Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by

  • Lab Manager (for MPI Compliance)


  • Is the sample receipt bench clear?

  • Are there open spaces under benches accessible for cleaning?

  • Are there any cardboard boxes on the floor?

  • Are there any carboard boxes on the benches?

  • Are there protective covers provided for keyboards on workbenches (or clearly labelled not to be removed from PC2)

  • Are the decontamination/cleaning solutions within expiry date?

  • Is there are a decontamination kit available for spills and contents within expiry date

  • Are cultures clearly identified, labelled, and appropriately stored?

  • Are appropriate disposal procedures for cultures in place?

  • Are waste streams clearly identified?

  • Are water baths maintained in a clean state?

  • Is the first aid kit appropriately stocked and contents within expiry date?

  • Is food and drink present in the laboratory?

  • Does mouth pipetting occur in laboratory?

  • Has the waste from items that have come in under a permit been autoclaved before disposal?

  • Has the glassware that has been in contact with items that have come in under a permit been autoclaved or chemically disinfected prior to washing?

  • Is protective clothing worn in the laboratory?

  • Is there provision for storing protective clothing?

  • Has there been any containment breaches since the last audit?

Paperwork in the laboratory

  • Is the current Manual available to staff?

  • Are the current import Permits available to staff?

  • Are Approval applications and Approvals available to staff?

  • Are BACCS available?

  • Are there records of Transfers available?

  • Is there an inventory of imported microorganisms?

  • Are there records of occasions when animals are exposed to microorganisms?

  • Are there any outstanding corrective actions from Internal or External Audits?

Register check and track items

  • Is the method of destruction recorded in the registers?

  • Are the importation documents correct and appropriate? (BACC vs what has been imported)

Item #1 tracked

  • Item

  • Location

  • Register / Reference

  • Transfer sighted

  • BACC Sighted

  • Approval sighted

  • Sample tracked

  • Comments

Item #2 tracked

  • Item

  • Location

  • Register / Reference

  • Transfer sighted

  • BACC sighted

  • Approval sighted

  • Sample tracked

  • Comments

Sign Off - Signature and Date

  • DFO

  • Lab Manager (for MPI Compliance)

  • Team Leader

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.