Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Enter Site #

  • Prepared by


  • Random Till logs filled out with correct amount of till checks. 4-7 Checks per week being conducted. GM to sign off on Random Till Logs once per Week. Confirm Till checks are at different times of day/week. Upload Prior Two Months. Times must be random - with no observable pattern.

  • Till Variance Process being followed. Review prior 30 days. GM must review that all till variances are logged weekly on Variance log and that process checks are accounted for. Use the N6 Till Variance audit tool and upload the till variance and tool - both files should reconcile.

  • BOR Audit BOR contents should be reconciled nightly and independently reviewed once per week noting any discrepancies. Review that swaps and refunds are fully accounted for and that they have been voided and processed per policy. Upload Evidence of Checking 2 BORs over the past week and note any findings of non-compliance. Note any action for non compliance as well - who and how are we addressing?

  • Check Cash PPW is dbl verified and that safe counts are complete for the week (3 per day)

  • GM Final Sign Off - confirm all areas above are correct.

Compliance & Fraud Review<br>

  • The Following areas must be reviewed by the GM only unless approved by the DM (Bi-Weekly Completion is ok) - note Bi-weekly if completed prior week.

  • RCC Membership Report Review the Membership report for high swipe members. Confirm none are employees and investigate any potential abuse.

  • Ticket Research Report (Refunds, Swaps & Override review) Utilize the Transaction Excel Sheet to identify potential fraud. Check that correct reasons are being used. List 5 transactions which were checked on camera. (Bi-Weekly Completion is ok) Note the transactions reviewed and findings along with the the last date checked if not being completed this week.

  • Vista Credentials accurate for all populations of employees Ensure all emps are assigned proper credentials and that no generic logins or old users exist.

  • Film Pass - GM cctv and ppw eval Ensure FP are being logged correctly. Spot Check any concerning or suspicious issuance. If no suspicious issuance is observed review 5 FP at random using CCTV. Note the transactions reviewed and findings.

  • Invoices and Pcards up to date

  • GM Final Sign Off - confirm all areas above are correct.

Paperwork Evaluation

  • All checklists should be reconciled nightly and independently reviewed weekly. Any Missing items should be noted along with noting what training was issued and when. Please keep & attach documented training for any non-compliance.

  • Ice Safety Logs (Daily Complete) Note any missed days and plan of action.

  • Monthly Ice Safety Log

  • Hot Food Holding Log Note any non compliance and plan of action.

  • Equipment Temp Logs Note any non compliance and plan of action.

  • Auto Fry Maintenance Log Note any non compliance and plan of action.

  • Day Dotting and Shelf Life Dating Inspect all perishable items especially TCF foods. Confirm all items are dated correctly.

  • TFI Inspections all accounted for and properly filled out Should review past 14 days each week. Note any missing days or fields. Ensure all maintenance is being actioned. Include Pictures of 2 full daily inspections (each page)

  • Read Ticket log Balance all read logs. Ensure correct reasons are being logged and with enough detail. Note issues and plan of action.

  • Team Supplement Posted or sent to cast

  • Daily Kettle Checks

  • GM Final Sign Off - confirm all areas above are correct.

Operations Inspection

  • All iPods Accounted For Note how many iPod are present and any issues. Make sure iPod sign-out sheet is in use.

  • All CCDV units account for Log how many units on hand.

  • All Radios / Walkies accounted for and fully working - note any pending repairs.

  • Lost and Found Log being used correctly and up to date High Value items kept for 10 days. All other items utilize three bin system - discarded on day 3. High value items sealed in bag in safe.

  • Permits & Licenses up to date Review that all Permits and license dates are up to date and posted where applicable.

  • HVAC, Concession Equipment, and other critical operational issues are logged and followed-up on weekly?

  • Review Concession Cleanliness, Organization and Safety. Note any issues and action plans.

  • Seats and Plumbing are in full function? Note any broken seats or restroom fixtures along with plans for resolution.

  • Ensure Critical Items in Retail area are checked every day. GM should check Day-dot labels, Ice Machine cleanliness, and the Agitator daily. All hand washing stations must be stocked and chemical should also be reviewed for proper use and preperation. Include a picture of the Ice Bin.

  • GM Final Sign Off - confirm all areas above are correct.


  • Labor Poster Scan All-in-One poster for compliance. Should be in area accessible to staff - locker room / timeclock / concession

  • Confirm while walking the building that all postings are relevant and up-to-date. All old signage/postings should be discarded or filed.

  • GM Final Sign Off - confirm all areas above are correct.

Inventory Procedures<br>

  • Product Receipt Procedures Confirm all deliveries are received in AX same day and are received accurately.

  • Spoilage Process Followed Confirm spoilage is entered nightly and entered correctly.

  • Transfers - completed same day and reviewed weekly per health check.

  • Health Checks Accounted for and Inventory Packets are complete. Organization matches N6 PPW guidelines?

  • GM Final Sign Off - confirm all areas above are correct.


  • Payroll Packet Review GM to confirm that all adjustments log match the Time-Card Edit report and that signatures are being obtained on employee's next shift. *Note how many outstanding signatures and include images for outstanding Packets.

  • Employee Files GM to confirm that all employees hired within past 30 days files are complete including ROU progression. GM must confirm all minors have appropriate working permits.

  • Confirm Break Policies and Labor Laws are being followed

  • GM Final Sign Off - confirm all areas above are correct.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.