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42.7. NDI and Oil Analysis Checklist

  • If there is a respiratory protection program in place, does it meet the requirements of AFI 48-137? AFI 91-203 para. 42.1

  • Do workers receive, as a minimum, training consistent with a thorough comprehension of the applicable parts of TO 42B5-1-2? AFI 91-203 para. 42.2.1

  • Does the ventilation system meet requirements of UFC 4-024-01, ACGIH‘s Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice for Operations and Maintenance and AFMAN 48-155? AFI 91-203 para. 42.2.3

  • Does BE perform an annual surface area exhaust ventilation evaluation? AFI 91-203 para.

  • Is a suitable emergency shower and eyewash unit provided within the work area for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes or body where workers are exposed to hazardous materials? AFI 91-203 para.

  • Are UV black lights used in penetrate and magnetic particle inspection checked prior to use for cracked filters and lenses? AFI 91-203 para.

  • Do personnel who may be exposed to ionizing radiation during their duties or occupation wear personal radiation monitoring devices? AFI 91-203 para.

  • Are petroleum products and film processing chemicals disposed of IAW AFI 32-7042, AFI 32-7080, AFPAM 32-7043 and the installation Environmental Management office? AFI 91-203 para.

  • Do supervisors contact the installation Ground Safety and Environmental offices, and BE when new chemicals, machines or processes are introduced into the work area? AFI 91-203 para.

  • Is the storage, use and handling of flammable and combustible liquids coordinated with the installation FES Flight? AFI 91-203 para.

  • Are all workers trained on the location, selection and use of fire extinguishers, alarm systems and evacuation procedures IAW Chapter 6, Fire Protection and Prevention? AFI 91-203 para.

  • Does all NDI equipment used in hazardous areas meet TO 1-1-688, Use of Electronic Equipment in Hazardous Areas, and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, requirements? AFI 91-203 para. 42.2.6

  • Have all industrial radiographers completed an Air Force-approved course of instruction in the use of industrial X-ray equipment, including radiation hazard control? AFI 91-203 para.

  • Are all waste cleaning rags and towels removed from the lab at the end of each shift? AFI 91-203 para. 42.4.3


  • Report Routing

  • Supervisor Signature:

  • Notification

  • Superintendent Signature:

  • Notification

  • Commander Signature:

  • Notification

  • Safety Office Signature:

  • Notification

  • Wing Commander Signature:

  • Notification

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