
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1 The Building

  • Location

  • Current planning permission listed as

  • NSL Proposed Use

  • Single or shared occupancy

  • No. of other tennants

  • No. of floors allocated to NSL

  • Total floor area:

  • Brief details of construction:

  • Main type of occupancy:

  • Main type of occupancy

2 The Occupants

  • Maximum number of occupants:

  • Maximum number of occupants at any given time:

  • Maximum number of members of the public at one time:

3 Potential Occupants at Special Risk

  • Cash or other high risk tasks:

  • Disabled occupants:

  • Occupants in remote areas:

  • Lone workers:

  • Other activities:

4 Asbestos Exposure

  • Approx age of building

  • Is asbestos suspected or has been detailed in a Landlord's asbestos report?

  • Will an asbestos survey have to be completed prior to lease signing

  • Suspected asbestos locations:

  • Images of suspected asbestos locations

5 Kitchen Area

  • There is an appropriate area for breakout / meal breaks in acceptable hygienic condition?

  • Are all tiles securely fitted?

  • Are all taps and sinks watertight?

  • Are the floor coverings suitable

  • Additional areas of concerns

  • Images of any concerns

6 Toilets & Washrooms

  • Are there enough toilets for the number of proposed colleagues?

  • Is there suitable disable access to at least one toilet?

  • Are there enough sinks to provide effective handwashing?

  • Are all tiles securely fitted

  • Are all taps, sinks and toilets watertight?

  • Are there any showers that would require a legionella prevention programme

  • Are floor coverings suitable?

  • Additional areas of concerns

  • Images of any concerns

7 Electrical & Lighting

  • The condition of the electrical distribution panel appears to be?

  • The fixed wiring installation appears to be?

  • Lighting units are suitable for the intended purpose of the building?

  • Light fitting conditions are generally?

  • Main type of illumination in use are:

  • Electrical outlet conditions are generally?

  • Is there sufficient number of electrical outlets for the needs of building

  • Are there suitable levels of illumination (natural or emergency lighting) for emergency escape routes in the event of power failure

  • If emergency escape routes & exits require them is emergency lighting provided which has an independent power supply?

  • Comments and hazards observed:

  • Images of any concerns:

8 Water Supply

  • The water supply appears to be fed from:

  • Water purity based on pressure, clarity and smell appears to be?

  • Should a water test for bacterial spores and contamination be conducted?

  • Is the water system free from calcification and limescale build up?

  • Comments and hazards observed:

  • Images of any concerns:

9 Gas Supply

  • Does the building have a gas supply

  • Are carbon monoxide detectors fitted (hardwired or battery operated)

  • General condition of all gas appliances is?

  • All gas appliances show some form of evidence of servicing in the last 12 months

  • The Landlord can produce a valid gas inspection safety certificate?

  • Comments and hazards observed:

  • Images of any concerns:

10 Heating & Ventilation

  • Is the heating currently working?

  • Main types of heating source

  • Are air conditioning units fully operational?

  • Does the building appear to have sufficient ventilation?

  • As it stands is the heating system capable of maintaining temperature in accordance with the Work Place Regulations for the type of work performed?

11 Lightning

  • Has the building an effective lightning protection system?

  • Comments and hazards observed:

12 Housekeeping

  • Is the standard of all floor coverings adequate?

  • Is the standard of all celings adequate?

  • Are all bannisters and handrails safe and secure?

  • Are all stair treads safe and secure?

  • Is there there any damage to walls?

  • Images of damage

  • Is there any evidence of damp or rot?

  • Images of damp / rot

  • Comments and hazards observed:

13 Means of Escape From Fire

  • Is every part of the premises located within 18 meters of a fire exit or 45 meters if more than one fire exit is provided?

  • Are there sufficient exits?

  • Are exits easily and immediately openable where necessary?

  • Do fire exits open in the direction of travel?

  • Have sliding or revolving doors been avoided as fire exits?

  • Are there adequate means of securing exits?

  • Are escape routes and exit points suitably sign posted?

  • Are escape routes adequately protected?

  • Are there suitable fire precautions for all inner rooms?

  • Are escape routes unobstructed?

  • Are there suitable means of escape for disabled occupants?

  • Comments and observations:

  • Images of any concerns:

14 Measures to Limit Fire Spread & Development

  • Is there a sufficient standard of compartmentalisation?

  • Are materials that promote fire spread avoided as far as reasonably practicable?

  • Comments and observations:

15 Escape Lighting

  • Is an adequate standard of escape lighting provided?

  • Comments and observations:

16 Fire Safety Signs & Notices

  • Are fire safety signs and notices suitable and sufficient?

  • Comments and observations:

17 Fire Alarm Systems

  • Is a manually operated electrical fire alarm system provided?

  • Is automatic fire detection provided?

  • Is there remote transmission of alarm signals?

  • Comments and observations:

18 Manual Fire Extinguishing Appliances

  • Is there suitable and sufficient provision of portable fire extinguisher included in the lease?

  • Are hose reels provided?

  • Comments and observations:

19 Relevant Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems

  • Type of system:

  • Comments and observations:

20 Other Relevant Fixed Systems

  • Are smoke alarms (battery or mains) provided?

  • Other types of system:

  • Comments and observations:

21 Security Arrangements

  • Is there a clear defined protective perimeter around the building?

  • Is the perimeter a suitable means of preventing unauthorised access?

  • Is the perimeter in a safe and solid state?

  • Is there a suitable means to control vehicle traffic to the site?

  • Is there a suitable means to control pedestrian traffic to the site?

  • Number of available parking spaces available to NSL?

  • Comments and observations:

  • Images of any concerns

22 Windows

  • Are windows lockable?

  • Are the windows sealed units?

  • Are the windows protected by additional bars (appropriately fitted)?

  • Are the windows alarmed or covered by an active PIR detector?

  • Are there any natural or man made features that allow easy entry through a window?

  • Are there any broken windows?

  • Comments and observations:

  • Images of any concerns

23 Testing & Maintenance

  • Is the workplace adequately maintained?

  • Is there weekly testing and periodic servicing of the fire detection and alarm system?

  • Is there monthly, six-monthly and annual testing of the emergency lighting?

  • Is there annual maintenance of fixed fire extinguishing equipment?

  • Is there annual inspection and test of the lightning protection system?

  • Other relevant inspection and test:

  • Comments and observations:


  • Are there CCTV cameras already installed?

  • Should the operation consider installing them?

  • Areas recommended to have CCTV installed:

  • Where CCTV is installed how many cameras are functional?

  • Where CCTV is installed how many cameras are inoperable?

  • What medium is used for recorded images?

  • How long is the data stored for?

  • Are perimeter doors supported by cameras?

  • Are there records of maintenance and testing of other fire protection systems?

  • Comments and observations:

25 Intruder Alarm Systems

  • Is there an intruder system already installed?

  • Is the intruder system linked to a central monitoring station?

  • In the event of activation do the external sounder fall silent after 20 minutes?

  • Do all contacts and PIR units appear to be in good working order?

  • Does the alarm panel allow the user to isolate areas and/or groups?

  • Should the operation consider installing an intruder alarm?

26 Access Control Systems

  • Does the facility use an automated access control system?

  • Who is responsible for issuing access cards?

  • Are all access card readers in good working order and securely fastend?

27 Lock & Key Controls

  • Where a previous occupier has used the building can all main entrance locks be replaced?

  • Do any 3rd parties need to hold a set of building keys?

  • Are all doors and locks operable?

  • List those doors / locks that are currently faulty:

28 Cash Rooms

  • Will a secure cash facility be required?

  • Are the suitable entrance points and access routes for a safe to be installed?

  • Can the safe be installed without conducting a load bearing survey first?

29 Environmental

  • Are there any environmental issues on site?

  • Are there any environmental issues / concerns in the close neighbourhood?

  • Are there suitable rubbish bins in a secure area outside?

  • Images of any concerns

30a Recorded (reported to the Police) crime in the last 30 days in a 500 meter radius

  • All Crime

  • Burglary

  • ASB

  • Vehicle (theft of & from)

  • Violent

  • Public Disorder

  • Criminal Damage

  • Other Theft

  • Drugs

  • Other

30b Recorded (reported to the Police) crime in the last 30 days in a 1 mile radius

  • All Crime

  • Burglary

  • ASB

  • Vehicle (theft of & from)

  • Violent

  • Public Disorder

  • Criminal Damage

  • Other Theft

  • Drugs

  • Other

31 Additional Comments

  • Comments:

  • In the opinion of the assessor(s) the location is?

  • Assessor 1

  • Assessor 2

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.