






  • 1.1 Safety and Health Policy available and current

  • 1.2. Anti Smoking Policy available and current

  • 1.3 Anti Bullying Policy available and current

  • 1.4 Mobile Phone Policy available and current

  • 1.5. Injury Management Policy / Procedures document

  • 1.6. OSH Act and Regulations available and current

  • 1.7. Safety Inductions completed for all employees

  • 1.8. Position Descriptions available for all employees

  • 1.9. Is there an annual Training Plan and is it relevant

  • 1.10. Training Records completed for all employees

  • 1.11. MDL and High Risk Licences retained on file

  • 1.12. Hazard Report Forms available

  • 1.13. Hazard/Risk Register maintained and items actioned

  • 1.14. Incident and Injury Report Forms available

  • 1.15. Incidents investigation and controls implemented

  • 1.16. WorkSafe notified of Reportable incidents

  • 1.17. Lost Time Injuries/Illnesses Investigated

  • 1.18. Hazardous Substances Register current

  • 1.19. Material Safety Data Sheets available and current

  • 1.20. Training/Access of MSDS and documented

  • 1.21. Safe Operating Procedures available and current

  • 1.22. Emergency Procedures displayed and current

  • 1.23. Evacuation plan displayed in prominent locations

  • 1.24. Documented Procedure for Resolution of issues

  • 1.25. Is there a Safety & Health Committee

  • 1.26. Is there a Process for consultation on OSH issues

  • 1.27. Maintenance Records for fixed and mobile Equipment

  • 1.28. Monthly workplace inspections undertaken

  • 1.29. Have contractors provided insurance documents PL/WC

  • 1.30. Pre employment Medicals/Physical Assessments

  • 1.31. Schedule for Health Surveillance available/observed


  • 2.1. Floors even and free of trip hazards

  • 2.2. Floors clean and slip hazards

  • 2.3. Oil and Grease removed

  • 2.4. Floors kept free of rubbish

  • 2.5. Entry and walkways kept free from obstructions

  • 2.6. Walkways free of hoses or electrical cords

  • 2.7. Walkways clearly marked

  • 2.8. Pedestrian and vehicular traffic segregated

  • 2.9. Doors do not open across walkways

  • 2.10. Steps & stairs in good condition

  • 2.11. Hand rails provided and in good condition

  • 2.12. Drains adequately covered

  • 2.13. Restricted access areas identified with signage

  • 2.14. Adequate safe access and egress to workplace

  • 2.15. Rubbish and unused material cleaned away


  • 3.1. Adequate natural light or illumination for tasks

  • 3.2. Good light reflection from walls and ceilings

  • 3.3. No direct or reflected glare

  • 3.4. Light fittings clean and in good condition

  • 3.5. Portable task lighting available


  • 4.1. Materials stored in racks/bins wherever possible

  • 4.2. Storage designed to minimize lifting problems

  • 4.3. Floors around racking clear of rubbish

  • 4.4. Racks and pallets in good condition

  • 4.5 Appropriate equipment provided for access


  • 5.1. All personnel and visitors can be accounted for

  • 5.2. Appropriate footwear worn by visitors and personnel

  • 5.3. All visitors advised to report to office


  • 6.1. Electrical installations installed correctly to minimise risk

  • 6.2. Evidence of maintenance/testing in place

  • 6.3. Components clearly marked & marked RCD protected

  • 6.4. Switchboard free from obstructions

  • 6.5. Emergency shut down procedure in place

  • 6.6. Residual Circuit Breakers Installed

  • 6.7. RCD's regularly tested

  • 6.8. Power points marked RCD Protected

  • 6.9. Testing and Tagging program in place RCD/Hand tools

  • 6.10. Electrical equipment has current Inspection Tag

  • 6.11. No broken plugs, sockets and switches

  • 6.12. Connection moulded or transparent plugs

  • 6.13. No frayed or damaged leads

  • 6.14. No temporary leads on floor

  • 6.15. No strained leads or flexed plugs

  • 6.16. Power boards available if required (no double adaptors)


  • 7.1. Adequately guarded

  • 7.2. No obvious damage to plugs & cords

  • 7.3. Tools inspected regularly and prior to use

  • 7.4. Current electrical test/tag attached

  • 7.5. Portable RCD'S available and used

  • 7.6. Tools turned off and stored safely when not in use

  • 7.7 Register of portable electrical equipment


  • 8.1. Certified plant (compressor) registered/serviced

  • 8.2. Hoist Maintenance recorded in log book

  • 8.3. Moving parts of machinery correctly guarded to AS

  • 8.4. Emergency stops within easy reach of operator

  • 8.5. Manuals/Operating procedures available/understood

  • 8.6. Plant can be adequately isolated and locked out

  • 8.7. Isolation procedures evident and understood/followed

  • 8.8. Adequate and safe access for operation/maintenance

  • 8.9. Machinery kept clean

  • 8.10. Adequate work space around machinery

  • 8.11. No bending or stooping required

  • 8.12. Correct tools are provided

  • 8.13. Is there a preventative maintenance program


  • 9.1. Seat belts fitted and worn

  • 9.2. Mobile plant inspected daily prior to use (pre-start checks)

  • 9.3. Log books/pre-start records available

  • 9.4. Are operators deemed competent to operate mobile plant

  • 9.5. Are operators of High Risk Plant Licensed

  • 9.6. Register of High Risk Licences maintained

  • 9.7. Plant maintained in clean condition

  • 9.8. Industrial fork lift complies with AS/NZS 1873

  • 9.9. Is there a preventative maintenance program for plant

  • 9.10. Do man cages comply with Australian Standard

  • 9.11. Is there safe access to operate/maintain mobile plant

  • 9.12. Site speed limits signed

  • 9.13. Are pedestrians and vehicular traffic/plant segregated


  • 10.1. Mobile Crane/Engine Lift SWL identified on rating plate

  • 10.2. Mobile Crane/Engine Lift maintenance records available

  • 10.3. Overhead Gantry - SWL identified on rating plate

  • 10.4. Block and Tackle - SWL identified on rating plate

  • 10.5. Chains/Slings and Lifting equipment on register

  • 10.6. Chains and Slings have SWL marked

  • 10.7. All equipment testing and inspection records available

  • 10.8. Drum lifters in good condition

  • 10.9. Trolleys in good condition

  • 10.10. Safe pours are serviceable and safe for use


  • 11.1. Are mechanical lifting aids provided

  • 11.2. Manual handling hazards have been identified

  • 11.3. Repetitive tasks identified and controlled

  • 11.4. Manual Handling Risk Assessments completed

  • 11.5 Work rotations promoted/observed for repetitive

  • 11.6. Manual Handling training provided annually


  • 12.1. Fall prevention measures in place

  • 12.2. Work platforms used where possible

  • 12.3. Fall arrest systems comply with AS & inspected

  • 12.4. Anchorage points are rated and inspected

  • 12.5. Ladders comply with AS and inspected regularly

  • 12.6. Work from ladders not permitted (use for access only)

  • 12.7. Edge protection provided (handrails, kickplates)

  • 12.8. Holes and openings covered

  • 12.9. Those Working at Height have accredited training


  • 13.1. Stored and segregated in accordance with DG Code

  • 13.2. Containers correctly marked and labelled

  • 13.3. Containers with decanted substances are labelled

  • 13.4. Register of Hazardous Substances maintained/available

  • 13.5. MSDS current & readily available for chemicals in use

  • 13.6. Risk Assessment for chemicals completed/available

  • 13.7. Hierarchy of controls taken into account

  • 13.8. Appropriate Chemical Training provided & recorded

  • 13.9. Adequate PPE provided and worn

  • 13.10.Safety shower and eye wash provided and working

  • 13.11 Are Chemicals adequately bunded

  • 13.12 Dangerous Goods Manifest provided

  • 13.13 Are licences available for Bulk Dangerous Goods

  • 13.14 Procedures in place for correct disposal of chemicals

  • 13.15 Hydrocarbon / other spill kit & procedure available

  • 13.16 Health surveillance undertaken & recorded if required

  • 13.17 Containers earthed when decanting flammables


  • 14.1. Is atmosphere confirmed as safe when welding

  • 14.2 Welding and allied processes compliant with AS 1674

  • 14.3. Welding screens provided to protect people

  • 14.4. Flash arresters fitted

  • 14.5. Is equipment double insulated

  • 14.6. Are hoses free from damage

  • 14.7. Hot Work permits readily available

  • 14.8. Cylinders stored correctly (Oxygen & Fuels segregated

  • 14.9. Cylinders in cages or chained

  • 14.10. Is required PPE available and serviceable

15.0. FIRE

  • 15.1. Extinguishers in place and marked for type of fire

  • 15.2. Fire equipment recently serviced and indicated on tag

  • 15.3. Adequate directional evacuation signs

  • 15.4. Fire exits clearly identified

  • 15.5. Emergency Exits and exit routes kept free of obstruction

  • 15.6. Exit door easily opened from inside

  • 15.7. Fire Instructions available and displayed

  • 15.8. Regular fire/evacuation drills carried out

  • 15.9. Training sessions conducted annually


  • 16.1. Kits adequate for hazards and number of workers

  • 16.2. Employees aware of location of kit

  • 16.3. Trained First Aiders available and identified

  • 16.4. Kits maintained in clean and tidy condition

  • 16.5. Kits serviced regularly

  • 16.6. Injury reporting procedure understood

  • 16.7. Emergency numbers displayed


  • 17.1. Provided and adequate for hazards and tasks

  • 17.2. Complies with relevant Australian Standard

  • 17.3. Personnel instructed in fit, use and maintenance

  • 17.4. PPE maintained in good working order

  • 17.5. Is PPE used in correct manner

  • 17.6. Air Supplied respirators used for spraying 2-Pack paints

  • 17.7. Respirators cleaned and checked regularly

  • 17.8. Chemical resistant gloves worn for spraying 2-pack

  • 17.9. Chemical resistant coveralls worn for spraying 2-pack

  • 17.10. Breathing air tested at least annually


  • 18.1. Area where PPE required identified by correct signage

  • 18.2. Are First Aid Kits adequately signed

  • 18.3. Fire Equipment signed

  • 18.4. Emergency Exits signed

  • 18.5. Welding signs available

  • 18.6. Hazchem signs in place

  • 18.7. Workshop signed "Authorised Entry Only"

  • 18.8. Signage advising visitors to report to reception

  • 18.9. Speed Limit and other traffic signage

  • 18.10. Emergency Assembly Point

  • 18.11. Other Danger/Caution signs as required


  • 19.1. Stable non-slip floor coverings

  • 19.2. Chairs fully adjustable and ergonomically positioned

  • 19.3. Workstations set up correctly

  • 19.4. No glare onto screen based equipment

  • 19.5. No electrical leads across thoroughfares

  • 19.6. No clutter, files, boxes etc on floors

  • 19.7. Electric heaters safe distance from combustibles

  • 19.8. Filing cabinet drawers open

20.0. NOISE

  • 20.1. Noise assessment conducted

  • 20.2. Hearing conservation program developed

  • 20.3. Noise controls have been identified & implemented

  • 20.4. Personal hearing protection provided (PHP)

  • 20.5. Personnel trained in selecting/fitting/maintaining PHP


  • 21.1. Extraction ventilation in mixing/pouring area

  • 21.2. Spray booth used for hazardous paint or primer

  • 21.3. Spray booth inspected for paint build up on filters/surfaces

  • 21.4 Exhaust air filters present and correctly fitted /good airflow

  • 21.5. Booth regularly maintained and cleaned (records kept)

  • 21.6. Spray booth made of non-combustible materials<br>

  • 21.7. Spray booth has smooth easy to clean interior

  • 21.8. Lights are in a sealed enclosure (no ignition source)

  • 21.9. Emergency exits easily open and have signage

  • 21.10. Signs "Warning Toxic/Flammable vapours may be present"

  • 21.11. Spray booth exhaust stack vertical and 3m above roof

  • 21.12. Air filtered or scrubbed before entering exhaust system

  • 21.13. Filters are replaced regularly and this is documented

  • 21.14. Airflow check in accordance with AS4114 and recorded

  • 21.15 Written SOP displayed on spray booth

  • 21.16. Employees using spray booth are trained in operating

  • 21.17. No food or drinks permitted in spray booth

  • 21.18. Hands not cleaned with thinners

  • 21.19. a Employees using isocyanates have regular checks - Skin

  • b - Respiratory System

  • c - Urine Testing


  • 22.1. Hand washing facilities provided / paper towel / continuous roll towel

  • 22.2. Adequate toilets for number of workers

  • 22.3. Sanitary disposal units provided

  • 22.4. Lunch room facilities adequate for number of workers

  • 22.5. Cool drinking water provided

  • 22.6. Utensils and crockery clean

  • 22.7. Food heating equipment clean and maintained


  • 23.1. No rubbish or spills evident

  • 23.2. Bins located at suitable points

  • 23.3. Bins emptied regularly

  • 23.4. Safe disposal of oily rags

  • 23.5. Oil recovered and/or disposed of safety

  • 23.6 Oil drums bunded

  • 23.7. No evidence of environmental spills

  • 23.8. Spills not permitted to enter stormwater drains or similar

  • 23.9. Drains covered and grates in good condition

  • 23.10. Vegetation and long grass cut back

  • 23.11. Combustible items stored away from buildings

  • 23.12. Designated smoking area safe distance from flammables

  • 23.13. Asbestos identified by testing and signed

  • 23.14. Adequate external lighting

  • 23.15. Adequate parking provided

  • 23.16. Traffic management plan in place

  • 23.17. No pedestrians permitted behind vehicles likely to reverse

  • 23.18. No potholes evident in walkways

  • 23.19. No slip/trip/fall hazards


  • 24.1. Recycled plastic bumpers

  • 24.2. Recycled steel parts

  • 24.3. Recycled cardboard


  • 25.1. Mezzanine floor to standard

  • 25.2. Hand rails in place

  • 25.3. 100mm Toeboard comply

  • 25.4. Fix correct steps and landing

  • 25.5 Milk crates evident

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.