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Audit Title
Enter club and turn off alarm code. Turn on smoothie bar lights and radio.
Turn on computers: log in, clock in, set up check in.
Grab main keys/pool door keys and remote for tv. Start club walk.
Pull all items to front of cooler, labels facing out, turn lights on.
Turn on treadmills/televisions, including ones upstairs.
Check fish bowl/weight room/zone for weights not racked and make sure everything is aligned.
Walk through upstairs. Pick up any trash left over. Re-align machines if needed. Make sure back stretch room looks neat and orderly (weights put up, balls on stacks, etc.) Check tanning beds to make sure they are cleaned.
Women's locker room-close all lockers, pick up any trash, spread shower curtains out to allow drying, replace toilet paper if less than half full.
Men's locker room-close all lockers, pick up any trash, spread shower curtains out to allow drying, replace toilet paper if roll is less than half full.
Turn on hot tub water (if needed). Open screen doors (if not too cold), unlock pool door.
Final club walk.
Turn on sales floor lights, pool lights, main entrance lights.
Open drawer, make sure it equals $100.00.
Print reports: 1QB by POS Method, MICO, GARLAND2, CHECK IN ALERTS-all from previous day.
Complete Banking; Scan completed banking slip to banking@4ifc.com on printer.
Begin going through check-in alerts at 7:30 a.m. Email members through DataTrak that payment is overdue XX days, CC for agreement is expired or will be expiring, etc.
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