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Conducted on
Prepared by
Employee Protection
1. All staff must wear cloth face coverings at all times when in the retail facility and in public locations or shared staff areas (e.g. break rooms), even if other individuals are not immediately present.
2. Provide training on cloth face coverings based on CDC guidance for Use of Cloth Face Coverings.
3. People wearing face coverings must not touch their eyes, nose, mouth, or face, or adjust their facemask without first sanitizing hands. After touching face or adjusting mask, hands must be sanitized.
4. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer must be made readily available for both staff and consumers at entrances and exits to the retail facility, at checkout locations, and in staff breakrooms and other commonly used staff areas.
5. Stagger shifts, breaks, and meals, in compliance with wage and hour laws and regulations to maintain social distancing.
6. Provide regular updates and training for employees about personal COVID-19 mitigation and store safeguards based on CDC guidelines.
7. Require all employees to report any symptoms of COVID-19 or close contact to a person with COVID-19 to supervisor.
8. Staff must be screened (questioned about) for symptoms of COVID-19 before each shift. Staff with any symptoms must not be allowed to work.
9. Staff should be instructed to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others (staff and customers) at all times. Prohibit congregating in break rooms or common areas and limit capacity of such areas to allow for a safe social distancing of at least 6 feet whenever possible.
10. Restrict interaction between employees and outside visitors or delivery drivers; implement touchless receiving practices if possible.
Consumer Protection
1. Develop a process for limiting the number of customers inside a store at a given time, excluding employees and representatives of third-party delivery companies, to 50 percent or less of store occupancy based on New Hampshire’s Building and Fire Code.
2. Ensure any waiting line outside the store has demarcations spacing customers at least 6 feet apart.
3. Customers should wear cloth face coverings at all times when inside the store. Signage and staff should request this before customers enter the store.
4. Consider dedicated shopping hours or appointment times for the elderly and medically vulnerable persons.
5. If feasible and reasonable, establish one-way aisles for social distancing.
6. Where appropriate and possible, implement pay-ahead and curbside pickup and/or delivery service options to minimize contact and maintain social distancing.
7. Assign dedicated staff (i.e. a safety officer) to monitor social distancing and compliance with protective actions, and to prompt customers and other staff about the importance of social distancing, hand hygiene, and use of cloth face coverings.
8. Add social distancing reminder signage, personal and floor stickers in key areas in the store (e.g. check-out counters)
9. Offer self-checkout and/or self-bagging options when possible
Business Process Adaptations
1. Services should preferably be paid for electronically, but retailers may accept cash or check.
2. Establish enhanced cleaning protocols that follow CDC guidance relating to cleaning and disinfection for COVID-19. This includes cleaning and disinfecting shared resources and frequently touched surfaces every two hours. Check-out lanes should be wiped down and cleaned between each customer.
3. When possible, use a clearly designated entrance and a separate clearly designated exit to maintain social distancing.
4. Use plastic shields or barriers between customers and clerks at service counters and clean them frequently.
5. Adjust store hours to allow time for enhanced cleaning.
6. Continue to prohibit the use of reusable bags.
7. Suspend the sampling of food and personal hygiene products.
8. Task management-level employees within a store to monitor compliance.
9. Respect the right of business owners to have requirements over and above these recommendations.
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