Title Page

  • When complete please email completed inspection to Kirsten. kvanden@scstechnologies.co.uk

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Engineer Name

  • Location
  • Please Input SCS Job Number

  • Arrival Time on site

  • Have you completed Site induction?

  • How long did site induction take? (mins)

  • Have you completed and signed the POWRA?

  • Please upload a photo of the signed POWRA

  • Please provide reason why you haven't signed POWRA document

  • Have you read and signed the RAMS?

  • Please upload photo of signed RAMS document

  • Please provide reason why you have not signed RAMS document

  • Name of Builder

  • is this an Install or De-Rig

  • Have SCS Hired a Scaffold Tower/Platform?

  • Have you used any cable?

  • Cable type

  • Internal or External grade?

  • Cable Length? (m)

  • Have you used more than 30 metres WF100?

  • How much cable have you used in total? (m)

  • Please input length of each cable type (m)

  • Have you used a mast?

  • Have you used any T&K's?

  • Size?

  • Have you used an NPR?

  • How many NPR bases have you used?

  • How many blocks have you used?

  • Have you used an NPR Pole/Jack Leg?

  • Have you used back to back clamps?

  • Have you used any trunking?

  • What size trunking have you used?

  • What length of trunking have you used (m)

  • Have you moved trunking off van stock on Tesseract?

  • Please upload internal photos including cabling and equipment

  • Please upload external photos

  • Any Equipment not installed?

  • What equipment wasn't installed and why?

  • Full name of site contact

  • Signature of Site Contact

  • Please input Onwave clear code.

  • Engineer Notes

  • Reason for any delays/extra time on site

  • Departure time from site (This answer will auto-complete, please do not adjust)

  • Total time on spent on site? (mins)

  • Please Send completed Audit To Kirsten Vanden

  • What kit have you derigged?

  • Where are you sending the Onwave Kit?

  • Full name site contact.

  • Signature of Site Contact

  • Please input Onwave clear code.

  • Engineer Notes

  • Full name of Site Contact

  • Signature of Site Contact

  • Onwave Clear Code

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.