Produce Express Ltd.
1149 Commerce Way
Woodstock, ON N44 0A2
Enter Date and Time
Employee Name Completing This Log
Check if Mock Recall
Supplier Recall (initiated by supplying company).
Name of Supplier Issuing Recall.
List Ingredients & Lot #'s, PLU #'s, or Identifier.
Reason for Supplier Recall.
What is the Recall Level?
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
List Quantity(s) of Recalled Product Received.
List Quantity(s) of Recalled Product On-Hand.
Warehouse Recall (initiated by warehouse).
List Ingredients & Lot #'s, PLU #'s, or Identifier.
Reason to Initiate Recall.
What is the Recall Level (per CFIA).
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
List Quantity(s) of Product Affected.
List Quantity(s) of Recalled Product On-Hand.
Communication of Recall
Recall Team Notified.
Scan communication.
CFIA Notified.
Scan communication.
Affected Customers Notified.
Scan communication.
Press Release Issued.
Scan communication.
Affected Product Segregated.
Enter Disposition Plan.
Employee Name & Signature.
Supervisor Name & Signature.