並提交 Report is completed. Kindly sign and submit.