
  • Site conducted

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Section 1 Main Entry Gate

  • Is the required numbers of guards present at the gate?<br>

  • Are the guards dressed neatly and appropriately?<br>

  • Are the guards displaying their company ID cards?

  • Are guards displaying their CLOSEBY cards?

  • Have the guards been inducted?<br>

  • Is the Security SOP available at the gate?

  • Do the guards understand the security SOP? (Test 2 or 3 of them)

  • Are the guards following the SOP?

  • Is the NWVL company phone at the Guard House available?

  • Can the NWVL company phone contact the management and senior people of the company?

  • Can the NWVL company phone contact the External emergency numbers e.g. Police and Fire Brigade ?

  • Is the NWVL Company Phone used according to its purpose?

  • Are the required number of torches available ( 4 or more)?

  • Are all the Torches in good working conditions?

  • Are the required number of RT's available (5 or more)?

  • Are all the RT's good, tested and in working Condition?

  • Are there enough Chargers available to ensure that all the Batteries are fully charged? (3 or more)

  • Are the RT chargers in good working conditions and able to supply fully charged Batteries?

  • Are there enough spare batteries to replace the discharged ones from the five RT's?

  • Is the NWVL Camera Footage working?

  • Are the guards monitoring the NWVL camera footage in all the shift?

  • Is the camera inside the Guard House working?

  • Can NWVL Access and View the Camera footage at anytime?

  • Is the Camera Footage downloaded and recorded for future reference

  • Are the gates in good condition?

  • Are the gates closed at all times and only opened after required checks have been made?

  • Are the vehicles checked when entering and leaving the premises?

  • Are the guards checking the employees ID cards when coming in?

  • Is the activity log updated?<br>

  • Is the vehicle log updated?

  • Is the pedestrian log updated?

  • Is the contractor log book updated?

  • Are visitors filling in the visitors log book when coming and going out?

  • Are the required number of Visitors card/pass available ( 10)

  • Is the turnstile working properly?

  • Is the inside of the guard house neat and tidy?<br>

  • Is 5S inside the Guard room maintained at all times?

  • Security areas are clean, free of newspapers, magazines, or personal reading materials?

  • Are the lights inside the Guard House working?

  • Are the Security Lights on the Mast/Post working?

  • Is the water ration containers secured and locked properly?<br>

  • Are there enough Helmets (Hard Hat) in the Guard Room? (minimum of 4 Helmets)

  • Are the required number of chains, padlocks and keys available for Emergencies use only.(4 sets Top gate and 4 sets Bottom gate)?

  • Are the gates ready to be locked down immediately?

  • Are the two gates at the Power House locked at all times?

  • Are we logging down all the activities of the two gates at the Power House?

  • Are the keys for the two Power House gates kept safely at the Guard House?

  • Are the Security Guards the only one to open and close the two Power House gates when required?

  • Are there enough Traffic cone outside the Guard House?(Minimum of 5)

  • Are all the Guard Tech stationed online?

  • Is the Guard Tech system working as designed?

  • Is the outside Guard House ñeat and tidy?

Section 2 Restrict Area Perimeter

  • Facility has perimeter fence?

  • Is the fence free of any deficiencies? For example - holes, tears, missing fence, bent, broke or disconnected poles, more than 1 link gap from ground to the bottom of gate/fence.

  • Is fence properly attached to all supporting poles and secured from top to bottom?

  • External gates/doors are in good operational condition? Example gates within the fence

  • Fence top guard provided?

  • Is the fence top guard in good condition?

  • Is the fence lights working properly?

  • Is the fence lighting not obstructed? Example containers, branches

  • Is the fence free of means of access inside the facility? Example trees from outside coming over the fence

  • Is there a good fire break / clearance along the fence and maintained properly?

  • Is the Digitool system working as designed?

  • Is the Digitool data downloaded and analyzed twice a week?

Section 3 Building Security

  • Are all the building external lights working properly?

  • Are confidential and sensitive materials secured properly? Example finance documents, cheques, HR documents

  • Are all final exits card access only?<br>

  • Are all final exits doors secured properly?

  • Loading docks (at the facility perimeter line) are kept closed when not in operation?

  • Is the building free of any other opportunity to enter the building apart from the doors? Example windows

  • Are all sensitive and critical rooms properly secured? Example server room

  • Is there any process or procedure for all final exits to be locked and secured during non-operational hours?

  • Internal lighting in full working order?

  • All exit lights in full working order?

Section 4 Borehole

  • Facility has perimeter fence?

  • Is the fence free of any deficiencies? For example - holes, tears, missing fence, bent, broke or disconnected poles, more than 1 link gap from ground to the bottom of gate/fence.

  • Is fence properly attached to all supporting poles and secured from top to bottom?

  • External gates/doors are in good operational condition? Example gates within the fence

  • Fence top guard provided?

  • Is the fence top guard in good condition?

  • Is the Borehole external security lights working properly?

  • Is the fence lighting not obstructed? Example containers, branches

  • Is the fence free of means of access inside the facility? Example trees from outside coming over the fence

  • Is the fence gate access card controlled & properly secured?

  • Is the finger print system working for the Main Borehole door?

  • Is the card system for the Main Borehole door working properly?

  • Are the monitoring boreholes well secured?

Section 5 Fuel (Diesel Storage)

  • Is the Diesel storage area secured properly?

  • Is the access to the Diesel storage area card Controlled?

  • Is the access card system working?

  • Is the area free of any signs of diesel leaks?

  • Is the fuel dispenser has a security system to restrict users?

  • Is the pin code system working?

  • Is the fuel dispensing station well illuminated?

  • Is the data from the fuel dispenser analyzed to prevent miss use & abuse?

Section 6 Bottom Gate

  • Is the required numbers of guards present at the gate?

  • Are the guards dressed neatly and appropriately?

  • Are the guards displaying their company ID cards?

  • Are the guards displaying their CLOSEBY card?

  • Have the guards been inducted?

  • Is the Security SOP available at the gate?

  • Do the guards understand the security SOP? ( Test the Guard)

  • Are the guards following the SOP?

  • Are the gates in good condition?

  • Are the gates closed all the time and only opened when trucks are operating?Are the gates closed all the time and only opened when trucks are operating?

  • Are the vehicles checked when entering and leaving the premises?

  • Are the guards stopping Employees and Contractors from using the Bottom gate as a means to enter and exiting the premises?

  • Are the Guards stopping the light vehicles from entering and exiting the Bottom gate?

  • Is the activity log updated?

  • Is the vehicle log updated?

  • Is the inside of the guard house neat and tidy?

  • Is 7S inside the Guard House maintained at all times?

  • Table are clean, free of newspapers, magazines, or personal reading materials?

  • Are all the lights inside the Guard House working?

  • Are the gates ready to be locked down immediately?

  • Are the required number of chains, Padlocks and keys available for Emergencies use only (4 sets)?

  • Is the Surrounding areas of the Guard House neat and tidy and in 7S compliance?

  • Are the Security Lights on the Mast/Post working?

Section 6.1 Gate 12 Security Booth

  • Is the guards present at the gate?

  • Is the guard dressed neatly and appropriately?

  • Is the guards displaying their company ID cards?

  • Is the guard displaying his CLOSEBY card?

  • Have the guard been inducted?

  • Is the Security SOP available at the gate?

  • Does the guard understand the security SOP? ( Test the Guard)

  • Are the trucks checked when entering the gate?

  • Are the gates closed all the time and only opened when trucks are enterìng?

  • Is the gate operating as it should be?

  • Is the activity log updated?

  • Is the inside of the guard house neat and tidy?

  • Is 7S inside the Guard House maintained at all times?

  • Table are clean, free of newspapers, magazines, or personal reading materials?

  • Are all the lights inside the Guard House working?

  • Are the gates ready to be locked down immediately?

  • Are the chains and Padlocks available for Emergency and Lockdown?

  • Is the Surrounding areas of the Guard House neat and tidy and in 7S compliance?

Section 7 Fuel (LPG Storage)

  • Facility has perimeter fence?

  • Is the fence free of any deficiencies? For example - holes, tears, missing fence, bent, broke or disconnected poles, more than 1 link gap from ground to the bottom of gate/fence.

  • Is fence properly attached to all supporting poles and secured from top to bottom?

  • External gates/doors are in good operational condition? Example gates within the fence

  • Fence top guard provided?

  • Is the fence top guard in good condition?

  • Is the fence lights working properly?

  • Is the fence lighting not obstructed? Example containers, branches

  • Is the fence free of means of access inside the facility? Example trees from outside coming over the fence

  • Is there a good fire break / clearance along the fence and maintained properly?

  • Is the Area Free from any sign of Gas leak? (Rotten Egg smell)

  • Is the fence gate secured properly?

  • Is the LPG dispensing area well secured? (Locked when not in use)

  • Are the security keys for gas storage and dispensing area well secured?

Section 8 Chemical shed

  • Facility has perimeter fence?

  • Is the fence free of any deficiencies? For example - holes, tears, missing fence, bent, broke or disconnected poles, more than 1 link gap from ground to the bottom of gate/fence.

  • Is fence properly attached to all supporting poles and secured from top to bottom?

  • External gates/doors are in good operational condition? Example gates within the fence

  • Fence top guard provided?

  • Is the fence top guard in good condition?

  • Is the fence lights working properly?

  • Is the fence lighting not obstructed? Example containers, branches

  • Is the fence free of means of access inside the facility? Example trees from outside coming over the fence

  • Is there a good fire break / clearance along the fence and maintained properly?

  • Is the chemical shed external lights working properly?

  • Is the Chemical shed door secured properly?

  • Is the area free of any chemical leaks?

  • Is the Building free of any deficiencies? For example - holes in the wall

  • Are the security keys for chemical storage and dispensing area well secured?

Section 9 Security CCTV

  • Are all the camera's mounted securely?

  • Are all camera's working?

  • Is the retention data more then 10 days?

  • Is the camera view free of obstruction?

  • Are all camera's night vision?<br>

Section 10 Contractor Management

  • Are the contractors filing in the Contractor log Book?

  • Are the security checking the contractor induction cards?

  • Are the contractors vehicle parked at the approved car park?

Section 11 Vehicle Parking

  • Employee, Visitor and Contractors parking location is designated and controlled?

  • Are all vehicles reversed parked?

  • Is the car park covered properly by camera's?

  • Permission is required to allow to park vehicle in an area other then the designated parking area?

  • Are the keys for all the unused company vehicles kept at the secured location and not in the ignition?<br>

Section 12 Emergency Preparedness

  • Fire Emergency Plan on the walls?

  • Have we conducted an evacuation drill?

  • Emergency team list is up-to-date and people know their responsibilities?

  • Have we a site specific security plan - based on the actual facility specific risks?

  • Does NWVL has a plan to deploy temporary security measures?

Fire Fighting Equipment

  • Are the Fire Hydrant visually in good condition?

  • Is there a Fire Hoses and Nozzle in every Hydrant Boxes?

  • Are the Hydrant Boxes in good conditions?

  • Are Hoses and Nozzle in the Hydrant the Hydrant box in good working condition?

  • Does the Fire pump automatically starts when a Hydrant is open?

  • Is the Fire pump checked daily?

  • Is the water tank full at all times?

Section 13 Screening and Access Control

  • Access and egress into site and or building is controlled?

  • Access control system is operational and functioning?

  • Procedures in-place for entering and exiting plant/building/secured areas? (Non-management employees' access restricted during non-working hours).

  • Entry and exits of employees are recorded?

  • Key offices and areas like Site Manager, HR manager, telephone and server rooms, important cabinets etc. are locked and secured (when not occupied)?

  • Visitors and contractors are required to provide their govt. issued photo ID?

  • Visitors/Contractor sign in/out controlled with badges? (not required at facilities with less then 15 employees)

  • Access cards issued and accounted-for by name and card number. Is a current record of all badges maintained on site?

  • Are access control records maintained and checked for deviations or discrepancies?

  • Correct date and time displayed on access control mainframe?

Section 14 Key Inventory Control Program

  • Key/Card issuance controlled?

  • Keys/Card distributed per policy?

  • Key/Access card issuance log maintained?

  • Key/card acknowledgement letter signed by employees?

  • Excess or unwanted keys/cards destroyed?

  • Spare keys/cards secured and accounted for?

Section 15 Other company Assets

  • Are all Fiji Water products secured? Example loose boxes in front of reception

  • Is the water ration container securely locked?

  • Is the water ration container keys handled by NWVL employees only?

  • Are the company property taken out of site with an approved gate pass?

Section 16 Record Keeping

  • Training and Inductions records are kept up to date on site?

  • Findings from the last security audit are addressed?

  • Security incidents are reported, investigated and maintained?

  • Incident Reports up to date?

  • Is the Incident Register up to date?

  • Is the Hazards Register up to date?

  • Are the Hazards Reports been filed?

Section 17 Contractor Trucks

  • Are the trucks container locks in place?

  • Are the container locks of the contractor trucks working?

  • Are the drivers using the container locks?

  • Does the contractor drivers carry their drivers license with them? Check for validity and class of license

  • Are the contractor drivers wearing the required PPE's?

Section 18 Container (Bolt) Seal

  • Is the seal ordering process done according to the SOP?

  • Are the seals secured inside safe or locker from unauthorized access after it is received from supplier?

  • Is there a record book that capture the information/details of the new seals received(Date, Time, Quantity, Seal numbers, Type, by who)?

  • Is the record book above secured in the locker?

  • Is the issuance of seal from safe or locker to loading dock traceable and recorded? ( seals to be under lock and issued only by the team leader)

  • Is there a record book that capture the information of the seals usage?(Date, Time, Quantity, Seal numbers, Type, to who, by who)?

  • Are the container seals secured properly at the loading dock?<br>

  • Are the unused seals returned to the secured safe or locker after every shift?

  • Are all the employees at the loading bay aware of their role in the container seal SOP. (test 6 of them)

  • Is there any reconciliation process to determine that all seals are accounted for?<br>

  • Is the Logistic management team checking that seals record a reconciling in the log books?

  • Is the Senior Director of Operation, Director of Production, Director of Quality and Safety Manager, notified immediately for any Security breach of container seal process?

  • Other Observations

Audit Recap & Acknowledgment

  • Management Signature

  • Auditor Signature

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