Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on


  • MASTERY: Our value of Mastery reflects our commitment to product quality, product knowledge, service and store cleanliness. We strive for excellence in these areas to deliver exceptional experience to our customers. This involves maintaining high product standards, providing personalized service, ensuring a clean store environment and equipping our staff with extensive product knowledge so they can be credible sources in your customer’s coffee journey

  • Instruction: Conduct a GUEST Service Audit in iAuditor with the Store Manager or assigned Service Lead (as needed for development). Recommended to have SM (or Service Lead) lead Audit, using iPad to answer questions and discuss

  • GUEST Service Audit Score

  • Summarize flagged items from GUEST Service Audit and discuss follow up actions with SM/Service Lead

  • Review Customer Service reporting with Store Manager Mystery Shops Results and CX Tickets

  • Mystery Shop: Manager can navigate to and open IntelliShop Dashboard

  • Last audit overall above company average?

  • If number is below company average actionable items/follow up required

  • In the last 30 days, were there a number of notable CX tickets that required action from SM

  • If yes, follow up notes here


  • INCLUSION: Our value of inclusion extends to staffing, training, onboarding and succession planning. Incorporating inclusion in these areas promote equal opportunities, fosters belonging and allows for multiple perspectives to be heard. By embracing inclusion in these areas, we can create a culture that values diversity and empowers individuals.



  • Staffing mix is appropriate for volume (# of keyholders to cover all day parts)

  • # of Certified Baristas vs Baristas is 100%

  • If no, define action plan to have all baristas certified

  • Any Team Members over 90 days

  • If yes, define action to get Team Member certified and define timeline

  • Recruiting collateral is available and posted

  • Interview Guides are being utilized for all candidate interviews

  • Interview Guides for candidates that are hired are retained within the new hire's employee file

  • Interview guides for candidates not extended a job offer are sent to recruiting for storage

  • Is Manager familiar with when and how to iniate reference checks for employment or promotion?

  • Check applicant bin. Is it checked and managed regulary (weekly)

Training Attainment

  • Was the latest Seasonal Training Attainment between 90-100% at Launch?

  • If No, what is the action plan to achieve training attainment for future

  • Current initiatives training attainment % (Any training in the last 30 days outside of Seasonal/Core Training. ie- cash handling, Bunn Brewers, Eversys, Regional/local requirements)

Succession Planning

  • Store Manager has succession planning tool updated

  • Employees regularly engaging in development conversations with their managers to discuss their profressional growth and identify areas for skill enhancement

  • Are there Training Plans/schedules for new hires

  • Are there working PDP's and qualifiers located in the coffeebar (including Store Manager)

  • If any Questions in the Succession Planning section were answered No, outline action plan and next steps to be taken before next audit.


  • Workjam is activated and being utilized by on duty staff members

  • Staff members' have familiarity with most recent home office communication

  • Is Open Door Policy posted in a prominent location and contains most up to date contact information

  • If any Questions in the Communication section were answered No, outline action plan and next steps to be taken before next audit.


  • MASTERY: Our value of Mastery reflects our commitment to product quality, product knowledge, service and store cleanliness. We strive for excellence in these areas to deliver exceptional experience to our customers. This involves maintaining high product standards, providing personalized service, ensuring a clean store environment and equipping our staff with extensive product knowledge so they can be credible sources in your customer’s coffee journey


Tasting Culture

  • Instruction: SM or designated member of staff set up and lead you and working employees through comparative tasting of their choosing

  • Staff led comparative tasting during visit

  • The More You Know tasting program is active in the coffeebar

  • Staff Members can speak on where to find current TMYK

  • Managers encouraging TMYK participation, following up on results

Product Standards

  • Drip Coffee temperature is within acceptable range (175185* F)

  • Drip Coffee tastes to standard

  • Prepared cold brew tastes to standard

  • Observe a double shot being pulled on the La Marzocco it follows visually correct cues of honey like, reddish brown flow into less viscous caramel flow. Extraction time in 2530 seconds and yeilds approx. 2 oz

Feaured Product

  • Engage with an employee about one of the beverages featured on the menu panel. Can they accurately describe the beverage in an appealing way

  • Engage with an employee about the feaured whole bean coffee. Can they accurately describe the coffee (growing region, roast, flavor profile)

  • Is the Featured Coffee properly displayed

  • Correct 1lb bag

  • Top row of bean tower or as otherwise noted in the current seasonal display guide

  • Sticker adhered correctly (within guidelines)

  • Sticker dated with Roast date in fine tipped sharpie, neat/legible handwriting

  • All product is FIFO


  • ACCOUNTABILITY: Embracing accountability supports teams in fostering operational efficiency, upholding fairness and ensuring compliance with safety protocols and personal responsibility. It encourages a culture where individuals take ownership of their responsibilities with a sense of dedication.



  • Instruction: Look at Redbook(s)that cover the last 30 days. Answer below questions based on finding

  • The Redbook is available and being fully used and is an active part of every shift

  • The Daily Pages are filled out completely

  • Required rest and meal breaks are scheduled by writing the planned time in the break section of daily schedule section

  • Sales and goal tracking is up to date, being used daily

  • Weekly Cleaning Tasks are being assigned and signed off as completed

  • The temperature control log is filled out with no missing entries

  • Monthly Cleanliness Audit is complete

  • Previous Monthly Cleanliness Audit has had action items address (look at previous months redbook)

  • Facilities log is in use and has corresponding activity in OfficeTrax

  • Visitors log is in use. Nonretail employees that do not possess a key or alarm code must fill out visitor log (including home office employees and outside vendors)

  • IT Case Log is in use and updated with corresponding ticket #'s from calling the IT Help Desk

Cash Handling

  • Instruction: Review the Cash Log Binder for the last 30 days of and answer questions below based on findings

  • Daily Cash Log is present, used daily and has no missing information

  • Verify that safe counts are completed

  • Check cash over/shorts by day

  • Verify cash variances over $5 are highlighted

  • Monthly Bank Deposit Log is present, has all bank deposits logged and has no missing information

  • Bank Deposit Envelope present and contains all deposit receipts

  • Instruction: Physically inspect safe to ensure contents meet SOP standards

  • Only permitted items are present in the safe

  • Coffeebar funds equal $1000

  • There are no more than 3 of deposits indicating that bank desposits are taken according to schedule

  • Coffeebar is going to the bank on Mon/Wed/Friday or following Retail Deposit Frequency schedule

  • Monthly Cash Over/Short Tracker is present and used daily

  • Spot check to verify that the information on the tracker matches the Daily Cash Log- are there any descrepancies

  • Are there any trends of cash shortages that are $5 or more

  • All Logs/trackers are completed in ink with no correction tape/liquid used

  • Cash pulls are being completed and documented as appropriate

  • 2 Random Till Audits have been completed each week and are accurately logged on the Till Audit Log

  • For all cash handling violations above, the appropriate corrective action (per corrective action counseling matrix) has been issued and is documented in the employee file

  • If no, what corrective actions are missing and what action items need to be taken before next audit.

Time Keeping

  • Spot check 4 different employees (include the SM and ASM). All manual edits in Kronos have corresponding entries on the time edit log and compare to Kronos audit trail

  • Are managers working their shifts as scheduled, review their scheduled hours against actual time punches

  • All entries on the time edit log are signed off by the manager and employee

  • Meal and Rest Break exceptions are being recorded on the Time Edit Log

  • Check Kronos, are required breaks documented on time sheet

  • Check the most recent payroll period period, did all employees approve timecards prior to payroll close

  • Every Employee File has Reliability Record located within. It is being filled out and used accordingly

  • Reliability Record entries are recorded, dated and signed by both Manager and employee


  • 3 weeks of schedules are posted in the coffeebar

  • Instructions: Review the posted schedules

  • Is the right mix of leadership levels scheduled

  • Is the Store Manager scheduled for a minimum of 5 days and 40 hours per week

  • Time off requests are properly submitted through Kronos time clock and documented in the time off request log

  • All employees have an up to date availability on file

  • Employee availability is up to date in Kronos

Record Retention

  • Only current employees (ASM and below) have employee files on hand

  • Transferred employees have file sent to new home coffeebar

  • Terminated employees files have been sent to HR as outlined in the Employee Document Retention and Descruction policy

  • 3 years of Time Edit Logs are on file

Product Management

  • Thaw Planner being used daily, is completely filled out and onhand levels reflect the recommendations

  • Warm Breakfast items being thawed have been properly dated with Day Dot label

  • MultiDay ABG items are stored properly and labled clearly

  • The Last sold report is being viewed weekly to adjust Warm Food and ABG pars/orders

  • Coffee planning report is being used to set pars and ordering for drip coffee brewing, cold brew and espresso usage

  • There is enough product on hand to serve all featured products during all day parts (oat milk, matcha, key ingredients that are specific to the current marketing focus)

  • Coffeebar leadership knows how to communicate product quality/food safety issues via the incident report and email report to rfs

Inventory and eRS system management

  • Check Misc Order inventory habits and supplies (i.e. chemicals, office supplies, dairy, coffee)

  • Can coffeebar leadership describe where the Out of Stock List is located and how to utilize the information within to help with ordering

  • Are there enough on hand items to make it to the next delivery, pars set for all categories

  • Is there an excess of any items that indicates over ordering

  • Use eRS to check the compliance with the following items

  • Invoice receivings are completed daily and all receivings are posted before the last day of the calendar month.

  • SWT orders are received and posted in eRS day of delivery, by 1pm to ensure credits are received for missing or damaged items.

  • All orders placed on time and not missed, avoiding requests to RFS and SWT for a late or missing order addition.

  • If No, how many late/missing orders were there in the last 30 days

Team Health, Wellness and Sanitation

  • Is the sick policy being followed? No visibly sick employees are working

  • Employee beverages are not present outside of designated space

  • All employees are washing hands every 30 min

  • Sanitizer concentrations correct and time is set for every hour to replace

Food Safety

  • Manager's Servsafe is up to date

  • All employees have valid Food Handlers Cards

  • All chemicals have a SDS

  • Ecolab reports are available and action has been taken on noted items

Safety and Security

  • All Coffeebar keys are tracked and accounted for in the Key Log

  • The facilities Key is located in the safe or the lockbox as appropriate

  • Alarm code and call list is current with only active employees

  • Verifone Pin Pads have been inspected and show no signs of tampering. If there are signs, the Manager reported it to the IT Help Desk. (Includes magnetic strip reader, EMV reader and numeric key pad)

  • Store Safe is fully functional and secured properly to the bolted to the floor

  • If No, immediately open OfficeTrax work order with facilities

MOA & Digital Orders

  • Expeditor deploys digital order sickers to correct station for production

  • Digital orders are staged and placed in the pickup fixture when complete

  • The pickup fixture is ideally located in the store to reduce steps for the employees while remaining accessible for customers


  • Primary register is planted to help customers

  • Expeditor is effective in role, they are working with a sense of urgency and able to multitask (brewing coffee, warming food and expediting the line when applicable)

  • The Service Lead/Cash Controler are not in planted positions (primary register, primary barista, etc)

Business Results

  • CURIOSITY: Our value of Curiosity directly impacts our ability to drive business results and effectively manage the P&L statement. By fostering a curious culture, we can drive growth through innovative strategies and optimize costs by continuously improving our processes and identifying efficiencies. Curiosity enables a deeper understanding of customer needs, leading to increased customer retention and sales growth. Embracing curiosity and a growth mindset drives tangible outcomes that contribute to business results.


Business Review

  • Business Results

  • CURIOSITY: Our value of Curiosity directly impacts our ability to drive business results and effectively manage the P&L statement. By fostering a curious culture, we can drive growth through innovative strategies and optimize costs by continuously improving our processes and identifying efficiencies. Curiosity enables a deeper understanding of customer needs, leading to increased customer retention and sales growth. Embracing curiosity and a growth mindset drives tangible outcomes that contribute to business results

  • Instructions: Spend 30 minutes review Business Results with the SM/ASM. They should be leading the conversation and reporting results to you to document. Instruct them to pull up PowerBi, most recent P&L and Scorecard

  • Is the coffeebar on track to hit their sales vs monthly budget

  • If No, what is the action plan to achieve budget

  • Is the coffeebar on track to meet their Traffic Comp for the month

  • If No, what is the action plan to meet their Traffic Comp goal

  • Is the coffeebar on track to meet their Average Ticket for the month

  • If No, what is the action plan to meet their average ticket goal

  • Is the coffeebar on track to meet their labor goals for the month

  • If no, what is the action plan to meet their labor goals

Waste Management

  • Can Manager speak to COGs results on P&L. Are they within target

  • If no, action plan to be within target moving forward

  • Is Coffee Waste within target

  • If no, what is action plan to achieve coffee waste target

  • Is ABG Waste within target

  • If no, what is action plan to achieve ABG waste target

  • Is WB Waste within target

  • If no, what is action plan to achieve WB waste target

Action Items

  • Call out priority action items to be completed before next Operations Visit (~30 days):

  • Manager Commitments:

  • Manager Signature:

  • DL Commitments:

  • DL Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.