Title Page
Property Being Audited
Date of Audit
Scheme Manager for This Property
Academic Year of Audit
Person Carrying Out the Audit
1. Office Administration & Bookings
1.1 Current In House Bookings (Sample Size of 10% of Site Beds)
Is there a licence agreement stored on file or on CMS?
Is there proof of registering the deposit with the DPS/LPS?
Has the deposit been paid/topped up correctly?
Does the licence reflect the booking information on CMS such as contract length, check in date etc.?
Are correct payment plans being used and stored on file/CMS, and are signed by both student & guarantor?
Are in-house tenants checked in on CMS?
Has an eligible guarantor signed the licence agreement for students paying in instalments?
Is there proof of address for the guarantor uploaded with the licence agreement?
Is there a current student photo on the tenant profile , accessible by security staff, maintenance and CSA's?
Is the room inventory form completed & signed by the student?
Are payments on the student's transactions allocated correctly?
Has the check in registration check sheet been saved to X: drive check in folder
Are departed tenants checked-out on the booking system?
1.2 Bookings for Next/Upcoming Academic Year (Sample Size of 10% of Site Beds)
Is there a licence agreement stored on file or on CMS?
Has the deposit been paid/topped up correctly?
Are students being allocated to rooms, and bookings being confirmed correctly and in a timely manner?
Is there proof of registering the deposit with the DPS/LPS?
Does the licence reflect the booking information on CMS such as contract length, check in date etc.?
Has an eligible guarantor signed the licence agreement for students paying in instalments?
Is there proof of address for the guarantor uploaded with the licence agreement?
Is there a current student photo on the tenant profile?
Are payments on the student's transactions allocated correctly?
Is the room inventory form completed & signed by the student?
1.3 Finance & Debt
Is the weekly arrears report up to date and the arrears protocol being followed?
Are the student debtor notes & communication up to date on CMS?
Is there evidence of 7 day, 14 day and LBA letters being sent where needed?
Is there evidence of credit card expenses being checked and signed off monthly ?
Is the income bank account checked regularly and payments are being allocated to the tenants transactions on CMS?
Are PDQ receipts being processed in a timely manner?
Are the OPS and CAPEX spend in line with the annual property budget?
Are Supplier Invoices up to date ?
Is there evidence of invoices signed off and allocated to the correct nominal code(s)?
Have University Invoices for rental payments been raised in time for payment?
Is there evidence of the purchase order system being used to track purchases?
1.4 General Office Administration & Tasks
Is there an electronic copy of current service contracts in place such as security or housekeeping services?
Is there a paper or electronic copy of any current nomination agreement(s)?
Is the property and office compliant with GDPR guidelines?
Are all data sharing agreements in place and signed?
Is the proper complaints procedure being followed?
Has the ANUK self-audit been completed? And is the ANUK certificate up to date and displayed?
Are all folders up to date with latest procedures and policies and are all staff trained on/aware of these policies and procedures?
Is there evidence of monthly team meetings and daily briefings?
Are the sales targets up on the office board and are the team being briefed on these daily?
2. Reception and Office Area
2.1 Office Area, Working Environment
Is the office/work area clean and tidy?
Is there a staff notice board with up to date information?
Is there the current H&S law poster on display for staff to see?
Are staff/HQ contact lists available for all staff?
Are direct line/transfer details available on each phone/desk?
Are all Capitol staff well presented & wearing uniform where required?
Is there an up to date list of current in-house students with room numbers readily available?
ls the staff toilet tidy and clean?
Is the key cabinet tidy, with a key list, and kept locked?
Is there evidence of a regular master key audit being carried out?
Is there a staff rota on display including out sourced team members?
Are the office windows clean and dust free (internal)?
Are the office phones working and clean?
Is the comms room tidy, and is the air con working correctly?
Are parcels stored securely and logged on CMS correctly?
Is the contractor's sign-in book being used correctly?
Is the site duty mobile charged and in full working order?
Does the office/work area have adequate heating and lighting?
Does the office/work area have adequate room and is it free from clutter?
Is the office/work area free from risk of any slips, trips and falls?
Are the desks clean and dust free?
Is the staff kitchen area clean and tidy (inc white goods for staff use)?
Are there refreshments available for all staff?
Are radios being used daily, and in full working order?
2.2 Reception
Is all reception flooring free from slips, trips and falls?
ls reception well signposted for customers/visitors?
Are walls clean and free from marks?
Is the display screen TV working, with current on-brand info?
Is reception well lit, heated and welcoming to customers?
Is the student visitor's sign-in book being used correctly?
Are the daytime and out of hours phone details on display for students?
Do students know how and where to collect parcels?
Are notice boards tidy and up to date with in-house promotions, sales posters and student experience/event info?
Is there undamaged and clean seating for students/visitors?
Are the reception bins emptied regularly?
Is the vending machine well stocked and in working order?
Is drinking water or refreshments available to visitors?
2.3 Laundry Room
Is the laundry room clean and tidy?
Are the bins & lost property emptied regularly?
Is the notice board tidy with relevant info?
Are all washers/dryers fully functional?
Are seats in good condition?
Have the dryer filters been cleaned & are free of fluff?
Are walls clean, and free from marks?
2.4 H&S Compliance, PPE & First Aid
Is there PPE available to office & security staff?
Have staff signed to say they know where the PPE is?
Are there first aid kits with updated inventory lists, checked weekly?
Are there lists of site first aiders in the office/working area ?
Is there a bio hazard kit available in the office?
Is there an eye wash station in the office/staff kitchen?
Is there a record of these safety items being checked weekly?
Is the EAP available to all staff?
Is the fire alarm panel accessible and free from faults?
Are emergency alarms for accessible rooms visible and working?
Is the office lockable and/or are shutters working?
Are refuge call point alarms/phones working and accessible?
3. Security
3.1 Shift Tasks
Nightly occurrence log/handovers completed by security & signed by manager?
Is there evidence of an assignment log being used?
Are security patrols being recorded/reported?
Are security patrols covering all internal and external areas as well as means of escape?
ls there evidence of security staff removing dangerous items and items that pose a fire safety risk during their shift?
Are security staff carrying out extra duties as and when requested by management?
Are incident reports filled in by security where required & signed by a manager?
Are serious incidents reported to the mobile patrol unit?
Is there evidence of excellent customer service provided to our students by security staff?
Are security staff cleaning any mess or damage they find on shift?
ls the office left in a clean and tidy condition by security staff?
Is there evidence that security staff are trained in fire evacuation procedures?
Is there evidence of duty manager visits by the security provider, at night?
Are handovers between security and day time staff comprehensive and carried out daily?
3.2 Site Security Systems
Are the site grounds well lit at night?
Are the CCTV cameras & monitors fully operational?
Is the date and time correct on the CCTV?
Are the site entry systems working in all blocks & entrances?
Is there a service agreement in place for the CCTV?
Are the doors and shutters service records up to date?
ls the reception/office shutter in working order?
Does signage specify that security staff are on duty/the site Is monitored?
Is there evidence that the staff 'people safe' devices are being used?
Are external gates, barriers and site fencing in working order and in good condition?
3.3 Contract Agreement/SLA
Is there a copy of the security contract on site?
Are the contact details for security duty management available to staff?
Are the control centre details available to staff?
Are regular meetings with the security provider taking place, and minutes provided?
4. Gymnasium
Gym Equipment
Are all machines and equipment operating as intended and in good condition?
If out of order, is equipment clearly labelled and unplugged?
Are the machines & equipment clean?
Are any cables tidy, safe and secured?
Are all machines and equipment free from obstructions and have plenty of surrounding space?
4.2 Floor
Are floors & mats clean and in good condition?
Are floor areas free from obstruction and safe to use?
Is the floor free from risk of slips, trips & falls?
4.3 General
Are free-weight areas keep tidy, with weights tidied on racks?
Are there equipment safety posters displayed?
Is there a maintenance or service contract in place for the equipment?
Have all students with gym access had a gym induction and completed the health questionnaire?
Is there drinking water available?
Is there blue roll or towels available?
Are the TVs/display screens in working order?
Are the mirrors free from smears and cracks?
Does the gym smell fresh and inviting?
5. Health & Safety
5.1 Staff Safety & Training
Is there evidence of current generic & specific staff risk assessments?
Is there evidence of current risk assessments for casual/temp staff?
Is there evidence of DSE assessment taken annually by required staff?
Have all employees signed for the H&S induction?
Is there a signed H&S induction check sheet for each employee?
Is there a signed manual handling checklist for all relevant employees?
Is there a PPE checklist & signed record for each employee?
Have all employees signed to say they've received the Staff Handbook?
Have all employees signed to say they've received their fire evacuation training?
Have all employees signed to say they've had training on the fire panel?
Have all employees signed to say they've had training on emergency power shut-off?
Have all employees signed to say they've had training on emergency water shut-off?
Is there evidence of a toolbox talk, signed for every month by all staff?
5.2 Emergency Action Plan and Equipment
Is there an up to date Emergency Action Plan document that is site specific?
Is there evidence of staff training on the emergency action plan?
Have site managers got a copy of the EAP at home?
Are all emergency signs in place, such as fire exit signage, and are they free from damage?
Have all fire doors been checked that they close fully with smoke seals intact?
Are all fire alarm & break glass points damage free & dust free?
Are all office area fire extinguishers & equipment operational?
Are all smoke vent points free of damage?
Is the refuge point well signposted?
Are there fire extinguishers in communal areas?
Are all fire exits free from obstruction?
Is the fire action notice in place in all communal areas?
Is the designated assembly point clear?
5.3 Fire
Is there evidence of a staff fire & emergency procedure?
Is there consideration of risk assessments for students with disabilities?
Are there PEEPs in place for students with disabilities?
Is there evidence of latest fire risk assessment?
Is there evidence of the FRA significant findings being completed?
Is there a record of practice fire evacuations (min 2 per year)?
Is there a record of real fire evacuations, and the reasons for the evacuation?
ls there evidence of logging false alarm activations?
Is there evidence of in-house weekly fire alarm testing?
Is there evidence of contractor fire alarm test records?
Is there evidence of in-house weekly fire fighting equipment checks?
Is there evidence of contractor fire fighting equipment checks, with recent certificate?
Is there evidence of latest contractor 3-hour emergency light checks?
Is there evidence of latest in-house emergency light checks?
Is there evidence of in-house weekly door release system checks ?
Is there evidence of in-house dry riser checks?
Is there evidence of contractor dry riser checks, with recommendations actioned?
Is there evidence of the latest smoke ventilation service reports ?
Is there evidence of in-house weekly emergency lift line test?
Is there evidence of in-house weekly emergency refuge call point phone test?
Is there a record of an emergency box/bag check done weekly?
5.4 Water
Is there a record of monthly temperature tests - nearest, middle and furthest from tank?
Is there evidence of weekly flushing - staff areas (e.g Deadlegs & cupboards)
Is there evidence of weekly flushing - vacant bedrooms/studios and kitchen areas
Is there evidence of summer flushing - vacant flats/rooms in line with the legionella policy?
Is there evidence of bi-annual shower head de-scaling, with a signed certificate?
Is there evidence of the annual dosing and tank cleaning by external contractor?
Is there evidence of water temp checks in the tank (once a year) by external contractor?
Is there a copy of the Capitol legionella policy & method statements signed by staff?
5.5 General
Is the H&S Poster completed and up on display in the office?
Is there evidence of use of accident book on the PRISM system?
Is there evidence of latest service report for the air conditioning unit?
Is there evidence of latest PAT testing records?
Is there evidence of logging grit use under the snow and ice procedure?
Is there evidence of a hazard/near miss log?
Is there a copy of the latest lift service report?
Is there evidence of the latest lightning conductor inspection certificate?
Is there a copy of the latest lift insurance certificate?
Is there evidence of man safe & permit to work at height certificates?
Is there a copy of the 5 year electrical certificate?
Are records kept of contractor's method statements & risk assessments?
Are there records of hot work permits if required?
Are records kept of contractors liability insurance (public & employers)?
Is there a log for unsafe machinery/faulty equipment?
6. Sales & Marketing
6.1 Sales & Marketing
Is there a sales board with next academic year's availability on and Is it up to date?
Is there a sales board with this academic year's availability and Is it up to date?
Is there a sales board with the summer target on, and is it up to date?
Are enquiry pads/sales iPad being used, and easily accessible to all staff?
Are the show-flat room numbers & site contact details clearly displayed for all staff to see?
Does the website accurately display academic year availability?
Does the information given online accurately reflect the residence?
Is the summer web page accurate, and are manual booking packs also available?
Is there evidence of regular viewings and sales training and practice (on a local level)?
Do all staff know current available contract lengths, room types and prices?
Is Facebook kept up to date with a minimum of 3 posts per week?
Is the site e-mail inbox being answered daily and kept on top of?
Are sales/viewing follow-ups happening by phone & email?
Are university open days in the diary and planned for in advance?
Is the sales & marketing plan being followed and kept up to date?
Are all reception & common area noticeboards tidy, in use, and up to date?
Are all notice boards and promo areas in line with branding and brand standards?
Are leaflet holders in reception and common areas full with up to date info?
Are in-house events being marketed around the building?
Are the sales packs available on stands in every reception?
Are proper branded notices being used in the event of item breakdown/room closure?
Is there evidence of in-house sales activity being marketed and taking place?
Are student marketing emails that are being sent using proper branding?
Are show flats being checked for cleanliness and smells before a viewing?
Are show flats accessible and well-kept by students (If show flat is a lived in flat)?
7. Property Presentation
7.1 First Impression
Are ground floor window sills clean?
Is the reception entrance/front door well signposted?
Are all property ground floor windows clean and damage free?
Is the reception entrance/front door clean and operational?
Is building cladding/render clean and damage free?
7.2 External Area
Are grounds free from litter & other detritus?
Are all grounds & pavements weed free?
Is grass cut & does it look presentable?
Are flower beds and shrubbery well kept?
Are the public pavements and surrounding areas presentable?
Are footpaths free from slips, trip & falls?
Are public seating areas clean and damage free?
Are smoking areas clean and free from litter/cigarette butts?
Are smoking areas well signposted?
Are internal courtyard areas inviting and well presented?
Is external fencing in good condition?
Are external gates fully operational?
Is all external lighting operational?
Is all external signage legible & in good condition?
7.3 Car Park
Is the bike rack area tidy & free of abandoned bikes?
Is the car park tidy and well managed?
Are parking regulations clearly signposted?
Are staff cars parked properly?
Are student cars logged/displaying permits/tickets?
7.4 Refuse Area
Is the bin area litter free & is all refuse in the bins?
Is the bin area sanitised regularly?
Are pest boxes baited?
Are public area bins emptied regularly?
Are cigarette bins emptied regularly?
8. Maintenance & Housekeeping
8.1 Maintenance/Housekeeping Stores and Working Environment
Are all maintenance stores tidy?
Are all stores locked and secure from theft?
Are the stores free from risk of any slips, trips and falls?
Is the lighting in the stores/working area appropriate to staff needs?
Do working areas have sufficient space?
Are all chemicals dated when received on site?
Is there evidence of chemical inventories in each store?
Is there evidence of COSHH safety data sheets in stores?
Are all hazardous chemicals stored in a secure metal cabinet?
Are the stores free from any threat of potential ignition?
Are all warning signs & labels in place ?
Are all ladders stored securely & free of damage?
Are all shelves stable & not overloaded?
Is there safe & easy access to high shelving?
Is there a bulb tube with evidence of use?
Is there an up to date inventory of tools and machinery for each store?
Is there evidence that staff are trained to use tools?
Is there an up to date stock take of consumables/stock for the site?
Are damaged/non-working items and tools clearly labelled as such?
8.2 Repairs
Is CMS used to record all maintenance jobs that are reported?
Are visual checks carried out on the electrical testing equipment before each use?
For electrical work, is a minor work test certificate completed after each job and kept on file?
Do maintenance staff have the tools and stock to carry out their job?
Are the students advised of outstanding jobs & timescales?
8.3 Compliance
Is there snow and ice provision?
Are all external storage areas neat and tidy?
Is the fire action notice in place in all stores/working areas?
8.4 PPE & First Aid
Are there gloves available in relevant stores?
Are there goggles available in relevant stores ?
Is there a chemical spill kit available In relevant stores?
Are there masks available in relevant stores?
Are there first aid kits & all contents accountable for?
Are there lists of site first aiders in relevant store?
Is there a bio hazard kit available in relevant stores ?
Is there an eye wash station in relevant stores?
Are ear defenders available in relevant stores?
Is there a record of these safety items being checked monthly?
Are staff wearing the correct uniform for maintenance including safety shoes?
Have staff signed to say they know where the PPE is?
9. Communal Areas / Social Spaces
9.1 First Impression
Are all floor windows clean and damage free?
Are ground floor window sills clean?
Are building entry systems in working order?
Are building entry systems clean with clear instructions?
Are bedroom windows on view free from bottles & posters?
9.2 Corridors
Are all gangways/corridors clear of obstruction?
Are all corridors free from risk of any slips, trips and falls?
Are corridor carpets/flooring clean and free from damage?
Are all corridor walls clean and free from marks?
Are corridor notice boards neat, tidy and up to date?
Are all corridor doors & their window panes clean?
Are all corridor lights fully operational?
Are corridor ceilings/ceiling tiles free from damage?
Are all internal windows clean and free from damage?
Are all corridor windows adequately restricted?
Is there evidence of checking corridor window restrictors regularly?
9.3 Stairwells
Are the stairwells free of risk of any slips, trips and falls?
Are stairwell carpets/flooring clean and free from damage?
Are all stairwells and stairs clear of obstruction?
Are stair treads clean and free from risk of a trip hazard?
Are all stair railings dust free and safe?
Are all stairwell area lights fully operational?
Are stairwell emergency exit signs working and in place?
Are all stairwell walls clean and free from marks?
Are all stairwell windows adequately restricted?
Is there evidence of checking stairwell window restrictors regularly?
9.4 Lifts
Are all site lifts in working order?
Are lift posters and notice boards current and tidy?
Are all lifts clean and smelling nice?
Are all lift buttons in place, free from damage and working correctly?
Are the lift walls, floor & lighting damage free?
9.5 Common Room
ls the common room kept clean and tidy?
Is all common room flooring free from slips, trips and falls?
Are walls clean and free from marks?
Is the common room well signposted for customers/visitors?
Is the common room well-lit and welcoming to customers?
Are the emergency phone details on display for students?
Are notice boards tidy and up to date with in house promotions/info?
Is there seating for students which is undamaged and clean?
Are the bins emptied regularly?
Is the vending machine well stocked and in working order?
Is the TV display screen on, and showing current information?
Are games/entertainment/pool tables in good order?
Are the windows restricted, and not tampered with?
Are windows and door glass clean and undamaged
10. Human Resources
10.1 Right to Work
Has the New Employee Document Checklist been completed and sent to HR on or before the first day of work? Including:
A copy of passport/full birth certificate
A copy of the proof of address
A copy of the proof of National Insurance Number
Were all documents stamped and verified by the site manager?
10.2 New Starters
Before an offer can be made, has the vacancy form been correctly signed off by GM & ROM?
Following verbal offer, has an employment offer form been completed and sent to HR?
Has the online DBS application been completed within the employees first week?
Has the initial induction checklist (Pg 1-3) been sent to HR upon completion of the first working week?
Has the full completed induction checklist been sent to HR no less than 5 weeks after the employee start date?
10.3 Probation/Staff Development Reviews
Has the final probation review been completed and sent to HR upon completion of probation period?
Has the main SDR form been completed and sent to HR for each member of staff on time?
Have the mini one-to-one reviews (pre and post summer) been completed on time and sent to HR for each member of staff?
Has the mid probation (3 month) review been completed and sent to HR?
10.4 Payroll
Has overtime been submitted to payroll by the deadline each month?
If a GM is on leave, does the AM complete and send the timesheets accurately?
10.5 Leavers
Has the leaver form been filled out correctly and sent to HR within 48 hrs of resignation?
Has the resignation letter/email been sent to HR within 48hrs of receipt?
10.6 Absence Reporting
Are Bradford Factor follow up meetings being held, and the Bradford Factor meeting form sent to HR, within 2 weeks of receipt of Bradford Factor report?
Where appropriate for long term absence, have all on-going sick notes been sent to payroll prior to payroll cut-off?
Has the correct absence form been used and sent to payroll email address, prior to payroll cut-off?
Has the Fit Note/Sick Note and return to work interview form been filled out and sent to payroll on the day they return to work?
Have staff absences been notified, via payroll email address, on the first day of absence?
10.7 HR Updates
Have all employees accepted policy updates updates on IRIS?
10.8 GDPR
Is there a completed 'Employee HR File-Checklist' for each employee?
Is employee personal data stored appropriately and securely in accordance with Data Protection and the on-site 'Employee HR File-Checklist'?
10.9 Team Meetings / Briefings
Has the holiday for the team been planned evenly throughout the year (reviewed in Team Meetings)?
Is there evidence that the team have been briefed on discussions following GM/Regional Meetings?
Does staff training of core/updated HR policies happen during regular team meetings?
Is there a staff training file for all in-house and external training, signed by staff?
10.10 Driving on Company Business
Have staff signed driving on company business policy? (showing date when document was scanned and emailed to HR)
Have all driving on company business documents been reviewed and updated including Driving on Company Business Audit Sheet ?
Is there evidence of On-line checks for valid MOT?
Is there a copy of the insurance certificate for the vehicle(s)?
Is there evidence of on-line checks for valid road tax?