Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • EHMT 2025

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

The External Building

The Building Externals

  • Are you able to see any damage to the roof? <br>Look to see if there are any missing or slipped tiles. Where the roof is flat, can you see any obvious signs of damage from what you can see.

  • Are the soffit and fascia boards present and do they look secure? <br>Look for any dropped, hanging or lose soffits and fascia, these can become lose during high winds or in the summer with shrinkage.

  • Does the guttering and down pipes look secure to the building? <br>Look for gaps in the guttering and pipe work and missing fixings.

  • Does there appear to be any blockages or signs of water damage to the building from the guttering and down pipes?

  • Are drain covers linked to the down pipes present and secure and clear of vegetation/not blocked?

  • Can you see any damage to the building brickwork/external building covering - cladding, render? Look for cracked, damp and frost damages brickwork/render. Look to see that the cladding/building covering appears as installed - no missing panels.

  • Can you see any broken air breaks that allow for pest or vegetation to enter the building cavity?

  • Are there any visible signs of damp on the exterior of the building, due to blocked guttering, overflow? <br>Look for discoloured brick work or building covering.

  • Are aerials and satellite dishes, where visible from ground level or viewing point securely fixed to the building? <br>Look to see if tenants have installed additional aerials/satellite dishes to the building.

Lighting - External Building

  • Does the external lighting fitted to the building appear to be secure, safely installed and in working order? <br>Look for exposed wiring, missing/damaged light covers, PIR not working.

Windows & Balconies - External Building

  • Do the windows frames and glazing appear to be in good condition? <br>Look to see that external window sills are not discoloured or rotten and glazing is undamaged? Complete a visual inspection to the highest possible high.

  • Are any windows open beyond the restrictor? <br>Look at communal and property windows, can you work out what property they belong to?

  • Can you see any obvious fire risk on balconies, due to increased use for storage? <br>Look to see that the balconies are clear from combustible materials/appliances i.e BBQ, Paint Pots, Fridge? Fire risk on balconies will increase if these areas are used for storage.

The Internal Building

Entrance, Stairwell & Common Areas

  • Is the block entrance door undamaged? <br>Look to see that all fixtures and fittings are present and secure - glass, handles, door closures.

  • Is the block door entry system working as installed and there is no damage? <br>Does the key, fob or code work. If you have an automatic door opener/closures does this work. If you have an automatic door opener/closure does this work?

  • Where the block door has a closures, does the door close shut and lock?

  • Does the intercom system and tradesman function work? <br>Look to see that the flats are labels correctly and there is no damage to the entry system.

  • Is the entrance lobby/hall/porch area & stairwell free of litter, flyers, rubbish (bulk refuse) and tenant items?

Fixtures & Fittings

  • Are all sockets and switches secure to the wall and undamaged? <br>Look at switches and sockets to make sure they are not cracked and are safe to use,

  • Are any communal sockets being misused? <br>Look for extension cables, over loaded sockets and plug in items - lights or air fresheners

  • Is the flooring (landings, corridors and stairs) including carpet, vinyl and entrance mats secure, not lifting and no holes or marks?

  • Are stair treads, including risers present and fitted securely?

  • Are walls free of major marks, graffiti , holes and cracks?

  • Are ceilings free of major marks, graffiti, holes and cracks. Where there are ceiling tiles, are these secure and undamaged/missing?

  • Are handrails and banister fitted securely, all in place, not cracked or damaged?

  • Are electric heaters/radiators secure to the wall and sockets/values present, secure a no signs of damage or leaks?


  • Do all windows open and close using the handle and do the fixtures and fittings work? <br>Does the window latch work? Are the hinges secure? Does the window glass appear in good condition and secure?

  • Are window restrictors present and working? <br>The window should not open beyond the restrictor.

Notice Boards & Public Information

  • Is/Are the digital notice board(s) secure to the wall and working? <br>No signs of tampering or damage i.e. cracked screen?

  • Is/Are the notice board(s) secure to the wall? If locked is this secure and there is no damage to the plastic cover?

  • Are the notices on the board appropriate to the scheme and in date? <br>Look for any missing notices.

  • Is there a personal belonging sign in communal areas?

The Environment

  • Are there any visible signs of condensation, damp and mould in the stairwell? <br>Inspect carpets, skirting, walls, ceilings, windows and sills? Use your sense of smell.

  • Are there any signs of modification and additions made to the area, without the knowledge of A2Dominion?

  • Are the common parts being used as expected by the tenant group and there are no hoarding/hazards created by the tenant - overloaded plug sockets, bikes stored, blocked doors, door mats, shoes, parcels and post?

Fire Doors – Communal

  • Enter the number of Communal doors

  • Were you able to check ALL Fire Doors? 'If no, list which doors'

  • Do ALL communal fire doors appear to close firmly in their frame?

  • Are all communal doors free of any excessive apparent gaps when closed (ie>6mm)?

  • Are door signs clearly readable, not worn, faded or vandalised & clearly identify door being a Fire Door?

  • Is a fire door closer fitted and operating correctly without door slamming?

  • If no door closers fitted, were doors locked shut?

  • Where originally fitted, are smoke & intumescent seals fitted without obvious signs of damage or excessive wear & tear?

  • If fitted, is the glazing panel clear of obstruction and undamaged?

  • Are the door and frame free from any obvious signs of damage?

External & Internal

CCTV - Building & Internal Cameras

  • Are CCTV cameras secure to the wall and there are no obvious signs of damage?

  • Is CCTV signage present and visible to visitors? Look for a sign next to each camera.

  • Have you checked that the CCTV system is working and the recording settings are in line with our policy? <br>Look to see that the recordings are clear, date and timed correctly and the time that we store the data is in line with our policy.

Signage & Art Work (Building Features)

  • Where there is building signage and wayfaring signage, does it give clear information and instruction to tenants and visitors?

  • Where there is art work on the building or a building feature, is it present and does it appear to be secure?

Refuse Area

  • Are all refuse bins easily accessible and clear of abandoned rubbish and bulk waste? <br>Look for any damaged bins that we need to report to the council.

Landlord & Services Cupboard

  • Are the landlord/store rooms kept locked shut and are they being used as intended? <br>Look for storage of tenants or contractor items - hazardous chemicals (paint) and materials.

  • Are the plant/service rooms kept locked shut and are they being used as intended? <br>Look for storage of tenants or contractor items - hazardous chemicals (paint) and materials. A plant/service rooms is an area that is a service centre for the building, for example a boiler room, alternate heating and electrical systems and should be kept clear at all times.

  • Are the lights working in these areas, and do they appear safe and secure to their fixings?

  • Are any repairs required in the landlord/store/plant and service room? <br>Look for error messages on equipment (boilers/pumps) or signs of water leak/damage"

Laundry Services

  • Is the laundry room and machines fit for use? <br>Are there any error messages on the machines? Is the laundry room clean, clear and tidy? Is there laundry room guidance signage for tenants?

Compliance (Life Systems & Lifts)

Warning Systems


  • Is a fire alarm system fitted?

  • Is the fire alarm being tested weekly?

  • Upload photo of the log page

  • Are all the break glass call points clear and obvious?

  • Provide location and photo evidence

  • Is the alarm control panel accessible?

  • Is the fire alarm control panel free of faults?

  • Is the fire alarm control panel being tested monthly?

  • Are there visual alarm signals in place where necessary?


  • Are the emergency lights being tested monthly?

  • Are emergency lights fitted and in good condition?

  • Is there a green charger light illuminated (part of fitting or adjacent)?


  • Are all extinguishers in place and in date?

  • Are extinguishers clearly visible and clear of obstruction?

  • Are the extinguishers fitted to the wall?

  • Is there a sign fitted with the extinguisher?

  • Are the extinguishers fitted with a coloured safety tag to the head?

  • Are the extinguishers free from obvious damage?


  • If present, is the sprinkler or suppression system annual test recorded and in date?

  • If present, is the sprinkler or suppression system free from damage or corrosion?


  • If present is the AOV tested and in good working order?

  • Are the AOVs being tested monthly?

  • If present is any passive smoke control system free from damage and corrosion?

  • If present is the AOV free from damage and corrosion?


  • Are all escape routes clear of obstruction including protected stairways?

  • Are all fire doors clear of obstruction?

  • Can all communal fire doors and exit doors be opened easily and quickly

  • Do all emergency fastening devices operate correctly?

  • Are external escape routes clear and safe?

  • Are escape routes adequately luminated?


  • Are all alternative escape routes identified (pictorial green sign & direction arrow)?

  • Are evacuation notices displayed (normally at break glass call point)?

  • Are fire signs uniform?

  • Are the signs clear and in good order?


  • Are flammables correctly stored?

  • Are all training records up to date?

  • Is there a fire log book available at the premises and are regular fire drills being undertaken?

  • Is suitable provision made for vulnerable people (ie mobility issues) to escape?

  • Is the Wet or Dry Riser system labelled with no sign of visible damage or leaks?

  • Is there any sign of damage or removal of passive fire protection?


Lighting - Internal Building

  • Are the lights (incl. emergency) in the stairwell working and secure to the ceiling?

  • If there is PIR lighting, is the timing suitable for the area?<br>

  • Are escape routes adequately luminated?

  • In the emergency lights, is there a green charger light luminated either adjacent to or part of the light fitting?

Fire Safety

  • If there is not a "Stay Put" policy for the building, is the fire assembly clear of obstruction, signage is present, and it is clear to tenants, staff, visitors and contractors?

  • Is the premise/secure information box present and secure/locked?

  • Have you checked the content of the premise/secure information box is present, and correct?


  • Is there any evidence of recent fires or arson in the stairwell?


  • Does the lift work when called to ground, doors open fully and all lights in lift work. (Vertical no greater than 10 mm & horizontal gap no greater than 20 mm)?

  • Are all lift fixtures and fitting secure/undamaged?

  • Does the emergency call line in the lift work?

  • Prior to your inspection have you checked that regular lift inspections from nominated contractor (Monthly checks and 6 monthly LOLER inspections from A2Dominion insurer) have been completed?

Cleaning & Ground Maintenance

Entrance/Lobby & Stairwell

  • Is the entrance lobby/hall/porch & stairwell area clean and free of junk mail, litter and graffiti? <br>Look to see that the area has been recently vacuumed, swept and mopped. Are there removable marks that could be spot cleaned. If you have glass in the block entrance door has this been cleaned?

  • Is the reception/concierge area clean and free of junk mail, leaflets, litter and graffiti?

  • Are the stairs, landings and assessable balconies free of rubbish, litter, dust and cobwebs? <br>Look to see that the area has been recently vacuumed, swept and mopped. Are there removable marks that could be spot cleaned. Are there any dangerous items or spillages to report.

  • Are the internal/communal walls of the scheme clean and in sanitary state? <br>Look for scuff marks and graffiti, can these marks be spot cleaned? Look to see that all fixtures and fittings are clean and dust/cobweb free

  • Is the stairwell and all areas clean, including handrails and banisters? Look to see that hand rails and banisters are dust/mark and cobweb free.

  • Are communal lights clean and free of markings? <br>Look to see that the outer and inner light casement is free of dirt, dust or cobwebs.

  • Is the lift in a clean and in a sanitary state for use? <br>The lift should smell and appear fresh and recently cleaned. Mirrors and other surfaces areas should be polished and left smear-free. Lift door runners must be clean and free of litter and mess.

  • Have the windows been cleaned internally and externally, including frame's, heads, panels, fixtures and fittings? <br>Look to see that these areas are free of marks, stickers, smears, dust, stains and cobwebs.

Laundry Room

  • Has the laundry room been left in a clean and sanitary state for use?

Refuse & Bin Chute

  • Is the bin room in a clean and sanitary state for use? <br>Look to see that the area is free of dumped rubbish, litter and fouling. These areas are to be pressured washed and disinfected. Look to see that gutters above or attached to the bin room are clear of leaves and debris.

  • Has the bin chute been left in a clean, clear and sanitary state for use? <br>Look to see that loose rubbish has been put in bins and is the area swept and clean. Bins should be disinfected and deodorised. Look to see that the bins and bin chutes is free of blockages and obstructions and any unpleasant smells.

Health & Safety, Services & Summary

  • Is the contractor attendance sheet up to date? <br>Our cleaning contractors are required to provide an attendance sheet which is visible. Information should be up to date, with a clear understanding of the information provided. <br>

  • Have you noted any services which need to be included, which are not currently being carried out?

  • Following your inspection has the standard of cleaning, PASSED OR FAILED?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.