Title Page

  • Name of injured person

  • Date and Time of accident

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Site H&S contact name

  • Site H&S contact phone number or email

  • Safety briefing provided by site

  • Image of briefing if available


Details of Injured Person

  • Date of Birth

  • Mobile Telephone Number

  • Home Address

  • City

  • County

  • Post Code

  • Gender

Injury Details

  • What part of the body was injured? Describe in detail

  • Take photo of the body part that was injured. Annotate as required

  • What was the nature of the injury? Describe in detail

  • Describe fully how the accident happened?

  • What was the employee doing prior to the event?

  • Take photos of the surrounding environment the employee was in prior to the event

  • Was tooling and /or equipment being used?

  • Detail what was being used

  • Was PPE in use?

  • Detail what PPE was in use

  • Cause of event

  • Add supporting evidence of contributing factors

  • Was work being carried out covered by RAMs?

  • Add photo of the document

  • Accident result of an existing condition?

  • Next of kin contacted?

  • Person contacted

  • Send home/off site?

  • Returned to work?

Witness Statements

  • Were there any witnesses?

  • Add witness

  • Witness
  • Enter witness name

  • Contact number

  • Witness statement

  • Witness signature

Emergency Services

  • Employee went to doctor/ hospital?

  • Hospital Name

  • Police were called to the scene

  • Police reference number


  • Use this space to capture any further details

Sign off

  • Injured person signature

  • Reported by signature

Important Instruction

  • The following people must be notified of the accident immediately: Your site contact, your line manager, HS&E manager & HR Manager

  • I confirm all of the above parties have been notified of the accident reported above.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.