Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Finance Office

Finance Office

  • Is the access way and passage clear and not obstructed?

  • Is the safety board updated?

  • Is there adequate lighting in the offices?

  • Is the workstations free of loose cables?

  • Are the rubbish bins not overflowing?

  • Are all fire extinguishers mounted on the wall and ready to use?

  • Are the electrical installations safely mounted?

  • Is the lunch room clean?

  • Is the convenience clean and and have all the required toiletries?

  • Are the materials stacked properly

  • No Fiji Water bottle on the floor

  • No half drunk Fiji water bottles on the table (more then 1)

  • No Caps on the floor

  • Is there any bins allocated for Empty bottles only?

  • Is there a bin allocated for general waste?

  • Is the tea making area in 7S condition?

  • Is the the desktop 7S compliant.(Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize & Sustain)

  • Is the work table 7S compliant? (Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize & Sustain)

  • No unnecessary items stored under the table

  • Is the sink area clean and well maintained?

  • Are the filing cabinets and doors in good condition?

  • Is the filing cabinets and drawers free of dust?

  • No items stored on top of filing cabinets?

  • Are the display board mounted properly?

  • Is the display board not cluttered? (No unnecessary scribbling)

  • Is the floor free of trip hazards? E.g electrical cords, computer cables, network cables

  • Is the paper trays neatly stacked

  • No flat cartons, labels lying around anyhow

  • Is the wall maintained properly? (E.g no paint peeling off)

  • Is the whole area free of debris such as pieces of papers, cartons, loose timber and etc??

  • Are the doors clean and free of stains?

  • Is the wooden/steel door maintained properly. (E.g no paint peeling off)

  • Are all the concrete surfaces free of mud, water, stones, pebbles and sand?

  • Is the area free of unnecessary equipment or tools?

  • Trash container(s) are NOT overflowing?

  • Is the area free of safety hazards on the floor (water, oil, grease, chemicals)?

  • Is the concrete surfaces free of any algae or grass growth?

  • Is the area free of any unnecessary items inside the room

  • Is the general housekeeping at acceptable standard

  • Is 7S maintained?

Site Integrity

  • Are the walls free of unnecessary posters or signs?

  • Is the notice board free of unnecessary posters or signs?

  • Are the walls free of unnecessary notices?

  • Is the notice board free of unnecessary notices?

  • Is the ceiling up to the standard? E.g no cracks, stains, no missing ceiling tile?

  • Are the walls free of stains?

  • Are the walls free of cracks and holes?

  • Is the floor free of stains?

  • Is the floor free of holes and cracks?

  • Is the rug in good condition?

  • Is the the area free of cables sticking out of the ceiling?

  • Is the the area free of cables sticking out of the wall?

  • Are all the lights working?

  • Are all the lights properly fitted?

Finance Car Park and beside Reception area

  • Are all vehicles parked properly (Reverse Park)?

  • Is the car park free of empty Fiji Water bottles?

  • Are the gardens and lawn neatly cut and maintained?

  • Is beside reception and car park area free of unnecessary item?

  • Is the area free of cables sticking out of the wall?

  • Is the area free of any water leaks?

  • Is the car park free of congestion?

Main Gate

  • Are all the gates functioning properly?

  • Are the gates operating as required?

  • Are the surroundings of the security booth clean?

  • Is the security booth clean and maintained?

  • Are all the electrical installations safely mounted?

  • Is the security notice board updated?<br>

  • Are the security officers wearing proper uniform and PPE's?

  • Is the SOP followed?

  • Are the motor vehicles observing the speed limit?

  • Is there adequate lighting's inside and outside of security booth?

  • Are all workers/visitors wearing proper PPE's when entering the yard?

  • Is the safety mirror maintained?

  • Are the rubbish bins emptied regularly?<br>

  • FW bottles and cartons not used for any other purpose?

  • is the area free of lying FW bottles and used rags ?

  • Are the hoses neatly coiled?

Container Yard

  • Is the yard free of overlapping containers?

  • Is the forklift pre-start list being completed?

  • Are the employees wearing the required PPE's

  • Are workers/ visitors wearing proper PPE's

  • is the area free of lying FW bottles?

  • Is the yard free of congestion?

  • Is the Container Yard entry permit being followed as per standard.

  • Are the RT's used for container yard entry permit in good working condition.

Contractor Trucks

  • Are the trucks container locks in place?

  • Are the container locks of the contractor trucks working?

  • Are the drivers using the container locks?

  • Does the contractor drivers carry their drivers license with them? Check for validity and class of license

  • Are the contractor drivers wearing the required PPE's?

Fuel Bay

  • Is the area free of potholes?

  • Are unused items stored in containers as per the 7S standard?

  • Are all hoses neatly coiled?

  • Is the area free of water leaks?

  • Is the area free of lying FW bottles?

  • Is area free of rubbish lying around?

  • Is the area free of unused item?

  • Are all fire extinguishers mounted on the wall and ready to use?

Gym room

  • Is the area free from water leaks?

  • Is the gym room is free from FW bottles lying around?

  • Does the gym room provided with bottle bins?

  • Is the bottle bin free from overflowing?

  • Is the gym free from dust and rubbish?

  • Is the shower room clean?

  • Is gym room free from unnecessary items

  • Is the ceiling free from stains or crack?

  • Is the gym room is well ventilated e.g air-con unit and vent. Fan is ON .

Fleet Office

  • Is the access way and passage clear and not obstructed?

  • Is the safety board updated?

  • Is there adequate lighting in the offices?

  • Is the workstations free of loose cables?

  • Are the rubbish bins not overflowing?

  • Are all fire extinguishers mounted on the wall and ready to use?

  • Are the electrical installations safely mounted?

  • Is the lunch room clean?

  • Is the convenience clean and and have all the required toiletries?

  • Are the materials stacked properly

  • No Fiji Water bottle on the floor

  • No half drunk Fiji water bottles on the table (more then 1)

  • No Caps on the floor

  • Is there any bins allocated for Empty bottles only?

  • Is there a bin allocated for general waste?

  • Is the tea making area in 7S condition?

  • Is the the desktop 5S compliant.(Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize & Sustain)

  • Is the work table 5S compliant? (Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize & Sustain)

  • No unnecessary items stored under the table

  • Is the sink area clean and well maintained?

  • Are the filing cabinets and doors in good condition?

  • Is the filing cabinets and drawers free of dust?

  • No items stored on top of filing cabinets?

  • Are the display board mounted properly?

  • Is the display board not cluttered? (No unnecessary scribbling)

  • Is the floor free of trip hazards? E.g electrical cords, computer cables, network cables

  • Is the paper trays neatly stacked

  • No flat cartons, labels lying around anyhow

  • Is the wall maintained properly? (E.g no paint peeling off)

  • Is the whole area free of debris such as pieces of papers, cartons, loose timber and etc??

  • Are the doors clean and free of stains?

  • Is the wooden/steel door maintained properly. (E.g no paint peeling off)

  • Are all the concrete surfaces free of mud, water, stones, pebbles and sand?

  • Is the area free of unnecessary equipment or tools?

  • Trash container(s) are NOT overflowing?

  • Is the area free of safety hazards on the floor (water, oil, grease, chemicals)?

  • Is the concrete surfaces free of any algae or grass growth?

  • Is the area free of any unnecessary items inside the room

  • Is the general housekeeping at acceptable standard

  • Is the access way and passage clear and not obstructed?<br>

  • Is 7S maintained?

Site Integrity

  • Are the walls free of unnecessary posters or signs?

  • Is the notice board free of unnecessary posters or signs?

  • Are the walls free of unnecessary notices?

  • Is the notice board free of unnecessary notices?

  • Is the ceiling up to the standard? E.g no cracks, stains, no missing ceiling tile?

  • Are the walls free of stains?

  • Are the walls free of cracks and holes?

  • Is the floor free of stains?

  • Is the floor free of holes and cracks?

  • Is the rug in good condition?

  • Is the the area free of cables sticking out of the ceiling?

  • Is the the area free of cables sticking out of the wall?

  • Are all the lights working?

  • Are all the lights properly fitted?

Fleet Car Park

  • Are all vehicles parked properly?

  • Is the area free of lying Fiji water bottles?

  • Is the area free of any water leaks?

  • Are the unused items stored neatly and properly?

  • Are free of unnecessary items lying around?

Fleet Garage, Stores & Fleet Dining Room

  • No Fiji Water Bottles lying around ( Empty, half drunk)

  • Is the walkways clear and not obstructed?

  • Is the Safety Board updated?

  • Are all the SOP's readily available to workers?

  • Is there adequate lighting in the garage?

  • Is the area free of all loose cables and wires?

  • Is the rubbish bin emptied regularly?

  • Are all fire extinguishers updated and ready to use?

  • Are the workers wearing the required PPE's?

  • Is the Lockout Tagout procedure used?

  • FW bottles and cartons not used for any other purpose?

  • Are all electrical installations safely mounted?

  • Are the electrical equipment's checked and tagged?

  • Are the relevant permits completed and posted up?

  • Are all tools in good condition?

  • Is danger tags available?

  • Are all chemicals bottles labelled as per the NWVL standard?

  • Is the Emergency shower and eye wash working?

  • Is the first aid kit readily stocked?

  • Area free of chemical drums with fading labels?

  • Is the lunch Room clean?

  • Is the convenience clean and stacked with toiletries?

  • Is the safety mirror maintained?

  • Are the change rooms clean and maintained?

  • Is 7S maintained?

Site Integrity

  • Are the walls free of unnecessary posters or signs?

  • Is the notice board free of unnecessary posters or signs?

  • Are the walls free of unnecessary notices?

  • Is the notice boar free of unnecessary notices?

  • Is the ceiling up to the standard? E.g no cracks, stains, no missing ceiling tile?

  • Are the walls free of stains?

  • Are the walls free of cracks and holes?

  • Is the floor free of stains?

  • Is the floor free of holes and cracks?

  • Is the rug in good condition?

  • Is the the area free of cables sticking out of the ceiling?

  • Is the the area free of cables sticking out of the wall?

  • Are all the lights working?

  • Are all the lights properly fitted?

Extension Ladders

  • Are the ladder feet shoes in good condition? ( worn out or damage)

  • Is the ladder foot slip resistance not missing?

  • Are the rails free of bends, cracks, splits and corrosion?

  • Is the running locks not broken and operate smoothly?

  • Is the ladder surface free from oil, grease and rust?

  • Are the labels/decals on the ladder visible and can be read?

  • Are the rope and pulley free of fraying and tangles?

  • Are the rungs connect properly to the steps? (free of bends, breaks, loose and missing rungs)

  • Are the end caps free of damage and not missing?

A-Frame Ladders

  • Are the ladder feet shoes in good condition? ( worn out or damage)

  • Are the steps free of cracks,bends, loose or missing?

  • Are the rails free of bends, cracks, and or broken?

  • Is the connection between rail and steps not damaged

  • Are the labels/decals on the ladder visible and can be read?

  • Is the ladder surface free from oil, grease, slippery or corroded?

  • Are the movable parts operating freely?

  • Can the spreaders be locked in place properly?

  • Is the spreader free of loose connection. bent, broken or sharp edges?


  • Are all the final exits doors securely closed?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.