KPI - WI No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
General Requirements (Clause 4.1)
Is it being maintained the requirements of OHSAS 18001-1999?
Is the scope of the program clearly defined? (If so, How long has the program been established?)
Has a program been established?
OHS Policies (Clause 4.2)
What is the organization’s policy?
Is the policy defined and is it appropriate to the type, size, and OSH impacts of the organization’s activities?
Does the policy include a commitment to continual improvement in the organization’s operations?
Does the policy reflect the organizations hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control in the organization’s activities and facilities?
Does the policy include a commitment to compliance to legal requirements
Is the policy documented, implemented, maintained (periodically reviewed) and communicated to all employees and are they aware of their responsibilities to the OSH?
Is the policy available to interested parties?
Planning For Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment And Risk Control (Clause 4.3.1 - OHSAS 18001 Audit checklist of Planning For Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment And Risk Control)
Are there documented and maintained procedures to establish and update hazards, risks and implementation of controls?
Does the procedure cover routine and non-routine activities?
Does the procedure cover all personnel and facilities?
Do the criteria for the assessment of risk address both likelihood and consequence?
What mechanism is used to initiate hazard review/revision when operations change?
Are there records to provide evidence of analysis of hazards, risks and controls?
Are there any obvious hazards that should have been considered and were not? If not, why not?
Are results of assessments and effects of controls considered when setting OSH objectives and are they documented and up to date?
The methodology:
Assures consistency with effectiveness of risk control measures?
Defines scope, nature and timing?
Ensures proactive rather than reactive assessments?
Provides for classification of risk tolerability?
Identifies those to be eliminated or controlled?
Assures consistency with operating experience? (Ref. 4.3.1C of OHSAS 18002-2000)
Does the methodology provide input into determination of facility requirements, training needs and operational controls?
Does the methodology provide for monitoring of required actions to ensure timeliness and effectiveness of implementation?
OHSAS 18001 Audit checklist of objectives (Clause 4.3)
Has the organization established and maintained OSH objectives?
Have the documented objectives considered legal and other requirements?
Are objectives reasonable and measurable?
Is there a documented and maintained procedure for periodically reviewing objectives?
Are objectives communicated to the employees that are supposed to achieve them?
Are organizational objectives consistent with Lab/higher level objectives?
OHSAS 18001 Audit checklist of OSH Management Program(s) (Clause 4.3.4)
Are all procedures that supplement the OHS management program available to the appropriate personnel and current
Are the management programs reviewed at planned intervals and amended as required?
Are there programs to achieve all the identified objectives?
Do the programs include schedules for completion and resources necessary to achieve the objectives?
Do the programs assign responsibilities for completion of tasks in achieving objectives?
OHSAS 18001 Audit checklist of Structure and Responsibility (Clause 4.4.1)
How does management demonstrate their commitment for continual improvement of OSH performance? ( Please describe in detail)
Are roles and responsibility, and authorities defined, documented and communicated?
Has management provided the necessary resources (people, technology, money) to implement this OSH program?
Does the R2A2 of the OSH management appointee document sufficient authority to accomplish 1 & 2 above
Has the organization appointed an OSH management appointee from top management?
Training, Awareness and Competence (Clause 4.4.2)
Are procedures established and maintained to make employees aware of 1 – 4 above
How do you ensure personnel are competent to perform tasks that impact OHS?
Has the appropriate training been done and, where required, by qualified trainers?
Do the training procedures take into account the differing levels of responsibility, ability, literacy and risk?
Are there specific, documented minimum requirements for each person performing a task that can cause significant OHS impact?