
DPIPWE Monitoring Requirements TI must undertake weekly monitoring of MWS discharge points weekly for 6 months from October 2014 - March 2015. Discharge points, weirs and riprap will be monitored annually for the life of the scheme in July using this template. If yearly monitoring identifies the requirement for remediation, then stabilisation works will be done in accordance with IECA Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines. A report summarising annual monitoring outcomes will be provided to DPIPWE annually. Monitoring will include photo monitoring of discharge points, weirs, riprap installations and key points along the banks of the first 200m section downstream of Flood Creeks Dam

  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Discharge points To be monitored weekly for 6months. Then annually every July.

  • Watercourse erosion types and causes

  • OP1 - Floods Creek Riparian (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

  • OP7 - Isis River (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

  • OP2a - Macquarie River (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

  • OP30 - Kitty Rivulet (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

  • OP51 - Jordan River (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

Weir points To be monitored annually every July.

  • Kitty Rivulet (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

  • Isis River (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

  • Jordan River (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

  • Floods Creek Fish Weir (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

  • Blackman River (upstream of Floods Ck) (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

  • Elbow Lagoon (upstream of Blackman River) (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

  • Macquarie River (upstream of Ross) (photo required from same point)

  • Is the discharge water eroding the bed or bank of the watercourse?<br>If yes comment on erosion impacts and the remediation work required to fix the problem.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.