Conducted on
Prepared by
Student name:
Year group?
- H
- I
- K
- J
- P
- Q
- R
- S
Select date
Staff initials
Present? Yes/no?
If absent, then is the student absent from school today? See SIMs. Yes/no?
Is the student's appearance in line with Appearance Policy? Yes/no?
Has the student brought work to complete? Yes/no
Has the student any current homework to be completed? (See MIS Lite). Yes/ no?
Has the student any outstanding homework to be completed? Find out from books or teachers. Yes/no
Has the student had a careers interview recently? Yes/no? ( If no, then please arrange to see NSH)
Does the student need any advice or information from either the Learning Support Team or the Behaviour Support Team? Yes/no? If yes, then click here and detail the requirements.
Has the student's behaviour been good since the previous session? See liners. Yes/no?
On the basis of today's attendance, punctuality, appearance, preparation, engagement and work rate, would you recommend:
Progress support sessions will probably no longer be required after these sessions; If the next few sessions show improvement in these areas, then there might be no requirement to continue the programme; A thorough review of subject grades and teacher comments will be required before deciding on levels of future support; The programme of support will need to be extended.