Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Date and Time
Office General Inspection
Design & layout of pedestrian walkways & pavements (Basement Parking)
Are drivers, visitors, and delivery drivers adequately informed of site rules, using appropriate safety signage?
Are adequate pedestrian crossing points provided, suitably marked, and effectively used?
Are pedestrian walkways adequately maintained and free from trip / slip hazards?
Where necessary, are barriers and/or railings provided at appropriate locations to prevent pedestrians unexpectedly walking into the path of vehicles? (e.g. gateways, entrances and corners, etc)
Can pedestrians see approaching traffic clearly at all crossing points?
Is there suitable & sufficient areas provided for disabled person to park & safely access buildings?
Is there sufficient lighting to the area?
Have speed limits been applied to the roadways, and is appropriate signage displayed?
Office Environments: Temperature, Ventilation, Lighting, D.S.E, E.D.I
Is the workplace at a comfortable temperature?
Is there a fresh air conditioning system in place?
Is there sufficient lighting in place?
Is there a facility to minimise glare from sunlight?
Are the chairs being used suitable and correct height (knees at right angles, feet flat)
Are monitors set at the correct height (eyes in line with top of the screen)
Are monitors set at the correct distance (arm’s length away when seated)
Is the mouse located beside the keyboard (allows relaxed arms and wrists)
Is the keyboard located near edge of desk (allows relaxed arms)
Have all staff / visitors with disabilities been considered when using the building?
Have all disabilities been considered on each floor in relation to facilities?
Housekeeping & Waste Materials
Is the area free from slips and trips
Is the workplace clean & tidy?
Are desks clean & tidy?
Is the area around desks free of coats, bags, etc?
Are all chemicals used / stored correctly
Are first aid kits kept fully stocked
Is there suitable storage provided for waste materials
Is there suitable storage provided for confidential materials
Fire Safety & Emergency Exits
Are all fire escapes clearly marked
Are all fire escapes free from blockages or obstacles?
Is all emergency equipment regularly serviced and maintained? (Fire extinguishers, Evac chairs, e.t.c)
Are fire drills regularly carried out, including any PEEP evacuations?
Is all electrical equipment regularly PAT tested
Are there fire extinguishers placed within high-risk areas
Management arrangements
Are responsible persons clearly identified for raising concerns?
Is the HASWA poster available for all to read?
Is the’ Employers’ Liability insurance certificate’ available for all to read / access
Are there sufficient first aiders and are they displayed on company noticeboards
Are mental health first aiders known and are they displayed on company noticeboards
Are there sufficient fire wardens and are they displayed on company noticeboards
Is there a facility to report ‘close calls’ and ‘accidents / incidents’
Are significant hazards risk assessed?
Are any chemicals used / stored COSHH assessed?