Audit Title/Client/Date (reverse order)
Prepared by
Are all activities performed in compliance with an accepted JSEA that is still adequate for the current tasks & conditions?
Do all persons appear to understand the requirements of the JSEA & have signed off?
Have power lines been switched off by the local electricity distributor?
Has temporary visible identification been fitted e.g. tiger tail covers?
Are ground barriers or stops provided?
Plant does not approach overhead power lines any closer than the following unless appropriate approvals have been obtained from the relevant statutory authority:
Power lines with voltages up to 132,000 volts - 3 metres -
Where plant operates in close proximity to overhead power lines (not just specifically closer than the minimum approach distances,) was a safety observer deployed to observe the approach of the plant & to warn the operator in sufficient time to ensure all clearances are maintained?
Approaches between 7m - 3m do require spotters.
Did the safety observer (spotter) only observe one piece of plant at any one time & not carry out any other duties during the period of observation?
No-one is to remain in contact with the plant and the ground or earthed situation during the period in which the plant is operating in close proximity to the power lines. Did the operator operate the controls of the plant while standing on the ground or while in contact with the earthed situation only if one or more of the following provisions are complied with:
The controls were effectively insulated?
The operator wore insulating gloves when the voltage does not exceed 1000 volts?
The operator stood on a equipotential metallic mat which is electrically connected to all metalwork associated with the controls?
Are there any other risks or issues associated with the activities observed?
Location of Observation
Comments & recommendations to be actioned by
Signature of observer