Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Preparation Prior to the Store Visit
Review the Stores Profit and Loss reports prior to the visit
Review store sales to budget for the month, previous quarter vs. last year
Review agreed actions from previous visits and completion of tasks
Prepare store specific information to be discussed with SBM and SLT
Make note of any service milestones, achievements or other items you would like to recognise/praise the store team
Service Metric Review
Review the Stores Profit and Loss Reports prior to the visit. Are there any opportunities from the P&L that would increase the stores overall profit . Please note these to discuss with SBM on your visit.
Is store performing positivel financially compared to last year Sales<br><br>
Is the stores gross profit above last year Gross Profit %<br><br>
Is the Store Margin above LY and the State average . If Not why not and what are the root causes of this performance ?<br>
Is the stores Transactions above the LY and above the state average? If not what is the root cause for the performance? <br>
Is the Labour % to Sales in line which best practice of 9.5%? If the store has overspent in the last month what actions are in place to bring payrol back into line ?
Is the stores Unit sold above LY and the state average ? If not why not and what is the root cause of the performance? <br>
Is the store Gap Buster result above 75% . If not what are the opportunities from the last results?
Did the store complete a stock take in the last month or quarter<br>What was the stocktake variance
Is the stores great service score above 8.4 If not what is the opportunity for the store?
What is the stores Product insuance penetration? how does this compare to the 15% target ?
Review and Document Category performance . Are Margin generating sections above company benchmarks? list the opportunities ready to discuss with SBM and Team Members <br>
Please call the SBM to notify of your visit and some of the key actions along with any other points the Manager wishes to cover. ( There is no weighting to the question please click YES to continue)
Front of Store (First Fifty Metres)
Car park and gardens clear of rubbish and well maintained?
Officeworks Sign clean and in good order, no vandalism or graffitti
External paint work in good condition, not faded and no vandalism/graffiti on walls fences etc
Store signage, fascia's, walls free of cobwebs and dirt and grime
Are the out side A frames showing the correct material along with the outside posters? <br>
Windows and glass clean and no unauthorised signage cluttering the view into the store
Does the store look presentable from the outside looking in. Please attach photo of the store.
Is the Air lock showing the correct catalogues that are dated? Is there any information on the notice board that should not be there?
is the store showing the current catalogue and are the holders full?
Is the cartridge recycle bin clean and tidy?
Is there a front greeter welcoming customers into the store and determing customer needs?
Store floor area
Does the store follow the Officeworks customer service standards<br>(Warm Welcome, acknowledge all customers?) and determine customers needs?
Is the store overall appearance from front looking in look full and inviting?
Are the Team members " Playing In Position" and not all at the front of the store?
Interior walls, skirting boards, doors clean and dust free.
Are the floors looking clean. Please note any issues with flooring such as Strip and seal required.
Are all waste bins clean,emptied regularly and out of site
Glass and windows internally clean
Air-conditioning and heating working creating a comfortable in store environment
Is the ticketing inline with OW standards?
Print and Copy Area
Is the print and copy Area free of clutter and all correct point of sale displayed?
Is behind the counter free of clutter and safe for all Team Members?
Is the all the printers in working order? Please list any issues with equipment and mark NO .
Is the Department in stock and Full?
Is the pen stand full of stock? <br>
Is the Department stock presentation faced up and recovered ready for trade?<br>
is the OOS blue card process completed ? How many gaps are there in department?
Have all range reviews and Plano updates been completed?
Is the overhead stock holding managed and labelled correctly?
Has the ENF process been completed as per guidelines?
Is the Department dust and rubbish free?
Are the clip strip and side stacks ticketed, Neat and to standard?
Is the any Broken signage , Perpex etc....?
Is the TECH display full and showing the correct stock? <br>
Is the PLC actioned weekly? <br>
Are all computers and tech items turned on? <br>
Are all the promo floor layout completed . If not why not and what actions are in place to have these completed? Is this an out of stock issue if so what actions have been taken to address?
Is there Merchandise protected as per the guidelines?
Aisles ( Walk all Aisles to determine correct responces)
Has the Promo floor plan been actioned ( Ask SLT to discuss the process and the stock issues)
Is all stock front facing and tidy from a customers perspective?
Are all the shelves clean and dust free?
Are the blue tickets visible across the Aisles has the OOS been completed?
Are all tickets in Asile correct and to company standards.?
Is the Department Stock presentation faced up and recovered ready for trade?<br>
Are Dump bins clean and tidy and free of graffitti?
Are clipstrips and side stacks ticketed , Neat and to standard.
Do the pallet stacks tell a story and are they full?
Please review sidekicks and Aisle Ends . Are they to Planogram for the store?
Are all displays avalible and on show?
Have all the range reviews and Plano updates been completed? ( Please add pictures)
Is the overheads stock holdings managed and labelled correctly?
Is there any broken direction Signage , Perspex etc..?
is the ENF process been completed ( How many Gaps are in department)
SLT's understanding of Sales , Margin and department split? Please quiz team on stores performance.
Funrniture ( Where stores have floor furniture)
Is the furniture set to the correct planogram and are all items correctly ticketed? Please add photo of furniture dispay.
Is Funiture clean and dust free?
Is the furniture shelves fully stacked and neatly put away?
Is all the pricing correct and to company standards?
Cash registers
Are all cash registers working and are they clean with correct point of sale material?<br>
Is the Implulse Lane shelves full and ticketed to the company standards?
Is the store tracking above the mobile POS transactions?
Is the store using the mobile POS unit for customers paying by EFTPOS?
Recieving Area .
Is the back storage Area clean and tidy and free of any hazards?
Have RLO's been completed in the last 30 days?
Is the Click and collect area labeleled and is there any click and collect over 90 days?
Are the team members actioning Click and collect in 2 hours? Please review click and collect report.
Are the team members aware of all service offers . E.G insurance , Extra cover ( Please quiz the Team Members)
Are all Service Brochures mechandised correctly and are visual to the customer?
What Targets have beeen set for the store for extra services ? E.G Extra Cover?
Customer Lounge/Amenities
Is Coffee, tea and milk provided for our customers?
Water cooler full with fresh water and disposal cups are available
Customer toilets are clean, mopped regularly, deodorised and lock on doors working. <br>Sanitary bin, deodoriser and toilet brush in toilets
Is there any non approved promotional material displayed. <br>All walls/counters must be free of unauthorised advertising or promotional material other than ADS approved.<br>
Is all the wall signage displayed in authorised frames, no posters on walls
Team Members
is the SBM and all team members wearing the correct uniform including name tags?
All staff to be well groomed, uniforms clean as set out in the company guidelines?
Review staff turnover/absenteeism/annual leave numbers. Are they at an acceptable level and managed<br>Leave liability 6 weeks maximum<br>Absenteeism below 2% 0f worked hours
Leadership back office
Is the managers office set up to company standards? Please include a photo. <br><br>
Is the store set up with all the correct filling? <br>
Does the store have a current roster displayed that is at least two weeks ahead?
Has the manager completed NIL stock and stock in transit (SIT) reports within the last 7 days . If not mark this section as a NO.
Are there any recruitment needs for the store? Please list and what actions are taking place to recruit.
Team Member Amenities
Lunchroom clean, floors ,walls, ceilings and lighting operational<br>(Heating and cooling provided)
Is the lunch room clean and Tidy?
Toilets clean and stocked
Your Call Poster and Safety Posters displayed in the office and staff amenities/Lunchroom
Emergency evacuation plan documented and displayed. All team members trained and fully aware of the stores evacuation points. <br>(Ask 3 team members of where the evacuation points are in the store and report result)
Has the store had any injuries or LTI's since last review if so are they being managed correctly with measures in place to prevent injuries occurring.
Are all the ladders and safty equipment in working order. Are the team using best practices?
First Aid Office and fire warden on site and current certificate on file
Has a safety meeting been conducted in the last month with minutes?
Customer Feedback
Is the store achieving a GSS of 8.4 or more?
Review last Gap Buster. Has a minimum of 75% been achieved? Please list opportunities and discuss with SBM. <br>
Office works Visit Summary and Action Plan - duplicate
SBM required actions:
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Action Point
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Next Planned Visit