Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the site secure and access controlled?
What is the level of site signage?
Is there safe access and egress to site?
Are H&S notice boards displayed with current and relevant H&S information?
Do visitors carry out a site induction?
Are visitors escorted on site?
Are the external site areas free of slips, trips and fall hazards?
Are all areas which are key controlled secure and keys removed?
Are lifebuoys and signage present at the attenuation pond?
What is the condition of the yard area?
Is the site free of damage?
Is there suitable external lighting?
Is there suitable and sufficient fire fighting equipment in the yard area?
Is there suitable and sufficient spill kits near the refuelling area?
Is there an in date, and suitable fire fighting equipment at the diesel tank?
Are external areas free from obstructions?
Is there evidence that drivers and visitors are issued site rules?
Is access to the yard controlled and managed?
Is there a sufficient level of supervision to ensure safe working standards are maintained?
Do drivers drive with care i.e. adhere to site rules and within the speed limits?
Do drivers use safe work practices such as coupling and uncoupling trailers?
Do managers and supervisors set a good example by obeying vehicle and pedestrian segregation and wearing hi visibility clothing?
Do drivers wear PPE (safety boots, hi visibility clothing as a minimum)?
Are non essential personnel excluded from areas where vehicles manoeuvre?
What is the level of pedestrian/ vehicle segregation (min of 2 metres)?
Are there suitable external walkways in place?
Are there pedestrian crossing places on vehicle routes?
Is there a traffic plan in place for vehicles in the yard; i.e. one way system, reversing etc?
Are there adequate numbers of suitable and safe parking places for all vehicles?
Are traffic routes wide enough?
Do traffic routes have firm and even surfaces?
Are traffic routes free from obstructions and other hazards?
Are the traffic routes well maintained?
Are features such as blind spot mirrors and barriers (to keep vehicles and pedestrians apart) provided?
Are there areas for vehicles to turn around to minimise reversing i.e. Banjo or Hammerhead?
Are road signs installed where necessary?
Are drivers and vehicles controlled before driving onto a loading/ unloading dock?
Are loading/ unloading operations carried out in an area away from passing traffic and pedestrians?
Are loading/ unloading operations, carried out on firm and level surfaces free from potholes?
Are vehicles braked and/or stabilised to prevent unsafe movements during loading/ unloading operations?
Is there a suitable system in place to prevent vehicles driving away while they are being loaded/ unloaded?
Are the traffic lights on the docks serviceable and in good working order?
Is there lighting on the docks for trailer loading?
Are vehicles being operated by trained personnel?
Are vehicles secured to prevent any unauthorised use?
Is there a quarantine area for unserviceable items?
Are there a suitable number of toilets on site?
Are there separate toilets for men and ladies?
Are there suitable sanitary bins in the ladies toilets?
Does the site give good wheelchair and impaired person access?
Are the canteen areas suitable and sufficient with seating to take breaks?
Are there facilities for employees to heat food and access hot water for drinks?
Is hot and cold water available for sanitary purposes?
Do the welfare facilities give adequate privacy?
Are there segregated men and ladies showers on site?
Is drinking water available?
Are all facilities well lit?
Are facilities well ventilated?
Are soap or other hand cleansers provided?
Are there any means for drying of hands?
Are all areas clean and tidy?
Is there an evidenced cleaning regime in place?
Is evidenced health surveillance carried out?
Is evidenced additional health surveillance carried out for night workers?
Is evidenced additional health surveillance carried out for engineers?
Are return to work interviews carried out and evidenced?
Are functions tests carried out following an injury and evidenced?
Are suitable and sufficient display screen users (DSE) assessments carried out and evidenced?
Is occupational health used as and when required and evidenced?
Are suitable and sufficient hand arm vibration (HAV) assessments carried out and evidenced?
Has a suitable and sufficient noise assessment been carried out and evidenced?
Are operators trained in the equipment they are using and evidenced?
Sample evidence of training records (add name in notes)
Have personnel been issued with safe systems of work (SSW) and evidenced?
Have personnel been issued with a H&S handbook and evidenced?
Is there an evidenced personal development plan for personnel?
Is there an evidenced training matrix in place with all training recorded and forecasted?
Do contractors complete a competent questionnaire before arrival on site?
Is there evidence of a PTW and process?
Are contractors issued site rules?
Are RAMS evidenced?
What are the levels of FLT pedestrian segregation?
Are FLTs being operated safely?
Are FLT operators wearing their seatbelts?
Are MHE (Including PPT) pre use checks carried out and documented? (Physical Check)
Is the MHE pre use check procedure suitable?
Are loading docks vehicle keys controlled?
Is the pallet inverter being used correctly and by trained personnel only?
Is the pallet wrapper being used correctly and by trained personnel only?
Are the areas free of slips, trips and fall hazards?
Are there suitable walkways in operations?
Are areas free of ice build ups (lower and above)?
Are all fire exits and doorways free from obstructions?
Are hazards cordoned off?
Are personnel wearing cold weather clothing?
Is there suitable signage warning of hazards?
What is the level of suitable control measures in place for conveyor crossover points?
Are manual handling activities being carried out safely?
Has evidence been seen of mechanical aids being used to minimise exposure to manual handling?
Are areas free from damage?
What are the levels of FLT pedestrian segregation?
Are FLTs being operated safely?
Are FLT operators wearing their seatbelts?
Are MHE (Including PPT) pre use checks carried out and documented? (Physical Check)
Is the MHE pre use check procedure suitable?
Are loading docks vehicle keys controlled?
Is the pallet inverter being used correctly and by trained personnel only?
Is the pallet wrapper being used correctly and by trained personnel only?
Are the areas free of slips, trips and fall hazards?
Are there suitable walkways in operations?
Are areas free of ice build ups (lower and above)?
Are all fire exits and doorways free from obstructions?
Are hazards cordoned off?
Are personnel wearing cold weather clothing?
Is there suitable signage warning of hazards?
What is the level of suitable control measures in place for conveyor crossover points?
Are manual handling activities being carried out safely?
Has evidence been seen of mechanical aids being used to minimise exposure to manual handling?
Are areas free from damage?
What are the levels of FLT pedestrian segregation?
Are FLTs being operated safely?
Are FLT operators wearing their seatbelts?
Are MHE (Including PPT) pre use checks carried out and documented? (Physical Check)
Is the MHE pre use check procedure suitable?
Is the pallet inverter being used correctly and by trained personnel only?
Is the pallet wrapper being used correctly and by trained personnel only?
Are the areas free of slips, trips and fall hazards?
Are there suitable walkways in operations?
Are areas free of ice build ups (lower and above)?
Are all fire exits and doorways free from obstructions?
Are hazards cordoned off?
Are personnel wearing cold weather clothing?
Is there suitable signage warning of hazards?
Is there a nominated person responsible for racking inspections?
Is there an evidenced racking inspection regime?
How often is racking inspected?
Is there a current and in date SEMA inspection report evidenced?
Are there load notice signs on the racking?
Are there control measures in place to close off aisles?
Are all the pallets stowed on the racking, safe and damage free?
Are manual handling activities being carried out safely?
Has evidence been seen of mechanical aids being used to minimise exposure to manual handling?
Are areas free from damage?
What are the levels of FLT pedestrian segregation?
Are FLTs being operated safely?
Are FLT operators wearing their seatbelts?
Are MHE (Including PPT) pre use checks carried out and documented? (Physical Check)
Is the MHE pre use check procedure suitable?
Is the pallet inverter being used correctly and by trained personnel only?
Is the pallet wrapper being used correctly and by trained personnel only?
Are the areas free of slips, trips and fall hazards?
Are there suitable walkways in operations?
Are areas free of ice build ups (lower and above)?
Are all fire exits and doorways free from obstructions?
Are hazards cordoned off?
Are personnel wearing cold weather clothing?
Is there a nominated person responsible for racking inspections?
Is there an evidenced racking inspection regime?
How often is racking inspected?
Is there a current and in date SEMA inspection report evidenced?
Are there load notice signs on the racking?
Are there control measures in place to close off aisles?
Is there suitable signage warning of hazards?
Are manual handling activities being carried out safely?
Has evidence been seen of mechanical aids being used to minimise exposure to manual handling?
Are areas free from damage?
What are the levels of lighting, ventilation and heating?
Are there sufficient fire extinguishers fitted in office areas?
Are offices free of damage?
Are all electrical points free from damage?
Are sockets and extension cables free from damage and over loading ?
Are the offices free from any slips, trips or fall hazards?
What is the level of housekeeping in office areas?
Is there safe access and egress to the portacabins?
Is there fire fighting equipment in place?
Is there a fire detection system in place?
Are all electrical points free from damage?
Are sockets and extension cables free from damage and over loading ?
Are the portacabins free from any slips, trips or fall hazards?
Are the areas free of combustible material?
Are the areas free of other debris and rubbish?
Are spill kits present?
Are fire extinguishers present?
Are eye wash stations present?
Is PPE present? (Visors, aprons and gauntlets)
Is there adequate warning signage displayed at the battery rooms?
Are the areas free of combustible material?
Are the areas free of other debris and rubbish?
Are spill kits present?
Are fire extinguishers present?
Are eye wash stations present?
Is PPE present? (Visors, aprons and gauntlets)
Is there adequate warning signage displayed at the battery rooms?
Are the areas free of combustible material?
Are the areas free of other debris and rubbish?
Are spill kits present?
Are fire extinguishers present?
Are eye wash stations present?
Is PPE present? (Visors, aprons and gauntlets)
Is there adequate warning signage displayed at the battery rooms?
Are the plant rooms access controlled?
Are the plant rooms free of debris, rubbish and unnecessary items of equipment etc.?
Are the plant rooms free of slips, trips and fall hazards?
Is there suitable PPE present? (ear protection, respirators)
Are first aid kits and eyewash stations readily available?
Are all server rooms integrity testing in date?
Is there an in date DSEAR RA in place?
What is the level of housekeeping in the work areas?
Is the area free of any slips, trips and fall hazards?
Is there suitable and sufficient PPE available to engineers?
What is the level of lighting within the area?
Are the necessary hand washing facilities and cleansers available?
Are manual handling activities carried out?
Are suitable fire extinguishers positioned throughout the engineering area?
Is the area free of fire hazards?
Is the engineering area free of damage?
Are there stocked and in date first aid kits located in the vicinity?
Are the eyewash stations suitably stocked with sufficient in date eyewashes?
Is there adequate signage within the work areas? (Warning FLTs, first aid, fire etc)
Are the conveyors free from obstructions?
Is the area free of slips, trips and fall hazards?
What is the level of lighting?
What is the level of housekeeping?
What is the oxygen reading of the high bay?
What are the WAH main risks on site
Are the hierarchy of controls being used to minimise risk?
Are harnesses and lanyards used for WAH activities?
Do the harnesses and lanyards undergo documented pre use checks?
Are water tower checks carried out by trained personnel wearing harnesses and lanyards?
Are scissor lifts in operation?
Are scissor lifts being operated by trained personnel?
LOLER test dates for scissor lifts
Status of WAH activities
Total number of fire wardens?
Is there a suitable and sufficient fire evacuation plan and site plan contained in the fire box in the reception?
Are fire detection systems maintained and in good working order?
Are all fire doors in good working order?
Are all fire doors kept closed?
Are all fire doors fitted with 'Fire Door Keep Shut/Clear' signage?
Are all fire extinguishers, doors and exits free from obstructions?
Are all fire extinguishers mounted on the wall?
Do all mounting points have fire extinguishers fitted?
Are fire assembly points marked?
Is there an evidenced fire asset register?
Is there an evidenced fire servicing certificate?
Are fire directional signs fitted?
Are fire luminous signs in place?
Are the fire alarm points serviceable?
How often are the fire alarms tested?
Is fire alarm testing documented and evidenced?
Are fire drills carried out and documented?
Is the emergency lighting testing documented and evidenced?
Is there an evidenced sprinkler test certificate in place?
Are all fire retardant ceiling tiles in place?
Is the ammonia alarm tested?
Is there an ammonia emergency procedure in place including Plume Model?
Do ammonia evacuation drills take place?
Is there a serviceable emergency ammonia shower on site?
Is PPE available? (list contents in notes)
Are emergency respirators available?
Are there windsocks on site and servicable?
Is there a vestibule at ammonia room on site?
Is there adequate signage at ammonia room?
Are COSHH stored in a suitable cupboard?
Is the COSHH cupboard locked and key controlled?
Are safety data sheets present?
Has a COSHH risk assessment been undertaken and current?
Is there a first aid kit and eyewash station nearby?
Has the area got adequate fire fighting equipment?
Does equipment undergo documented pre use checks?
Are all machinery and equipment controls clearly marked?
Are isolation points clearly marked?
Is there adequate signage warning of hazards on equipment?
Is equipment only used by trained personnel?
Is equipment being used safely and correctly?
Are there areas that pose high levels of noise?
Is ear protection available in these areas?
Is there adequate signage notifying of ear protection zones?
Is there a noise risk assessment in place?
Is there an environmental policy in place?
Is there an environmental management system in place?
Is there a current legionella inspection report in place?
Is there evidence of an in house legionella inspection regime?
Is waste controlled and disposed of using suitable means?
Are waste transfer notes retained and evidenced?
Name of waste disposal company
Is the site free of any environmental hazards?
ISO 45001
Clause audited
Section of Clause
Outcome (add comments in notes)