Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Factory

  • Photo Tranformer

  • TYPE of Transformer

  • Edited by

  • Location
  • Kind of reporting

  • EqId


  • Constructor

  • Fabrication number

  • Voltage’s

  • MVA’s

  • For each extra item, create a “Extra Item to add” by pushing on plus.

  • Extra Item to add about Characteristics?
  • Details

  • Kind of answer


Generality around Tank

  • Nameplate and Valves diagram present

  • Fabricationnumber is on the tank and cover

  • Identification plate of the transformer present available

  • Paint condition & colour

  • Welding cover done:

  • Groundings

  • Rust

  • Boleds and screws are in good condition

  • extra items of generality around tank
  • undefined

Bucholz relays

    Bucholz relay Transformer
  • Brand

  • Type Relay

  • Setting speed of the relays in m / second

  • Location or other interesting information

  • Has Elia this relay in stock warehouse

  • Relays to be stocked in the warehouse

  • To adapt on the guideline

  • To add "with instructions" in the Commissioning

  • Bucholz relay OLTC
  • Brand

  • Type Relay

  • Setting speed of the relays in m / second

  • Location or other interesting information

  • Has Elia this relay in stock warehouse

  • Relays to be stocked in the warehouse

  • To adapt on the guideline

  • To add "with instructions" in the Commissioning

  • Bucholz relay other
  • Brand

  • Type Relay

  • Setting speed of the relays in m / second

  • Location or other interesting information

  • Has Elia this relay in stock warehouse

  • Relays to be stocked in the warehouse

  • To adapt on the guideline

  • To add "with instructions" in the Commissioning

On Load Tap Changer

  • OLTC

  • Number of devices mounted

  • Type

  • Motordrive unit

  • Number of devices mounted

  • Type

  • General condition of the gearbox (Inside, dore,...)

  • Hight of the bottom from the gearbox is min 50cm (in case of flood water can enter the box)

  • Heating

  • Lighting / socket

  • Ventilation

  • Wiring / bornes / relays

  • Check correct mounting of the transmission rods, angle reversing box and support OLTC:

  • Position indicator (on top of transformer // of the gearbox)

  • emergency stop

Valves & Pipes

  • "Fast"-Coupler oil sampling Present

  • Is an instruction present on the tank about sufficient oil to remove for samples (some cases more then 5 litres)

  • Open or closed position valves on service is known or marked

  • Open or Closed position valves for transport is known or marked

  • Valves / Vacuüm diagram present

  • Are all the valves local well indicated by number

  • Are all the valves local well indicated by text

  • Are all the pipes well mounted

  • Are the necessary by-passes present where needed

Gas analyser

  • Gas Analyser

  • Number of devices mounted

  • Type

Thermal Image

  • Thermal image present

  • Number of devices mounted

  • Type

  • Programmatic starting fans automatically

  • Programmatic thermal image in factory

TI Bushing's

  • has the transformer TI bushing's?

  • All TI circuits are shorted:


  • Special flanges to keep in stock (No DIN Flanges)

  • Zijn er nieuwe flenzen die we nog niet als spares hebben? en indien we die flenzen in stock zouden moeten nemen dan zouden daar ok de acties kunnen aan gekoppeld worden dat de het project geïnformeerd/gevraagd wordt voor een goede stockage (in kisten, in rekken, …) van die flenzen en dat de lijst (die nog samen met Julie moet worden opgemaakt) ook al vervolledigd wordt met deze nieuwe type flenzen etc…

  • Special flanges will be used

  • Flanges will be numbered by serial N° tranformer and N° flange

  • Destination and process for flanges is clear

  • Where do they will be stored

  • Pallets for stock flanges are foreseen

  • Type off pallets


  • are there any comments regarding bushings?

  • what comments regarding bushings

Surpression relays

  • Surpression relays present

  • Type (s)

  • Serial number

  • Number of divices

  • Evacuation is sufficient foreseen


  • shows the mounting defects

  • Need to block in service

  • instructions are required when commissioning

  • mounted at a visible angle to each other

  • Extra item to add in generality transformer
  • Details

  • Kind of answer


  • Items about ergonomic. Surely if the answer is "NOK" please illustrate with photo and tekst. More info above the tem

Accessibility trafo

  • Is there a standard for ladder support known/applied by EPS? drawings ?

  • Standard known regarding: safety pole, ladder supports and lifting points

  • Distances between 2 poles, acces for the pole, position pole etc....

  • Are the location of the ladder supports accessible, and according to standard?

  • position lifting device, possible to lift the tap changer and take down to the ground

  • Is the "Lumet" foot in the correct position?

  • transfer ladder to transformer without obstacles f.e.

  • Is the cover/top of the transformer accessible?

  • Are there no obstacles, is the distance between axe and OLTC Ok

  • Position lifting point

  • Other about Accessibility trafo:
  • Details:

Motor drive unit

  • F.e. height of the crank

  • Is the position ergonomic?

  • Hight and position door

  • Is the motordrive unit accessible (with an open door) to carry out works?

  • lock open door (against swinging open)

  • Can the door be locked in the open position?

  • Does the door opens in the right direction (consult the draw if needed)

  • If there is no distance between, heating is possible, the protections can switch off untimely

  • Is there sufficient distance between thermal protections

  • indications wiring and relays

  • Does everything look well marked, inside and out site the unit?

  • Other about motordrive unit OLTC
  • Details:

240/400V Boards:

  • Hight and accessible

  • Is the position ergonomic?

  • Hight and position door

  • Is the 240/400V Board accessible (with an open door) to carry out works?

  • lock open door (against swinging open)

  • Can the 240/400V board door be locked in the open position?

  • Hight of the bottom from the cabinet is min 50cm (in case of flood water can enter the box)

  • If there is no distance between, heating is possible, the protections can switch off untimely

  • Is there sufficient distance between thermal protections

  • indications wiring and relays

  • Does everything look well marked, inside and out site the 240/400V board?

  • Other about 240/400V Boards
  • Details:

  • Other Boards from devices
  • Description device

  • Is the position ergonomic?

  • Hight and position door

  • Is the Board accessible (with an open door) to carry out works?

  • lock open door (against swinging open)

  • Can the board door be locked in the open position?

  • Hight of the bottom from the cabinet is min 50cm (in case of flood water can enter the box)

  • If there is no distance between, heating is possible, the protections can switch off untimely

  • Is there sufficient distance between thermal protections

  • indications wiring and relays

  • Does everything look well marked, inside and out site the 240/400V board?

  • Other about 240/400V Boards
  • Details:

Other parts:

  • renewing drying grains can be done ergonomic and the acces is good

  • Location, height and weight of drying the grain container:

  • location is e.g. not above the transformer but between conservatory and transformer

  • Accessibility of the Buchholz and URF relays:

  • Accessibility & visibility oil level gauges and thermometers:

  • Hight, weight e.g.

  • Accessibility (assembly and disassembly) fans

  • About labels on cables: well mounted and in metallic plate (or something weatherproof).

  • Are the cables well labeled

  • PRD pressure release device has an evacuation pipe?

  • Flanges will be numbered with number transformer and number flange

  • Other parts
  • Details:

  • For each extra item, create a “Extra Item to add” by pushing on plus.

  • Extra items to add about ergonomic:
  • Details:

  • Kind of answer:


  • Are the test reports from SGS available for Elia

  • to find on : \\isofile10\BELESFS\SGS\SGS to Elia - Projects

  • Operation instructions (Must be available before SAT)

  • EPS loaded all the DUTCH data on “Legonet”?

  • EPS loaded all the FRENCH data on “Legonet”?

  • Maintenance instructions (Must be available before SAT)

  • EPS loaded all the DUTCH data on “Legonet”?

  • EPS loaded all the FRENCH data on “Legonet”?

  • Instructions conservator with membrane available.

  • EPS loaded all the DUTCH data on “Legonet”?

  • EPS loaded all the FRENCH data on “Legonet”?

  • Specific instructions (Must be available before SAT)

  • EPS loaded all the DUTCH data on “Legonet”?

  • EPS loaded all the FRENCH data on “Legonet”?

  • Other documents (Must be available before SAT)
  • Details:

  • Other documents available

  • EPS loaded all the DUTCH data on “Legonet”?

  • EPS loaded all the FRENCH data on “Legonet” ?


  • Are there special remarques

  • reamarque: (For each remarque push on + )

  • Remarque
  • Titel

  • Discription

  • Varia


  • For each extra Point of Interest to add in “MSI”, create a “ Point of Interest to add in “MSI” by pushing on plus.

  • Point of Interest to add in “MSI”
  • Description

  • Guideline already known about this point in MSI

  • Picture for MSI

  • Adaptation checklist MSI TFO

  • Notes

==> ADAPTATIONS TE BE DONE (directly or later):

  • For each new adaptation push on plus.The intention is to have possible changes implemented on this unit, or on later units going into production, or at the next framework agreement:

  • Adaption to be done
  • Adaption to be done see description below:

  • Illustration:


  • For each new type of equipment, create a “NEW equipment” by pushing on plus.

  • NEW equipment
  • Knowledge and instructions are anchored (more details in report)

  • Name / Function

  • Brand

  • Model

  • Operating instructions available?

  • Maintenance Instructions available?

  • Enter the title of the course in the description:

  • Training needed?

  • Training available?

  • contact person / where / when

  • Language:

  • Information during the FAT

  • Info on website?

  • Other remarks

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.