Document No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
Identification of individual patients
5.1.1 Use of an organisation-wide patient identification system is regularly monitored
5.1.2 Action is taken to improve compliance with the patient identification matching system
5.2.1 The system for reporting, investigating and analysis of patient care mismatching events is regularly monitored
5.2.2 Action is taken to reduce mismatching events
5.3.1 Inpatient bands are used that meet the national specification for patient identification bands
Processes to transfer care
5.4.1 A patient identification and matching system is implemented and regularly reviewed as part of structured clinical handover, transfer and discharge processes
Processes to match patients and their care
5.5.1 A documented process to match patients and their intended treatment is in use
5.5.2 The process to match patients to any intended procedure, treatment or investigation is regularly monitored
5.5.3 Action is taken to improve the effectiveness of the process for matching patients to their intended procedure, treatment or investigation