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Public area-Landlord

  • Is the entrance tidy and well organized

  • Is the eyes whas station well maintained?

  • Is the production toilet clean and tidy?

  • Is walk way regularly cleaned in Header workshop?

  • Is walk way regularly cleaned in workshop2?

  • Is walk way regularly cleaned in AD workshop?

  • Is walk way regularly cleaned in Finning workshop?

AD welding-CAH

  • Is the HT area well identified?水压区域是否清晰可见,做好标识

  • 管板焊机是否维护良好,上方无杂物、个人物品等

  • 烘干机维护良好,上方无杂物、无破损

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如焊机、氧气乙炔瓶、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源,焊枪收拾好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 小推车、工具车下班后或不用时定位放置,标识准确清晰

  • 货架每层产品整齐摆放,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格,数量等信息

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • 地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • 焊接小车维护良好,标识清晰,无杂物welding machine cleaned and in good condition

  • Is the bundle support well maintained管束支架维护良好,整洁无破损

  • 工作平台干净无杂物,工具物品摆放整齐,台底无杂

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • 条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • 管束翅片管上不得放置任何物品

  • 工具、工装用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • 窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled

AD assembly-CAH

  • Is the HT area well identified?水压区域是否清晰可见,做好标识

  • 管板焊机是否维护良好,上方无杂物、个人物品等

  • 烘干机维护良好,上方无杂物、无破损

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如焊机、氧气乙炔瓶、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源,焊枪收拾好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 小推车、工具车下班后或不用时定位放置,标识准确清晰

  • 货架每层产品整齐摆放,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格,数量等信息

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • 焊接小车维护良好,标识清晰,无杂物welding machine cleaned and in good condition

  • 地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • Is the bundle support well maintained管束支架维护良好,整洁无破损

  • 工作平台干净无杂物,工具物品摆放整齐,台底无杂物

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • 条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • 管束翅片管上不得放置任何物品

  • 工具、工装用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • 窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled


  • Is PT water during cleaning correctly collected? PT废水是否正确收集

  • Is QC inspection tools tidy?QC检验工序工具是否整齐

  • Is RT operation room tidy, Items are neatly arranged and well identified?RT操作室是否整洁,物品摆放整齐,有标识

  • Is the table, shelf neatly arranged and well identified?实验室内桌面、货架每层物品整齐摆放,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格,数量等信息

  • Is the thermal bench test in proper condition and tidy 热工试验平台是否状态良好和整洁,无杂物

  • Is the RT room Tidy RT and well identified? 房是否整洁,货架每层物品摆放整齐,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格、数量等信息

  • Is the header QC documents tidy and well organized 管箱北门QC文档柜是否整洁有序

  • Is the lab floor tidy 实验室地面是否整洁

  • Is the industrial safety cabinet tidy, well maintained, free of leakage 防爆柜是否整洁、维护良好,无泄露

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • IS the QC office tidy(no part on the floor) QC办公室是否整洁(地上无杂物)

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled


  • Are the SS plates correctly stored and identified 不锈钢板是否正确存储和识别

  • Is the raw materials area tidy and identified?原材料堆放区域(厂房周围)是否整洁、码放整齐

  • Are the forklift well maintained and tidy 叉车是否维护良好和整洁

  • Is the hazardous waste warehouse tidy and the lables in good condition 危废仓库是否整洁,标签维护良好

  • Is the River-side yard warehouse tidy 河边堆场仓库是否整洁,堆放整齐

  • Is the W2 warehouse tidy (no part on the floor, no par on Walk way) & cleaned floor 2号车间仓库是否整洁(地面、通道上无零件),地面清洁

  • Is outside yard floor tidy 外场地面是否整洁

  • Is the packing area tidy 包装区是否整洁

  • Is the river-side yard tidy?河边堆场是否整洁

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • Is the Logisitic small Office room tidy 物流小办公室是否整洁

  • 登高车是否维护良好和整洁

  • 钢管、不锈钢管是否正确存贮和识别

  • 河边物料存贮是否得当,地面整洁、无杂物

  • 管子、钢板是否码放整齐

  • 收发仓库前物品是否摆放整齐,地面整洁无杂物

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled


  • Is the maintenance work in process in the workshop identified with fences and label 车间的维护工作是否用围栏和标签标识

  • Is the maintenance spare part tidy and well labeled 维护备件是否整洁且贴好标签

  • Is the maintenance area clearly identify (marking, floor lines) 维修区域是否明确标识(标记、警戒线)

  • Is the floor free of grease 维修区域地面是否无油脂、工具、杂物,油、灰不多

  • 维修区域内物品摆放整齐、标识清晰

  • Is the maintenance room tidy 维修室地面是否整洁、油、灰不多

  • Is electrical room tidy and cleaned 电工房是否整洁,物品摆放整齐

  • Is the water treatment area tidy and cleaned?水处理设备区域是否整洁,无泄露

  • Is the air compressor room tidy and cleaned?空压机房是否整洁,无泄露

  • 维修室内工具、个人物品摆放整齐

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled

AD-Hydrotest CAH

  • Is the HT area well identified?水压区域是否清晰可见,做好标识

  • 管板焊机是否维护良好,上方无杂物、个人物品等

  • 烘干机维护良好,上方无杂物、无破损

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如焊机、氧气乙炔瓶、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源,焊枪收拾好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 小推车、工具车下班后或不用时定位放置,标识准确清晰

  • 货架每层产品整齐摆放,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格,数量等信息

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • 地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • 焊接小车维护良好,标识清晰,无杂物

  • Is the bundle support well maintained管束支架维护良好,整洁无破损

  • 工作平台干净无杂物,工具物品摆放整齐,台底无杂

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • 条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • 管束翅片管上不得放置任何物品

  • 工具、工装用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • 窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled


  • 水压区域是否清晰可见,做好标识

  • 深小孔焊机、刮管机维护良好,上方无杂物、水杯等个人用品

  • 烘干机维护良好,上方无杂物、无破损

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如焊机、氧气乙炔瓶、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源,焊枪收拾好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 小推车、工具车下班后或不用时定位放置,标识准确清晰

  • 货架每层产品整齐摆放,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格,数量等信息

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • 地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • 焊接小车维护良好,标识清晰,无杂物

  • 管束支架维护良好,整洁无破损

  • 水箱区域是否整洁、无泄露

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • 条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • 管束翅片管上不得放置任何物品

  • 工具、工装用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • 窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled


  • 水压区域是否清晰可见,做好标识

  • 深小孔焊机、刮管机维护良好,上方无杂物、水杯等个人用品

  • 烘干机维护良好,上方无杂物、无破损

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如焊机、氧气乙炔瓶、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源,焊枪收拾好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 小推车、工具车下班后或不用时定位放置,标识准确清晰

  • 货架每层产品整齐摆放,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格,数量等信息

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • 地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • 焊接小车维护良好,标识清晰,无杂物welding machine cleaned and in good condition

  • 管束支架维护良好,整洁无破损

  • 水箱区域是否整洁、无泄露

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • 条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • 管束翅片管上不得放置任何物品

  • 工具、工装用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • 窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled


  • 水压区域是否清晰可见,做好标识

  • 深小孔焊机、刮管机维护良好,上方无杂物、水杯等个人用品

  • 烘干机维护良好,上方无杂物、无破损

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如焊机、氧气乙炔瓶、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源,焊枪收拾好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 小推车、工具车下班后或不用时定位放置,标识准确清晰

  • 货架每层产品整齐摆放,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格,数量等信息

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • 地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • 焊接小车维护良好,标识清晰,无杂物

  • 管束支架维护良好,整洁无破损

  • 水箱区域是否整洁、无泄露

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • 条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • 管束翅片管上不得放置任何物品

  • 工具、工装用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • 窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled


  • 管束存贮是否得当,维护良好,上方无杂物

  • 在制品、半成品、不合格品分类标识摆放,不混放

  • Is the scrap strip segregated in the dedicated garbage, tidy and under control 废铝带是否分开放入专用垃圾桶中,整洁且可控

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如垃圾筐、铝管框、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 机器工位是否整洁(工具维护得当,不会扩散到机器外壳)

  • 货架每层产品整齐摆放,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格,数量等信息

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • 地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • 工作台干净无杂物,工具物品摆放整齐,台底无杂物

  • 设备上无除日常用具以外的杂物、水杯等个人物品

  • 设备内无杂物,漏油,漏气等情况,控制面板表面无油污

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • 条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • 翅片管上不得放置任何物品

  • 工具、工装用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • 窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled


  • 管束存贮是否得当,维护良好,上方无杂物

  • 在制品、半成品、不合格品分类标识摆放,不混放

  • Is the scrap strip segregated in the dedicated garbage, tidy and under control 废铝带是否分开放入专用垃圾桶中,整洁且可控

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如垃圾筐、铝管框、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 机器工位是否整洁(工具维护得当,不会扩散到机器外壳)

  • 货架每层产品整齐摆放,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格,数量等信息

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • 地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • 工作台干净无杂物,工具物品摆放整齐,台底无杂物

  • 设备上无除日常用具以外的杂物、水杯等个人物品

  • 设备内无杂物,漏油,漏气等情况,控制面板表面无油污

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • 条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • 翅片管上不得放置任何物品

  • 工具、工装用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • 窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled

Paint&Sandblasting ZZD

  • 货架每层产品整齐摆放,有标识能清楚展示产品的规格,数量等信息

  • Is the door closed during operation 操作过程中门是否关闭

  • Are the Protection sheet available and related to ongoing projects 法兰保护盖是否可用且与正在进行的项目相关

  • Are the painting gun and equipment properly maintained 油漆枪和设备是否维护良好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • Is the painted properly storage?油漆件贮存是否得当

  • Is the painting room tidy and maintained 油漆室是否整洁并维护良好

  • Is the heating room tidy and maintained烘干室是否整洁并维护良好,墙面无杂物

  • Is the back of the painting room tidy and organized 油漆房的背面是否整洁有序

  • Is the sandblasting machinery room tidy. 喷砂房是否整洁

  • Is the sandblasting room tidy and well maintained 喷砂室是否整洁并维护良好

  • Is the SS blasting room tidy, clean and properly maintained 不锈钢喷砂房是否整洁、干净、维护良好

  • 调漆间是否整洁,维护良好

  • 空桶区域内、外是否整洁、无过分泄露

  • Is the lifting tools area clean and properly maintained 吊索具区域是否整洁、维护良好

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • 工作结束,油漆桶、油漆枪等及时收集到指定区域

  • No objects placed on the painted. 油漆件上不得放置任何物品

  • Are the walls free of material excess, tools, temporary supports. 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled

Header Internal welding-ZD

  • SS and CS plates are placed separately, used the dedicated plate. 不锈钢与碳钢材料分开放置,不锈钢垫不锈钢专用垫板

  • 在制品、半成品、不合格品分类标识摆放,不混放

  • 废料及垃圾分类放置,不锈钢废料与碳钢废料分类放置

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如焊机、氧气乙炔瓶、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源,焊枪收拾好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 小推车、工具车下班后或不用时定位放置,标识准确清晰

  • 工装、模具分类定位放置,标签准确清晰,摆放整齐,无杂物

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • Is floor cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust, oil...) , free of hooks, slings, tools...地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • Working platform tidy and clean.tools arrange neatly, free of parts under the plateform.工作平台干净无杂物,工具物品摆放整齐,台底无杂物

  • Is the machine free of tools, PPE and other personal belongs.设备上无除日常用具以外的杂物、水杯等个人物品

  • Are the machines and its control panel free of air leakage, oil leakages.设备内无杂物,漏油,漏气等情况,控制面板表面无油污

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • Are the BarCode log-in station clean and tidy, free of sundries.条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • No objects placed on the header and plate?不得放置任何物品

  • Tools, tooling, molds and stainless steel plates should be put back in place after use. Tools must be put back in place after work.工具、工装、模具、不锈钢垫板用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • Is the window,wall free of parts tools?窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • Are the walls free of material excess, tools, temporary supports. 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled

  • 焊机干净,维护良好welding machine cleaned and in good condition

Header assembly-ZD

  • SS and CS plates are placed separately, used the dedicated plate. 不锈钢与碳钢材料分开放置,不锈钢垫不锈钢专用垫板

  • 在制品、半成品、不合格品分类标识摆放,不混放

  • 废料及垃圾分类放置,不锈钢废料与碳钢废料分类放置

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如焊机、氧气乙炔瓶、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源,焊枪收拾好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 小推车、工具车下班后或不用时定位放置,标识准确清晰

  • 工装、模具分类定位放置,标签准确清晰,摆放整齐,无杂物

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • Is floor cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust, oil...) , free of hooks, slings, tools...地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • Working platform tidy and clean.tools arrange neatly, free of parts under the plateform.工作平台干净无杂物,工具物品摆放整齐,台底无杂物

  • Is the machine free of tools, PPE and other personal belongs.设备上无除日常用具以外的杂物、水杯等个人物品

  • Are the machines and its control panel free of air leakage, oil leakages.设备内无杂物,漏油,漏气等情况,控制面板表面无油污

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • Are the BarCode log-in station clean and tidy, free of sundries.条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • No objects placed on the header and plate?不得放置任何物品

  • Tools, tooling, molds and stainless steel plates should be put back in place after use. Tools must be put back in place after work.工具、工装、模具、不锈钢垫板用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • Is the window,wall free of parts tools?窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • Are the walls free of material excess, tools, temporary supports. 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled

  • 焊机干净,维护良好welding machine cleaned and in good condition


  • SS and CS plates are placed separately, used the dedicated plate. 不锈钢与碳钢材料分开放置,不锈钢垫不锈钢专用垫板

  • 在制品、半成品、不合格品分类标识摆放,不混放

  • 废料及垃圾分类放置,不锈钢废料与碳钢废料分类放置

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如焊机、氧气乙炔瓶、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源,焊枪收拾好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 小推车、工具车下班后或不用时定位放置,标识准确清晰

  • 工装、模具分类定位放置,标签准确清晰,摆放整齐,无杂物

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • Is floor cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust, oil...) , free of hooks, slings, tools...地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • Working platform tidy and clean.tools arrange neatly, free of parts under the plateform.工作平台干净无杂物,工具物品摆放整齐,台底无杂物

  • Is the machine free of tools, PPE and other personal belongs.设备上无除日常用具以外的杂物、水杯等个人物品

  • Are the machines and its control panel free of air leakage, oil leakages.设备内无杂物,漏油,漏气等情况,控制面板表面无油污

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • Are the BarCode log-in station clean and tidy, free of sundries.条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • No objects placed on the header and plate?不得放置任何物品

  • Tools, tooling, molds and stainless steel plates should be put back in place after use. Tools must be put back in place after work.工具、工装、模具、不锈钢垫板用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • Is the window,wall free of parts tools?窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • Are the walls free of material excess, tools, temporary supports. 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled


  • SS and CS plates are placed separately, used the dedicated plate. 不锈钢与碳钢材料分开放置,不锈钢垫不锈钢专用垫板

  • 在制品、半成品、不合格品分类标识摆放,不混放

  • 废料及垃圾分类放置,不锈钢废料与碳钢废料分类放置

  • the status of the equipment are clear visible.设备工作状态清晰可见

  • 工作结束或不使用的可移动设备(如焊机、氧气乙炔瓶、风扇等)需定位放置,并关闭电源气源,焊枪收拾好

  • Are the PPE properly stores if not under utilization劳保用品定位集中放置、不随意丢弃

  • Is the cleanning tools positioned? 清扫工具需要定位放置

  • 小推车、工具车下班后或不用时定位放置,标识准确清晰

  • 工装、模具分类定位放置,标签准确清晰,摆放整齐,无杂物

  • WI, drawing well indentificated, no damage, put in the specified location 工艺文件、图纸标识统一、无破损、定位放置

  • Is floor cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust, oil...) , free of hooks, slings, tools...地面、通道是否干净、油灰不多,无未归位的吊具、工具、气管等杂物;不占用通道

  • Working platform tidy and clean.tools arrange neatly, free of parts under the plateform.工作平台干净无杂物,工具物品摆放整齐,台底无杂物

  • Is the machine free of tools, PPE and other personal belongs.设备上无除日常用具以外的杂物、水杯等个人物品

  • Are the machines and its control panel free of air leakage, oil leakages.设备内无杂物,漏油,漏气等情况,控制面板表面无油污

  • Is fire extinguisher,fire hydrant cleaning status acceptable (not to much dust), no damage,no shelter 灭火器、消火栓等灰尘少、无破损、无遮挡消防通道

  • Are the BarCode log-in station clean and tidy, free of sundries.条形码工位是否干净整洁、无杂物

  • No objects placed on the header and plate?不得放置任何物品

  • Tools, tooling, molds and stainless steel plates should be put back in place after use. Tools must be put back in place after work.工具、工装、模具、不锈钢垫板用完后及时放回原位,工具下班后必须归位

  • Is the window,wall free of parts tools?窗台、墙面上无杂物

  • Are the walls free of material excess, tools, temporary supports. 墙壁上是否无多余的材料、工具、临时支撑

  • 设备维护记录完整,并按要求填写machine maintenance record available and properly filled

  • 焊机干净,维护良好welding machine cleaned and in good condition

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.