
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Prepared by

  • Client / DNO

  • Conducted on

  • Location

1.0 Welfare

  • 1.1 Adequate toilet facilities

  • 1.2 Washing facilities

  • 1.3 Facilities for hot water

  • 1.4 Adequate drinking water

  • 1.5 Changing rooms

  • 1.6 Drying facilities

  • 1.7 Place to sit / rest

  • 1.8 All welfare facilities are warm and well ventilited

2.0 Documentation

  • 2.1 Health and Safety poster

  • 2.2 Health and Safety Policy

  • 2.3 Construction Phase Plan

  • 2.4 CDM Induction

  • 2.5 Emergency procedures and arrangements

  • 2.6 First aid arrangements

  • 2.7 Fire escape arrangements

  • 2.8 Nearest hospital

  • 2.9 Employer's liability insurance

  • 2.10 Completed yard risk assessment

3.0 Emergencies

  • 3.1 First aid kit

  • 3.2 Fire extinguishers

  • 3.3 Fire Assembly Point

  • 3.4 Means of raising the alarm

4.0 Yard Setup

  • 4.1 Allocated parking area

  • 4.2 Suitable walkways

  • 4.3 Suitable lighting

  • 4.4 Material lay-down area

  • 4.5 Pole storage area

  • 4.6 Loading / unloading areas

  • 4.7 Skip area

  • 4.8 Site office

  • 4.9 Stores

  • 4.10 COSHH storage

  • 4.11 Adequate signage

5.0 Security

  • 5.1 Yard secure

  • 5.2 Third parties kept safe

  • 5.3 Vehicles and plant secure

  • 5.4 Welfare secure

6.0 Housekeeping

  • 6.1 Site kept tidy

  • 6.2 Welfare facilities kept clean

  • 6.3 Trip and slip hazards removed

7.0 Environment

  • 7.1 Suitable dust management

  • 7.2 Watercourses / receptors protected

  • 7.3 Wildlife (animals / vegetation) protected

  • 7.4 Suitable spill management

  • 7.5 Waste placed in skips

  • 7.6 Segregation of waste

  • 7.7 Adequate pole storage protection (creosote not leaking onto ground)

  • 7.8 Transformers (old/used) stored off of the floor?


  • Comments and Actions required:

  • Image of site.

  • FML / Auditor

  • Add signature

  • Team Leader

  • Add signature

  • Actions Completed / Closed Off?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.