Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • No water Leaks around the area?

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around?

  • No rubbish lying around the car park area?

  • No Chemical or Oil Container around the place?

  • Is the area from old borehole 2 to borehole 1 free from any rubbish on the ground?

  • Is area free from any unused item lying around?

  • Is the unused item been kept properly away from dust, dirt and covered?

  • No other empty containers around this areas?

  • Is the surrounding area neat and tidy?

  • Are the Rubbish bins empty?

  • No signs of oil leaks on ground

  • No face mask lying around

Main Grinder Pit

  • No Signs of any leaks

  • Is the top cover sealed properly

  • No foul smell coming from the pit

Sewer Chamber 1 (Beside Logistic wash room)

  • Does the sewer chamber has a top cover on it?

  • Is the top cover seated properly ?

  • Is the top cover sealed properly?

  • Are there any signs of sewer overflowing?

  • Is the surrounding chamber free from strong odor smell?

  • Is the chamber barricaded?

  • Is the barricade permanently secured properly?

Sewer Chamber 2 (Outside Employee change room)

  • Does the sewer chamber has a top cover on it?

  • Is the top cover seated properly ?

  • Is the top cover sealed?

  • Are there any signs of sewer overflowing?

  • Is the surrounding chamber free from strong odor smell?

  • Is the chamber barricaded?

  • Is the barricade permanently secured properly?

Sewer Chamber 3 (outside near Reception)

  • Does the sewer chamber has a top cover on it?

  • Is the top cover seated properly ?

  • Is the top cover sealed?

  • Are there any signs of sewer overflowing?

  • Is the surrounding chamber free from strong odor smell?

  • Is the chamber barricaded?

  • Is the barricade permanently secured properly?


  • Are the reactive chemicals stored in different cabinets? (Incompatibility)

  • Are the chemicals in large quantities stored on the bund?

  • Are the chemicals in large quantities stored separately as per there reactivity?(Incompatibility)

  • Are the used agar plates stored properly in disposable bags?

  • Is the SDS updated and available?

  • Is the general waste stored properly in the appropriate bins before disposal?

Spill Kit

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

Outside Lab

  • No Leaking Water

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • No Chemical or Oil Container around the place

  • No other empty containers around

  • No resin on the ground

  • No Signs of Oil Leaks on ground

  • Is behind the Lab Surrounding area neat and tidy?


  • No Leaking Water

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • No Chemical leaks on the ground?

  • Are the Chemicals stored on the bunds?

  • Are the chemicals stored on the correct bunds?

  • Are the reactive chemicals stored on different bunds? (Incompatibility)

  • Are the SDS available and updated?

  • Are the chemicals free from sabotage & tampering ?

  • No other empty containers around

  • No reject caps on the ground

  • No resin on the ground

  • No signs of Oil Leaks on ground

Spill Kit

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available


  • No Leaking Water

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • Are the chemicals stored on the bunds?

  • Are the bunds of the right type and right size

  • Are the reactive chemicals stored on different bunds? (Incompatibility)

  • Are the chemicals free from sabotage & tampering ?

  • Are the chemicals hose connections secured and in good condition.

  • Are the SDS available and updated?

  • No other empty containers around

  • Rubbish Bins are arranged neatly (Blue Bins beside laundry)

  • No reject caps on the ground

  • No resin on the ground?

  • No signs of Oil Leaks on ground?

  • No signs of gas leak?

  • Is the storm water drain screen in front of the laundry intact properly & clean?

Spill Kit (ECO Lab Kit)

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available?


  • is the foundation of the tank intact??

  • Is the body of the gas tank intact and no signs of corrosion, bumps or dents?

  • Storage tanks fence secured?

  • Are the two gas tank fence gate locked?

  • Storage Tank Surrounding area neat and tidy?

  • No signs of damage to the gas pipes & valves?

  • Gas Filling Station Surrounding area neat and tidy?

  • Is the gas filling area locked?

  • No signs of gas leak?


  • No Leaking Water?

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around?

  • No full Chemical or Oil Container around the place?

  • No other empty containers around?

  • No reject caps on the ground?

  • No resin on the ground?

  • Pump bund wall intact?

  • Pump bund - Clean and Dry?

  • Is the pump gate locked?

  • Spill Kit - well stocked?

  • No signs of Oil / fuel Leaks on ground?

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy?

  • Is the storm water drain screen intact properly & clean?

Spill Kit

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available?


  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around?

  • No full Chemical or Oil Container around the place?

  • No other empty containers around?

  • No reject caps on the ground?

  • No resin on the ground?

  • Level of Both Pit - Well below maximum?

  • No Signs of Oil Leaks on ground?

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy?

  • CREEK - clear of resin, caps and preforms?

  • No sign of oil leak at the separator pit outlet? (Towards the creek)?

Main Powerhouse Diesel Tank

  • Is the bund clean?

  • Is the bund wall intact?

  • Is the tank free of any signs of leaks?

  • Are the pipes free of any leaks?

  • Is there any automatic shutoff system that prevents overfilling of the tanks to prevent spill?

  • If yes is it tested regularly?

  • If no, is there any other procedure in place to prevent this?

  • Is the procedure tested?

Diesel Day Tank

  • Is the bund clean?

  • Is the bund wall intact?

  • Is the tank free of any signs of leaks?<br>

  • Are the pipes free of any leaks?

  • Is there any automatic shutoff system that prevents overfilling of the tanks to prevent spill?

  • If yes, it it tested regularly?

  • Is no, is there any procedure in place to prevent this?

  • Is the procedure tested?

Inside the Power House

  • Are the oil drums kept on the bunds?

  • Are the bunds correct size and type?

  • Area free of any signs of oil leaks on the floor?

  • Are the chemicals kept on the bunds?

  • Are the bunds correct size and type?

  • Area free of any signs of chemical leaks on the floor?

  • Are the reactive chemicals stored on different bunds? (Incompatibility)?

  • Are the SDS available and updated?

  • Are the fuel lines free of leaks, corrosion and dents?

  • Are the exhaust monitoring devices working?

  • Are the data from the monitoring devices recorded?

Spill Kit

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)?

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available?

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)?

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available?

Fire Pump

  • No Leaking Water?

  • No full empty Fiji Water bottles lying around?

  • No Chemical or Oil / fuel Container around the place?

  • If no, are they sitting on a bund?

  • No other empty containers around?

  • No reject caps on the ground?

  • No resin on the ground?

  • No signs of Oil / Fuel Leaks on ground?

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy?


  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around?

  • No full Chemical or Oil Container around the place?

  • No other empty containers lying around?

  • No signs of Oil Leaks on ground?

  • Is the GE bunding wall intact?

  • Is the GE bunding clean?

  • Is the oil drums for GE sitting on a proper Bund? (new or used oil)

  • Is the SDS available and updated?

  • Is the used oil removed regularly?

  • Are the fuel lines free of leaks, corrosion and dents?

  • Is the surroundings free from the overflowing waste oil?

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy

Micro Turbines

  • No Leaking Water?

  • No Fiji water bottle lying around?

  • Area free of any signs of gas leaks?

  • Is the gas line free or dents, corrosion or damage?

  • Are the generator doors locked properly and secured?

Yard behind Powerhouse

  • No Leaking Water?

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • Are the containers at the back yard locked when not in use?

  • No signs of Oil Leaks on ground

  • Is the area free of scrap metals?

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy

  • Is the area free of loose pallets / timbers?

  • is the area free of loose cables?

  • is the are free of line spare parts?

  • Is the area free of rubbish?

SGP Workshop Area

  • No Leaking Water?

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • No full Chemical or Oil Container / Drum around the place

  • Materials are stacked neatly and properly

  • No resin on the ground

  • No signs of Oil Leaks marks on ground

  • Is the eating shed place, clean and tidy after use?

  • No Hairs nets/ beard nets and surgical masks lying around on the ground or around the workshop area?

  • No rubbish lying around on the ground?

  • Smoking zone area is clean?

  • Is the Portaloo in the area clean and maintained at all times?

  • Is the Portaloo free of waste leakage?

  • Is the surroundings neat and tidy?

  • Is the gate locked at all times?

Protech Power & PSG Workshop Area

  • No Leaking Water?

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around?

  • Materials in the area, are stacked neatly and properly?

  • No resin on the ground?

  • No signs of Oil Leaks marks on ground?

  • Is the eating shed place, clean and tidy after use?

  • No Hairs nets/ beard nets and surgical masks lying around on the ground or around the workshop area ?

  • No rubbish lying around on the ground?

  • Is the Portaloo assigned for the contractor area clean and maintained at all times?

  • Is the Portaloo free of waste leakage?

  • Are all the waste timber and off cut aluminum pipes and iron sheets placed properly?

  • Is the surroundings neat and tidy?

Krishna General Works Workshop area

  • No Leaking Water?

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around?

  • Materials in the area, are stacked neatly and properly?

  • No resin on the ground?

  • No signs of Oil Leaks marks on ground?

  • Is the eating shed place, clean and tidy after use?

  • No Hairs nets/ beard nets and surgical masks lying around on the ground or around the workshop area ?

  • No rubbish lying around on the ground?

  • Is the Portaloo assigned for the contractor area clean and maintained at all times?

  • Is the Portaloo free of waste leakage?

  • Are all the waste timber and off cut aluminum pipes and iron sheets placed properly?

  • Is the surroundings neat and tidy?

Stella Construction Workshop Area

  • No Leaking Water?

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around?

  • Materials in the area, are stacked neatly and properly?

  • No resin on the ground?

  • No signs of Oil Leaks marks on ground?

  • Is the eating shed place, clean and tidy after use?

  • No Hairs nets/ beard nets and surgical masks lying around on the ground or around the workshop area ?

  • No rubbish lying around on the ground?

  • Is the Portaloo assigned for the contractor area clean and maintained at all times?

  • Is the Portaloo free of waste leakage?

  • Are all the waste timber and off cut aluminum pipes and iron sheets placed properly?

  • Is the surroundings neat and tidy?

BALING Area & Yard (Baling to fence corner)

  • No Leaking Water

  • No full Chemical or Oil Container around the place

  • Materials are stacked neatly and properly

  • Pallets are stacked neatly

  • No resin on the ground

  • No signs of Oil Leaks on ground

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy?

  • Storm water outlet clear (no signs of caps or crushed bottles)

Spill Kit

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

CONTAINER YARD (fence corner to bowser)

  • No Leaking Water

  • No full empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • No Chemical or Oil Container around the place

  • No other empty containers around? (Any type, Any size)

  • No resin on the ground

  • No signs of Oil/ Fuel Leaks on ground

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy


  • Are the forklifts in good condition and not leaking oil.

  • Are the forklifts in good condition and not leaking any fuel.

Spill Kit

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available


  • No Leaking Water

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • No full Chemical or Oil Container around the place

  • No other empty containers around? (Any size, Any type)

  • No signs of Oil / fuel Leaks on ground in the surrounding areas? (Container Trucks)

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy


  • No Leaking Water

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • Bund is clean and dry

  • Is the bund wall intact?

  • Bund Outlet valve closed

  • All hoses properly secured - no sign of leak

  • No full Chemical or Oil Container around the place

  • No other empty containers around? ( Any size, Any type)

  • Oil separator level is Minimum

  • No signs of Oil / Fuel Leaks on ground

  • Is the spill kit fully stocked?

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy

Spill Kit

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

Mechanical Workshop / Wash Bay

  • No Leaking Water

  • No empty Fiji water bottles lying around?

  • Oil drums kept on the bund?

  • Area free of any oil leaks on the ground?

  • Area free of old/used tyres?

  • Are all chemical containers labelled properly?

  • Is the SDS available and Updated?

  • Is the wash bay clean?

  • No signs of any oil / fuel leaks?

  • Is the separator pit wall intact?

  • No Signs of any leaks from separator pit?

  • No sign of oil leak at the separator pit outlet?

Spill Kit

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available


  • No Leaking Water

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • No other empty containers around? (Any type, Any size)

  • Are all chemicals sitting on the bund?

  • Is the SDS available and updated?

  • Is the Bund intact?

  • No signs of Chemical Leaks on ground

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy

  • Are the reactive chemicals stored on different bunds? (Incompatibility)

  • Separator pit is at Minimum level

Spill Kit

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

  • Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

Homestead Yard

  • No Leaking Water

  • No empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • No other empty containers / drums around

  • No signs of Oil Leaks on ground

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy

  • Are all the sea containers securely locked?

  • Area free of any scrap metal?

  • Are free of any line spare parts?

  • Area free of rubbish?

  • Area free of loose pallets and timber?

  • Are free of electrical cables? (used or new)

Micro Turbine Gas Storage Tank

  • Storage tanks fence secured?

  • Storage Tank Surrounding area neat and tidy

  • No signs of damage to the gas pipes & valves

  • No signs of gas leak


  • No Leaking Water

  • No full empty Fiji Water bottles lying around

  • No Chemical or Oil Container around the place

  • No other empty containers around? ( Any size, Any type)

  • No signs of Oil Leaks on ground

  • Surrounding area neat and tidy

New BH1

  • No water Leaking

  • Are chemicals stored on the bund

  • Is the SDS available and updated?

  • No Fiji water bottle lying around

  • Area free of leaking pipes?

  • Is the borehole doors secured properly?

New BH 2

  • No water Leaking

  • Are chemicals stored on the bund

  • Is the SDS available and updated?

  • No Fiji water bottle lying around

  • Area free of leaking pipes?

  • Is the borehole doors secured properly?

Old BH 2

  • No water Leaking

  • Are chemicals stored on the bund

  • Is the SDS available and updated?

  • No Fiji water bottle lying around

  • Area free of leaking pipes?

  • Is the borehole doors secured properly?

New BH 4

  • No water Leaking

  • Are chemicals stored on the bund

  • Is the SDS available and updated?

  • No Fiji water bottle lying around

  • Area free of leaking pipes?

  • Is the borehole doors secured properly?

Storm Water Drains

  • Is the drain pathway clean?

  • Is any material on the concrete and drain area that can float / wash away?

  • Is the drain covers intact

  • Is the drain inlet clear of any obstructions

Spill Kits Inside Factory

  • (Husky) Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

  • (Line 2 Dryside) Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

  • (Line 3 Dryside) Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

  • (Stores)Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

  • (Lab) Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

  • (CIP Skid) Is the Seal Intact (If yes, move to the next spill kit, If No, check the following in the spill kit)

  • Is the absorbent pads available?

  • Is the absorbent boom available?

  • Is the absorbent sorb available?

  • Are the gloves available?

  • Is the garbage bags and cable ties available

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.