Title Page
Employee's Name
Job Title
Site / Team
Prepared by
Conducted on
Section A: Summary of employee performance?
Overall Work Performance
Attendance and timekeeping
Work Relations (Evidence of good teamwork, client interaction):
Feedback from Client ( RM/EM/APM)
Feedback from Customers (Resident, Directors etc)
Section B: Summary of employee competencies:
Do you understand who your line manager is and where to go for support and advice?
Do you understand your Rota (timings, shifts and where it is located etc.)?
Do you understand the Scope of Services and how to complete to the expected standards?
Have you received, read and fully understood the Staff Handbook?
Have you received, read and fully understood the H & S Handbook?
Do you have all the equipment and uniform you require to complete your role?
Are you happy with the training you have received so far if not what do you need more?
Are you fully conversant with all system testing (AOV's, emergency lights, fire and lift alarms for example)?
Do you understand how to report issues? (using the official response email etc.)?
Do you understand and know how and when to report sickness?
Have you read and understood the Lone Worker policy (if appl)?
Do you know how and when to book time off?
Is there anything else we need to be aware of that maybe concerning you ?
Line Managers summary of employees performance during this reporting period:
List any actions here that have been identified
By signing the report you confirm that you fully understand its content and any subsequent actions that may have been identified.
Employees Signature
Line Manager/ Supervisor Signature
Head Supervisor/ FGM Signature
* this report is not to be uploaded onto the employees record unless ALL parts are completed and signed ** Person responsible for completing this report is to fill all sections in with as much detail as possible