Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Engineer being audited

  • Site Picture

  • Geo Location

Audit Detail


  • Has engineer logged in with reception?

  • Has engineer logged into Access Maintain?

  • Have the relevant permits been completed?

  • Is the engineer wearing appropriate PPE?

Compliance Folder

  • Is the site folder available?

  • Is the site folder in good condition?

  • Are spare check sheets available?

  • Is the site folder up to date?

Internal Checks

  • Have internal fabric visual checks been completed? (All Sites)

  • Have plant room visual checks been completed? (All Sites)

  • Have comms room visual checks been completed? (Head Offices Only)

  • Have the fire door retainers been checked? (All Sites)

  • Have the ladders been checked? (OSB House, Reliance House & Fareham Only)

  • Has the fridge drip/drain tray been checked and emptied if necessary (Wolverhampton Only)

  • Has the emergency flick test been completed? (All Sites)

  • What was the outcome?

  • Have the failures been reported back to the office for rectification?

  • Have the fire doors and fire escape doors been checked? (All Sites)

  • Has the extractor fan been checked and cleaned? (All Sites)

  • Are the defib pads and battery in date? (All SItes)

  • What is the expiry date?

  • Have Faults/Issues been Found?

  • Have these faults/issues been actioned accordingly?

External Checks

  • Has the ramp been visually inspected? (Chatham Branch Only)

  • Have the external fire escape doors been checked? (All Sites)

  • Have the external building fabric checks & hard surface checks been completed? (All Sites)

  • Has the generator been inspected? (Reliance House & OSB House Only)

  • Have Faults/Issues been Found?

  • Have these faults/issues been actioned accordingly?


  • Has the descaling of the taps been completed? (All Sites)

  • Have the showers been descaled and cleaned? (Wolverhampton, OSB House & Chatham GH Only)

  • Has the shower flushing been completed? (Wolverhampton, OSB House & Chatham GH Only)

  • Has the cold water flushing been completed? (All Sites)

  • Have the water temperatures been checked and recorded? (All Sites)

  • Have toilets been checked? (All Sites)

  • Has the disabled toilet and alarm been checked? (All Sites)

  • Have Faults/Issues been Found?

  • Have these faults/issues been actioned accordingly?

Sign Off

  • Signed off by Auditor

  • Signed off by Engineer

  • Has the engineer logged any issues found with site manager

  • Signed off by Site

  • Time Stamp

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.