
  • Site conducted

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Does main safe contain only company monies? (No staff tips / IOUs / Receipts)

  • Conduct a safe contents check - all cash present and correct to site float/last recorded safe contents?

  • Site safe limit has NOT been exceeded (last 3 weeks)?<br><br>

  • Does the safe contain a key / code holders list?

  • List should be evidenced in safe

  • Has the daily till check and the safe check sheet been fully completed? <br>

  • Has the safe been properly locked at close of business, including combination?

  • Is the safe (key) and cash security adequate?

  • Cash collection/change delivery - check CCTV - has security procedure been followed? (Office Secure before opening safe)

  • Manager should be able to explain safe and cash security procedures at site and identify any shortcomings / raise alarm bells


  • Has EON report been filled in correctly (incl. subject line) and sent off correct time and to correct people? (check last 2 weeks)

  • Is an action plan for Rentokil/WPRA/FRA/past audit actions available and updated/in progress/resolved?

  • Have Safety Data Sheets been printed out and stored in 'Health and Safety' folder in the office

  • Is PAT testing up to date?

  • Is there evidence of all managers signing to confirm they have read and understood the Operations Manual? Sheet should specify version No./date

  • Is the action list for the last audit printed out and kept on the office wall

  • Have the daily fire checks been completed (check last 4 weeks)


  • Business sheets - do they balance for the week to date?

  • No evidence of any open tracks remaining on tills after end of business (check last 4 weeks)

  • Do all prepared bankings on site agree to the EON declaration?

  • Are the last 4 weeks corrections < 1% of the period sales?<br>

  • Were the last 4 weeks bankings deposited correctly (exceptions authorised)?

  • No unexplained or excessive over/under bankings in last 4 weeks?

  • Are banking slip numbers documented on the business worksheet?<br>

  • Original safe check sheet and Loomis receipt retained onsite?

  • Are all clear banking bags sealed and signed by the Manager?<br>

Petty Cash

  • Has Petty Cash been accurately summarised on the business worksheet?<br><br>

  • Have all petty cash claims received approval/pre-approval from EC/Ops? <br>

  • Are Petty Cash receipts stored securely?<br>


  • Who are the 'keyholders' for the site?

  • Is there a record/receipt detailing who has been issued site keys?

  • How many sets of keys are there for the site? Does this match last audit? (Please list key sets)

  • Keyholders - are they logged with the alarm company? (Check with Ops)

  • Is general site security adequate? (Please note any security issues identified) <br>

  • Is the CCTV camera in full working order and operating at the correct time?<br>

  • Is the CCTV retaining minimum 31 days footage?

  • Can the manager on site show how to burn off CCTV footage

  • Can the manager on site explain the correct protocol for handing CCTV footage over to relevant persons (Check Police ID / Data Protection Form completed and scanned to Accident/Incident drive )


  • Till Clerks - all set to the correct security/access levels?

  • Are manager only transactions completed only by authorised staff? (Voids / Refunds / Staff Drinks / Complimentary Drinks) <br><br>

  • No evidence of inapprioriate use of voids/corrections?<br>

  • Is weekly record keeping completed as per policy? (receipts signed by staff member&manager approving refund. Reason for refund written on receipt)<br><br>

  • No excessive usage of complimentary drinks?<br>

  • Are comp drink put through tills at the same time as giving the drinks out

  • Are the till/pdq/cctv times synchronized?<br><br>

  • Evidence of regular till crashes? (dependent on cash volume on site and issues)

  • Evidence record of till deficits?

  • No evidence of staff using multiple tills on same shift?

  • Are all sales fully declared? (no unauthorised tabs/ off ledger sales)?<br><br>

Vouchers & Discounting

  • Are all discounts evidenced by voucher?<br>


  • Has a satisfactory record been maintained of all deposits taken?<br>

  • Party Deposits - correct filing and record keeping of future deposits? (System varies by site at time of writing)

Triggers / Sales and Costs Forecasts

  • Are forecasts costs completed in advance on Z drive EON/P&L sheet?

Stock Verification

  • Evidence of daily line checks and in correct format?

  • Weekly full stocktakes conducted and reset every week?

  • Is indicated variance on liquor stock greater than +/- 0.5%<br>

  • Are stock counts accurately totalled and entered to the system?<br><br>

  • Are variances checked before finalising the stock?<br><br>

  • Are all amendments prior to resetting noted on the count sheets?<br><br>

  • Is the name of the person counting the stock recorded on the count sheets?<br><br>

  • Is name of person who completed system declaration recorded on c / sheets?<br><br>

  • Are stock count sheets retained? (last 6 weeks)<br>

  • No evidence of deliberate stock manipulation?<br><br>

Stock Management

  • Delivery Notes - signed my management and countersigned by delivery staff and draymen? <br><br>

  • Have all deliveries been entered with the corrosponding PO number

  • Have all deliveries been goods recieved on WAP?

  • Can the duty manager explain how to GR on WAP (must include scan in delivery note)

  • Can the duty manager explain how to GR on Tevalis?

  • Wet Stock - Par Levels - availble and in use?

  • Consumables - Par Levels - Available and in use?

  • Promo and Menus - Par Levels - Available and in use?

  • Transfers - do all transfers adhere to transfer policy and have authorisation emails from Director/Ops?

  • Cellars - clean, tidy and organised?

  • No out of date stock onsite?

  • Stock levels within company target (14 days - standard / 20 days - busy trading periods) <br>

  • Are all products approved brands?<br><br>

  • Is all stock as secure as possible?<br><br>


  • Waste within company tolerance? No evidence of excessive waste? <br>

  • Is there evidence that all waste is recorded on tills daily<br><br>

  • Are times of wasted stock being recorded on the waste sheets

  • Are there separate waste sheets for wet/dry stock available and in use


  • Is the Fourth finger print scanner in use at site? (some sites units are now obsolete - if so please n/a this)

  • No outstanding adjustments not ammended? (Including updating cut off times)

  • Any staff not clocking in/out (check last 2 weeks)

  • Spot check any adjusted hours against CCTV - 3 examples - all correct? <br>

Employee Info

  • Have all staff and MGMT completed their mandatory 5 CPL courses (new starters have grace period of 2 weeks)

  • Does every team member have a staff file?<br>

  • Are all staff files stored securely?<br>

  • Have all employees signed a valid contract, with hours and rate of pay documented?<br>

  • Do all staff have the right to work in the UK?<br>

  • Has all relevant documentation been uploaded to Fourth for each employee? (spot check 3)

  • All staff on Fourth are current and up to date

  • Have all staff signed to say they know how to clean up a spillage

Shield / Food Safety

  • Have the open and closing checks in management Shield diary been completed (check last 2 weeks)

  • Has the MOD signed management Shield diary daily both day & night (check last 2 weeks)

  • Is the management Compliance diary up to day with emergency contact numbers / maintenance tracker / contractor signing in register (should be updated quarterly)

  • Are all contractors visiting site signing in to compliance diary?

  • Is Kitchen Compliance Diary signed daily by MOD (check last 2 weeks)

  • Are probe temperatures of fridges being recorded in kitchen compliance diary?

  • Are all food wastages (weight/portions) being accurately logged daily in kitchen compliance diary?

  • Are the Shield Compliance Centre Allergen and Cross Contamination safety posters displayed and easily visible around the kitchen area

  • Has the action plan from the last Shield audit (every 6 months) been printed out an pinned on office wall?

License & Legal

  • Premises License Summary - on display in the bar?

  • Is the DPS info up to date? Who is the current DPS?

  • Can the manager on duty tell you site's occupancy figures?

  • Alcohol Authorisation - is it up to date and on display?

  • Bar Tarrif on all bars, current and dated?

  • Public Liability Insurance - on display and vaild?

  • Employers Liability Insurance - on display and valid?

  • Premises License (Full) - stored securely in the safe?

  • Personal Licenses of all duty managers stored securely in the safe?

  • Licensing Conditions - mandatory and site specific - all adhered to at all times? (Spot Check)

  • No evidence of serving past licensed times (spot check till journals)

  • Can the duty manager tell you the 4 licensing objectives? (Prevention of crime and disorder / Public Safety / Prevention of public nusciance / Protection of children from harm)

  • Fire Alarm - testing up to date and evidenced?

  • Emergency Lighting - testing up to date and evidenced?

  • Occupancy Sheets - completed daily, filed in chronological order and signed by duty manager and head door supervisor?

  • Door Supervisors - Personal details recorded, up to date and stored securely? (Check door register v records)

  • Incident Reports - completed correctly, filed in ring binder in chronological order with most recent at front. Sample check against incident texts. All correct?

  • First Aid Kits - availble, fully stocked with checklist of items required and details and dates of contents checks?

  • Have you got a copy of your site risk assessment

  • Is your site risk assessment up to date

  • Have all staff and management signed to say they have read and understood it

  • Can you show me where your fire panel is

  • Is you fire system in full working order (check for any amber lights/check to see if sounders are disabled/any power to it)

  • Have all false alarms been documented in your fire log book (check with Liz or HO to confirm no. of false alarms beforehand)

  • Have there been any local authority visits (police, licensing, EHO, HSE, fire brigade) in the last 3 months that haven't been reported. (Check with Liz or HO to confirm beforehand)

  • Are all fire exits clear from obstruction

Site Asset Check

  • Site Radios - How many onsite? Does this match the last audit? Are they clean and in good working order?

  • CDJs & Mixers - How many of each onsite? Does this match last audit? Are they all clean and working? (Record quanitity of each and take photo of serial numbers)

  • PDQs - all present, clean and working? (How many are there onsite? Confirm total) <br>

  • Tills - All in working and in good condition/clean? (How many on site?)

  • Glasswashers - All working, in good condition and clean? (How many on site?)

  • Ice Machines - All working, in good condition and clean? (How many onsite?)

  • Fridges - All working, in good condition and clean?

  • Air Conditioning - All working, in good condition and clean?

  • Any other items of value FOH/BOH or in storage areas? (Please take photo and record make/model/serial no)

General Standards Check

  • Are front of house floor / toilet checklists up to date? (please include photos)

  • Are bar open / close down / cleaning checklists signed and up to date (please include photos)

  • Is the office in clean, tidy and well organised? (Please include photos)

  • Is the cellar clean, tidy and well organised? (Please include photos)

  • Is the kitchen clean, tidy and well organised? (Please include photos)

  • Are other back of house areas clean, tidy and well organised? (Please include photos)

  • Is the bar area clean, tidy and well organised? (Please include photos)

  • Is the customer area clean, tidy and well presented? (Please include photos)

  • Are the toilets clean and well presented? (Please include photos)

  • Are the external areas/frontage clean, in good condition and well presented? (Please include photos)

  • Auditors Signature

  • Managers Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.