Office Visual Inspection Check List
Please use the following checklist to visually inspect the offices.
If any issues are noted please outline them in an email to and include details of the office location and name of occupant
You can use the comments box to take notes as you go
Is the floor clear of trip hazards e.g. Ethernet cables, extension leads
Is shelving being used appropriately e.g. heavy bulky loads at the bottom shelves and light loads on higher shelves) and in a relatively tidy state
Is the floor under the desks clear of clutter
Is there any old / broken equipment that should be removed
Are there any bins other than the recycling / general waste bins (if so is it emptied every night?)
Are there any other issue that might attract mice
Is there a significant amount of general clutter (except for work in progress)
Are the electrical items within their PAT test date tolerances
Is there a fan heater in use
Other hazards, not listed above that the inspection team believe pose a risk -
Use this comments box to take notes if required