Conducted on
HSEQ Team Member Conducting Inspection
Inspection Findings
Recordkeeping & Postings
Are OSHA workplace posters current (scan QR code) and displayed in a prominent location where employees are likely to see it?
Are Workers Compensation Posters current (scan QR code) and visible with proper information filled out?
Is the HSEQ Board up to date with current postings, the safety tree up to date?
Are Newpark required postings (Whistle blower Hotline Poster, Keystone Safety Rules, SWA, campaigns, etc.) current and visible?
Is the current OSHA 300 log posted and visible for all employees to review (February 1 - April 30)?
Health & Environmental
Has the facility had an emergency drill within the last calendar year?
Date of last emergency table top drill
When is the next scheduled drill?
Does the facility have a current, valid and trained Medic First Aid/CPR/AED person(s) on site?
Does the facility have an AED in good working order (non-expired pads, etc) and current inspection on file?
Does the facility have the OSHA required amount and type of first aid supplies?
Which items are missing or expired? (
Does the facility have a proper, non-expired Bloodborne Pathogens kit?
Does the facility have sanitation supplies? (hand soaps, hand sanitizer, etc.)
Are local emergency numbers posted for all employees to view? (local hospital, clinic, company contacts, etc.)
Are smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in good working order and placed in proper areas?
Are chemical hazards properly identified and mitigated?
Are emergency eye wash stations/showers in good working order with proper water pressure?
Are the refrigerator(s)/microwave(s) clean and working properly?
Fire Protection & Prevention
Does the facility have an adequate number of proper fire extinguishers?
Are fire extinguishers the proper type for the area?
Are fire extinguishers properly charged to required levels?
Are fire extinguishers properly installed and accessible?
Are fire extinguishers easily visible with proper signage? Can signs be seen from a distance?
Have fire extinguishers been inspected and documented as required? (Annual inspection required)
Are fire extinguishers properly labeled and legible?
Are flammable materials properly stored in an approved, proper flammable cabinet?
Are proper No Smoking and Designated Smoking Area signs posted, legible and visible?
Does the facility have a designated smoking area with signage and flammable disposal?
Facility Security
Is a perimeter fencing installed and in good working order (free of gaps, holes and gates close properly)?
Are gates/entrances able to be secured properly?
Is security system (cameras, alarms) in place and in good working order?
Are doors, entry ways and employee areas secured with restricted access to the public?
Does the facility maintain the landscaping and grass cutting, including ditches and/or retention ponds?
Have employees been trained on proper emergency evacuation routes and planning?
Are employees onsite properly trained and current on HAZCOM standards?
Are Safety Data Sheets (SDS) current and available for review?
Does local management understand and know how to utilize SDSonline for access to SDS?
Is the emergency action plan for the establishment current and available for review?
Are containers (chemicals, fuels, etc.) properly labeled and stored?
Is the written HAZCOM program current and available for review?
Are signs (safety, informational, etc.) properly installed, legible and visible?
Are the signs in the establishment make sense, give proper information and bi-lingual where applicable?
Does the establishment have a Newpark public information sign that is legible and visible?
Are there signs present stating reverse/back-in parking only?
Are there signs present stating required PPE for areas?
Establishment Housekeeping
Are offices, restrooms and buildings being maintained in a clean, sanitized and orderly manner?
Does facility have adequate hand washing soaps and disinfections available?
Are aisles/walkways free of trash and debris?
Are aisles/walkways clear and accessible?
Are boxes stacked more than one box high on file cabinets?
Are there excess cords laying on the ground/walking areas?
Are exits open and marked with proper signage?
Have slip, trip and fall hazards been removed or protected?
Have scrap materials & trash been removed?
Is housekeeping being maintained on a regular basis?
Is material & equipment being stored properly?
Are break area appliances being kept clean and maintained?
Is the parking lot area free from excess pot holes or damaged areas?
Facility Lighting
Does the facility have adequate lighting? (Both interior and exterior)
Are lights in working order and bright enough for the work area?
Do all work areas have proper lighting for the task?
Are there any space heaters being used?
Are electrical connections properly grounded and bonded?
Are Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) installed and in good working condition?
Are electrical conduits in good working condition?
Are electrical panels accessible and free of equipment, boxes, etc at least 4 ft away?
Are electrical panels labeled correctly with DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE signs?
Are energized parts protected?
Are extension cords in good working order? (free from electrical tape, ground plug present, prongs straight and no tears or open jacket)
Are electrical covers and guards in place and in good working condition?
Are cords plugged into an approved power strip?
Are there any extension cords being used as a permanent power source?
Office Decor
Are boards of the required size and includes tasteful, business content?
Are items, pictures in the office space utilizing approved hanging devices and business content?
Are electronic fragrance devices being utilized?
Are there any non-approved items (fish, plants, etc.) in the office area?
Additional Comments
Responsible Management Acknowledgement
Facility Representative
HSEQ Team Member Signature