
  • Document No.

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Star 1- Training

  • The lead administrator responsible for the crisis plan has completed the FEMA Independent study courses, IS 362-Multi-Hazzard Emergency Planning for Schools.

  • All personnel on the school CRT & administrators have completed the FEMA Independent study courses IS-100S, IS-700,and know about NIMS and ICS.

  • Administrators have recommended that all personnel complete FEMA Independent study courses Is-100 for schools.

  • Supervisors and administrators ensue that office staff have been provided instruction on how to appropriate screen visitors, how to respond to suspicious calls, bomb threats, and disruptive patrons.

  • All administrators received the annual security training. 2 points

  • Disaster/emergency response information and or training opportunities provided to parents.

  • Disaster/ Emergency Response information and or training opportunities provided to students, including the required SEMA earthquake information.

  • Administrators ensure that annual crisis training is provided for all staff regarding warning/response signals, evacuation routes, assembly areas, emergency procedures, chain of command (ICS), and review the crisis plan. 2 points

  • Supervisors and administrators train all staff to report anything out of the ordinary including suspicious behavior, people, or items.

  • Supervisors and administrators train all staff on the appropriate use of portable fire extinguishers.

  • Supervisors and administrators train all staff to escort unknown parties without a visitor's tag to the front office.

  • Supervisors and administrators train all staff on how to protect themselves from bloodbourne pathogens.

  • Supervisors and administrators train appropriate staff on money handling procedures.

  • Administrators ensure that teachers provide students training on emergency and safety procedures the first day they are in school.

  • Supervisors and administrators ensure that all personnel are trained in the safety and emergency procedures related to their position and duties (from classroom management, handling hazardous materials, to playground duty).

  • Annually review and update your Incident Command System with CRT. CRT functional team leaders should look at training needs for their group members and work to fill those needs. Train the group on changes to your crisis plan. 5 points

  • Conduct an annual tabletop exercise with your CRT. 2 points

Star 2 - Screening

  • All volunteers are required to join "Youth Friends" or

  • All volunteers are screened in the Clay County and MOHWP Sex Offender databases, a person is assigned the task at the school to do these checks, or cross-reference volunteers with a list provided by the safety and security office or use a school-check-in system that automatically screens for sex offenders.

  • The administration and designated staff utilizes the Clay County and MOHWP Sex Offender list provided and knows the parents/area residents/ responsible parties who are on the list.

  • All visitors are directed to enter through a designated entry and to sign in at the office.

  • The designate point of entry is monitored.

  • Visitors are greeted In a positive manner.

  • All visitors are required to sign in at the site and to wear a dated visitor's identification tag.

  • Visitor passes are closely monitored.

  • The visitor sign-in sheet is intermittently cross-referenced with the sex offender list provided by the safety and security office or visitors are screened using an automated school check-in system.

  • Visitors are escorted or monitored while in the school setting.

  • Check hard identification on unfamiliar responsible parties picking up a child from school.

  • Pass a screening audit by the Director of Safety and Security. 2 points

Star 3- Crisis Plans & General Safety

Crisis Plan

  • The communication annex should account for a back-up communication method should the primary communication system go down.

  • Include a map of the facility; including utility shut-off locations, and instructions for shut-off procedures.

  • Faculty/staff roster with emergency phone numbers or assign this to a person to take this information during an emergency.

  • Each CRT functional team has updated their annex listing general procedures, list, and location of supplies, and copies of needed forms,etc. (10 points)

  • Student accountability/ release forms are included or procedure is in place to handle emergency release.

  • Community emergency numbers, e.g.-police, fire, poison control, local hospitals, etc.

  • Student roster with parent phone numbers or assign a person to take this information during an emergency.

  • APPENDICES, ATTACHMENTS, & supplemental procedures to the Crisis Response Plan:

  • Describe how disabled and/or non-English-speaking children will be provided for during an emergency.

  • Develop student/parent reunification-student release procedures.

  • State the location and name of your facility.

  • Designate primary and alternate evacuation routs, assembly areas, and off-site relocation sites.

  • Describe the correct warning signals, commands, and procedures for each type of emergency response and include what alerts staff and students to emergency responses (DO NOT USE CODE WORDS).

  • Identify persons who will be notified during an emergency.

  • Include in the Crisis Plan ( the sample plan helps address all of these categories):

  • Have your Crisis Response Team meet and conduct an annual review of the crisis plan,making changes where necessary. During this meeting, the CRT functional team leaders should be assigned to review and update of their respective annex. (10 points)

  • The Director of Safety and Security completed a hazard analysis (C.P.T.E.D) of the school grounds, buildings and surrounding area.

  • The site CRT annually discuss site specific risks (flooding, gas leak, tornado, fire, HAZ Mat Spills, etc.), likelihood of occurrence, estimated impact of those events, and how they should adjust site specific mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery options. (5points)

  • Act on the recommendations of the Safety and Security survey, including listed observations, and make appropriate changes. (5 points)

  • Steps are taken to mitigate student issues or risk factors during year. (5 points)

  • The updated crisis plan information has been used to update the regional A.P.R.S. system utilized by first responders (Jon Brady enters this information).

  • The Crisis Plan is updated each year and submitted to the Director of Safety and Security by Oct. 31st of each school year for audit.

  • Develop procedures for off campus emergencies (field trip, bus, etc...).

  • Master schedule or assign a person to take this information during an emergency.

Keys, Doors, and Locks

  • All classroom doors can be quickly secured for a lockdown.

  • All chemical storage areas are secured.

  • Have a key accountability or monitoring system for substitutes/teachers. If school does not check out keys, substitutes have ability to lock classroom doors in the event of a lockdown.

  • The exterior doors to the building are numbered.

  • The door to the utility room (s) is secured.

  • Classroom doors can be locked from the inside with hardware meeting fire code.

  • All breaker boxes and electrical panels are secured.

  • Classroom door windows can be covered in a lockdown.


  • Each school should have a battery powered All-Hazards NOAA radio and a regular radio in case of power failure and change the batteries annually. This needs to be regularly checked to ensure it is operational.

  • All handheld radios are programmed to the correct frequencies.

  • Updated evacuation maps posted in all rooms.

  • The AED is functioning correctly.

  • The emergency call device is working inside the elevator.

  • Classrooms can communicate with the office.


  • Classroom equipment and desks appear to be in good condition.

  • Each classroom should have a folder, preferably red, placed near the door that includes room emergency procedure information.

  • Eyewash systems are present in science laboratories.

  • Emergency showers are present in science laboratories.

  • Master shut-off switches are clearly visible in shop areas and science laboratories.

  • Protective equipment is available for each student in shop areas and science laboratories.

  • A first aid kit is stocked and available in shop areas and science laboratories.

  • The science labs are free of mercury thermometers.

  • Industrial Technology classes have at least a 2 foot marked safety zones around dangerous machinery, saws, etc.

  • Industrial Technology instructors ensure that safety guards and equipment are in place on machinery used by students.

  • Appropriate safety rules are posted.

General Building

  • Trash and recycling dumpsters are equipped with plastic lids instead of steel covers that could cause injury.

  • The building is clean and free of related graffiti and obvious hazards.

  • The buildings address numbers are visible from the street.

  • Flooring is in good condition and properly installed.

  • Valuables are properly secured in the building.

  • Bookshelves and cabinets are properly secured and properly loaded.

  • Classrooms with mobility-impaired students are on the first floor, or they can easily be evacuated without relying on elevators.

  • Facilities should be protected by bollards, fences, gates or landscaping to prevent unauthorized vehicle access.

  • All areas are free of trip hazards.

  • All areas are free from adequate drainage and are free from standing water.

  • The school maintains control of access to assigned lockers.

  • Locker room offices have windows with unobstructed view of the locker rooms.

Lot and Walkways

  • The school zone is appropriately marked and in place.

  • A crosswalk is in place with the appropriate signage and markings.

  • Visitors have adequate designated parking that is closest to the visitor's entrance. Faculty, student, and visitor parking are separated as much as possible.

  • In general, the sidewalks, retaining walls, curbs, and parking lots appear to be in good condition.

  • The bus-loading zone is visible from the main office or monitored by staff.

  • Parking decals or another form of identification is required for students and staff.

  • Fire zones bus-loading/unloading zones are clearly marked.

  • Teachers and staff working among vehicles for dismissal, arrival, or other situations utilize a class 2 reflective vest.

  • Designated parking is marked with adequate signage.

  • Someone is assigned to monitor parking and checks for unregistered vehicles.


  • Personnel assigned to playground duty are provided a way to communicate with the office/nurse.

  • The playground equipment appears to be in good condition ( no cracked, loose, or broken equipment; equipment is secured/anchored, no entrapment concerns).

  • The gate to the playground is closed or chain is blocking drive while the playground is in use.

  • The playground area is adequately fenced.

  • The playground is free of overhead obstructions.


  • Basement windows are protected by security grills or window well covers.

Fire Code

  • Hallways leading to exits are free from obstructions.

  • Art and decorations take up no more than 20% of the wall.

  • There is adequate access to fire extinguishers.

  • The fire extinguishers are checked annually.

  • Extension cords are used in an appropriate manner.

  • Electrical outlets and switches are in working order with covers present.

  • All areas have proper ventilation.

  • At least one type K fire extinguisher is present in the kitchen unless otherwise directed by the fire department.

  • GCFI (ground fault circuit interrupters) electrical outlets are in use within 6 feet of a water source.

  • Two emergency exits are present, clearly marked and visible (rooms over 1000 sq ft)

  • Emergency lighting is functioning.

  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for each material and available for review in the office or through the facility manager.

  • All gates on the property should swing in the direction of egress.


  • The walk-in freezer door can be opened from the inside.

  • The delivery clock is clean and free of trip and fall hazards.

  • The delivery door is locked or access monitored. (10 points)

Star 4- Drills & General Security


  • By September 15th of each year, the school's schedule for emergency drills shall be submitted to the Director of Safety and Security. This shall include anticipated monthly Fire Drills, three anticipated Tornado Drills, and two anticipated Lockdown Drills. These drills should be held at different times and in different months. All emergency procedures should be discussed on the first day of school.

  • One drill should include a community or outside agency ( fire, law enforcement, SRO, emergency mgt.,county health department, etc). Debrief on the exercise and make changes to the Crisis Plan as needed.

  • Annually practice the required emergency response drills with students and staff.<br><br>1. Reverse evacuation ( the three tornado drills per year can count for this requirement)<br>2. Lock Down ( two drills practiced every school year). Do not use code words or phrases.<br>3. Evacuation ( one fire drill per month can count towards this requirement) <br>Evaluate each drill using the required form and submit to the Director of Safety and Security. (5 points)

General Security

  • Middle and High Schools conduct an annual dog sniff ( SRO arranges at the administrator's request).

  • No reported security concerns were received this last year over how the building/school controls access.

  • At the end of the days all rooms are cleared of unsupervised students.

  • The locks to the doors of your building are operating effectively.

  • Your building utilizes equipment to prevent exterior doors from being opened by tampering with the hinge ( no removable exterior door hinge pins).

  • Crime preventions standards recommend that bushes be kept under 3' in height and trees should have no climbable branches within 10 feet off the ground. Your location is following this recommendation.

  • Some type of security device is in place to prevent building access through the skylights.

  • Mechanical equipment enclosures protect equipment from unauthorized access or vandalism.

  • Entrance doors to the restrooms cannot be locked from the inside without a key.

  • Restrooms are located in areas of maximum visibility and are checked regularly.

Exterior Door Locks

  • The school is controlling access. Exterior doors are locked and secured during the school hours, except for the main entry. Visitors are directed to enter through one door and check-in during the day. (5 points)

  • Exterior doors are as close to airtight as possible ( this helps with energy efficiency and helps during shelter- in -place scenarios).

  • At the end of the school day, someone is assigned to ensure the exterior doors are secured.

  • The roof hatch is secured with a padlock.

  • At the end of the school day, all vacant rooms are secured.

  • Access to the roof is restricted ( no climbable plantings, pipes, or architecture).


  • The building arms the building alarm system every time the building is vacant. (5 points)

  • The building personnel responsible for handling alarm issues have worked to minimize alarm issues.

  • The building personnel responsible for handling alarm issues respond appropriately when called by the alarm company on alarm activations.

  • The building has had one or less false alarm charges by the respective local alarm office. (5 points)


  • The camera system is operating with normal parameters and retaining 14 days of recording.


  • Confidential records are secured appropriately.

  • The office has two-way communication capability with all classrooms.

  • The main office or communication team leader has communication capabilities within the shelter area.

  • A public address system or other mass notification system is in place.

  • The building has designated a monitored area where visitors may shelter during hazardous weather that is apart from students.

  • Pass a test/audit of the physical security by the Director of Safety and Security. (5 points)

Star 5- Creating Connections Between Students and the Community

  • Students in the building should have the opportunity to interact with the SRO each year.

  • The SRO has been involved, as a team member, at the school during the year.

  • Steps have been taken to create connections between faculty and the SRO.

  • The school has taken steps to create connections between faculty, students, and the student's parents beyond the normal classroom environments.

  • The school has taken steps enabling students to handle issues effectively while fostering positive relationships. These efforts go beyond the normal classroom environments and the SRO program.

  • Students are provided information on how to anonymously report incidents or concerns. (Text-A-Tip, etc.)

  • Students are provided access to counselors and school and community resource specialists, when requested.

  • Student threats are taken seriously and the Student Threat Assessment & Response System or another that assessment process is used.

  • Adequate supervision of students is provided.

Gold Star Rating

  • Demonstrate ALL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS have been met and exceeded those program guidelines. This will turn your stars into gold!


  • This assessment was conducted by:

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