Title Page

  • Name of Venue

  • Address

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Contact Number

Untitled Page

Vehicle Parking and Building Perimeter

  • Is the road and access driveway suitable for the transport being used?

  • Do the security lights illuminate parking and building perimeter?

  • Are entrances and exits are clearly marked?

  • Is the surface of parking area and driveways free from potholes, cracks and other trip hazards?

  • Is the required direction of traffic well defined and clearly indicated by signs and/or painted roads?

  • Are external roads and car parks are well drained to prevent flooding or pooling of water?

  • Are disabled parking areas designated and in priority locations?

  • Are the pathways continuous clear and accessible (i.e. no barriers, no impediment from trees)?

  • Are pathways free from raised curbs, projections, holes and other tripping hazards?

  • Are all steps and changes of levels clearly defined?

  • Is the assembly area for emergency evacuations clearly marked?

  • Is the walking distance from the drop off point to venue access point suitable?

  • Does the venue have mobile phone coverage?

  • Is the venue away from main roads, steep slopes?

  • Is parking adequate for the transport being used?

  • Is the venue safe from aggressive /unrestrained animals?


  • Are entrances and steps in good order?

  • Are entrances, doorways, stairs and steps kept free from obstructions?

  • Are handrails installed where appropriate at entrance/exit steps and ramps

  • Are floor coverings in good order?

  • Are floors even, with no cracks, dips or holes?

  • Are floors clean and not slippery?

  • Are computer and other electrical leads and cables kept clear of aisles and walkways?

  • Are aisles and walkways free from obstructions – boxes, rubbish, bins, etc?

Stairs and Landings

  • Is the lighting adequate?

  • Is there good visual contrast between steps

  • Is there slip-resistant strips on step edges

  • is there minimal variation between step height and depth

Lighting and Indoor Climate

  • Are stairwells and exits well lit?

  • Is the lighting adequate for activities

  • Is the temperature maintained at appropriate (comfortable) level throughout indoor areas

  • Is the air quality acceptable (no fumes, odours, particles)?


  • Are the facilities suitable for the group program to be delivered?

  • Is the service delivery area away from client arrival & entry exit zones?

  • Do outdoor venues have adequate shade for daytime activities?

  • Is there adequate space for 4-wheel walkers to move between furniture?


  • Are their adequate toilets for men and women?

  • Are the toilets suitable for people with disabilities?

  • Are the facilities cleaned regularly?

  • Are the facilities well ventilated?

  • Is there hand wash, single-use hand towels/driers provided?

  • Is there sanitary bins provided?

Kitchens/Lunch rooms/Dining

  • Is there suitable eating/tea break facilities provided?

  • Are the floor surfaces anti-slip?

  • Are the floors free from water and grease

First Aid

  • Are first aid kits available and complete?

  • Are electrical leads free from kinks, frays, loose or exposed wires or leads?

  • Are plugs, sockets and switches in safe places and free from obvious defects (loose, broken, overheating)?


  • Is all noisy equipment enclosed or isolated from clients and staff?

Fire Exits & Emergency Procedures

  • Are smoke detectors and alarms appropriately located and in working order?

  • Are emergency procedures and exit signs clearly displayed?

  • Are fire exits and stairwells uncluttered?

  • Are fire exits unlocked during working hours

  • Are fire extinguishers regularly serviced and service dates recorded on tags?

Chemicals/Hazardous substances

  • Are Hazardous substances kept in a locked cupboard or drawers away from access?

  • Is the venue free from vapours, fumes, cigarette smoke?


  • Are there any other hazards present? (please specify). If so, you must detail action needed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.