Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Narcotic AM Endorsement
Did the the incoming day in charge should arrive to take over the narcotics and take over from the night Shift in charge?
Did the in coming and outgoing shift in charge went together to check the narcotics in the pyxis , with the narcotic log book,active patients prescription ( consultants signature ) or assistant , checking and counting each narcotic medication individually signing each page individually and stamped.
Narcotic key Control
Was the Keys are the then handed over to the incoming from out going shift in charge
Narcotic -Unit Management and Control
Was there a signage outside the pyxis room to indicate that narcotic counting is in process?
Narcotic Medication Adminsteration
Did the staff requiring narcotics from the Pyxis for their unit , open the pyxis together with the shift in charge and validate the order with the Shift in charge of their unit. Then enter the patients MRN and then the patients medication will be displayed , choose the selected medication e.g. (Morphine 10mg ivi )
Was the rover used and open the patients script ( MAR ) the units shift accompany the nurse while administering to patient checks patients identification , then sign of scan with the primary nurse to the patient
Did the nurse is taking narcotic from the have both (2) witness , check the M.A R. patient name , dose , strength , time . frequency, stamped by the consultant s and signed etc Verifry the MRN on the pyxis , two witnesses present with the primary nurse ,there must be none entering the room while narcotics being dispensed <br>
Did the shift in charge remove medication , and enter the correct balance of Narcotic left in the Pyxis?
Did the units shift accompany the nurse while administering to patient checks patients identification , then sign of scan with the primary nurse to the patient .
Was the balance of the narcotics entered correctly and carried over from previous log sheet with log sheet number
Lending and Borrowing of Narcotics
Did the unit borrowing a narcotic must ensure that she informs with shift in charge that she is needing a narcotic , then proceeds with the patients prescription along?
Was the Official Borrowing Form used ?
In an event of an unavailability of a narcotic in one unit , did the borrowing shift manager communicate with the lending shift units shift in charge , and then following the medication safety guidelines and narcotic safety guide and medication administration guide ?
Narcotic Expiring
Once medication is refilled by the pharmacist ensure Narcotic Medication Expiry list is updated<br>
Narcotic Key Control and Endorsement to Night shift
<br>Was the narcotic keys endorsed to a senior or unit manager each time the shift manager has to or needs to leave the unit?<br>