Oriel Reference
Customer name
Oriel network contractor
- AES - Marconi
- Affiniti Response Ltd
- All Trades (GB) Limited
- B & M Babbage
- B&W Builders & Decorators Ltd
- Bakers of Danbury Ltd
- Clean Restore Build Ltd
- Collard Construction Ltd
- Disten Property Maintenance
- Edinmore Ltd
- Elmtree Contracts
- Farcroft
- Fresh Claims Management Ltd
- FSH Maintenance Ltd
- Garrard Building & Construction Limited
- GC & KJ Services t/a Rainbow
- Gelder Group
- Goodyer Limited
- H B Jones
- H&J Ltd t/a Rainbow
- Heightvale Ltd
- Independent Restoration
- Instant Property Maintenance Ltd
- J Hargreaves-Townson Ltd t/a Rainbow
- Keestone Limited
- Lambert Contracts Ltd
- Landway Construction Ltd
- McMillans Perfect Restoration
- Mighty Oak Property Solutions
- Moore & Faloon
- Morgan Sindall (Construction) Plc
- Paul Ryan Ltd t/a Rainbow
- Prodrive (Property Maintenance) Ltd
- R Benson Property Maintenance Limited
- R Flisher Ltd
- R. E. Spencer Ltd
- Redrose
- Regent Development
- Relko Group Ltd
- Roywood Contractors
- S A Platt Builders Ltd
- Safeguard
- T&H Cox Ltd t/a Rainbow
- TEC Services NW Ltd
- TFE Amey
- Thrower & Rutland Ltd
- Titan Refurbishments Limited
- Topmarx Ltd
- Uplands Retail Ltd
- Woofenden Construction Ltd
- Other
Type contractor name
Date of visit
Prepared by
Document No.
Inspection report
You must insert a photograph of the front elevation of the property
Please insert photo of the property
Property and extent of damage
In some instances a report, photographs and a schedule of the proposed repair will have been provided. However, you may be the first person to visit the property. If you have the report the check the information within it is correct. If not, then you need to confirm details of the property and peril information.
Have you been provided with a report that provides details of the type of property, what has caused the damage and a scope of works?
Is the information relating to the fabric of the building correct?
Building fabric information
Approximate date of construction of the property
Type of property
- Detached
- Semi-detached
- End-terraced
- Mid-terraced
- Bungalow
- Dormer bugalow
- Cottage
- Flat / apartment / tenement
- Listed property
Provide details of the main construction of the external walls
- Solid - brick
- Solid - stone
- Solid - cob
- Cavity: brick - brick
- Cavity: brick - block
- Cavity: block - block
- Other
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Provide details of the main construction of internal walls
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Confirm details of the floor construction (ground)
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Details of internal woodwork
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Is the information relating to the cause of loss correct?
Peril information
Damage caused by:
- Accidental damage
- Collision / impact
- Escape of Water
- Flood
- Fire / smoke
- Storm
- Theft
- Other
Source of the water
- External water main
- Internal cold water feed pipe
- Internal hot water feed pipe
- Internal waste pipe
- Ingress due to roof failure
- Drainage failure
- Flood of river / sea water
- Other
Provide detail of water source
Depth of water
Type of water
Provide a brief description of what has caused the damage (if the damage was caused by fire then please confirm the seat of the fire)
Is the schedule that has been provided adequate to reinstate to pre-loss condition (by reference to the Client requirements)?
You have confirmed that the schedule produced is adequate for the repair and should therefore proceed to complete the site specific risk assessment, discuss material choices and policy excess collection and be in a position to agree a date for the works to start.
Details of the areas where additional work is required at the property
Tap on "Add Area no." to create the 1st area. This will open up Work Area 1 and allow you to start creating the details of that work area. This will allow you to confirm details of each area and detail what work is required.
You can add in new areas by either tapping "Add Area no." again or by tapping the "+ Add" button that is on the 1st area. -
Add in a new area for each room
Area no.
Room / area
- Porch
- Hall
- Lounge
- Dining room
- Kitchen
- Conservatory
- Utility room
- Larder
- WC
- Under stairs cupboard
- Study
- Other reception room
- Stairwell
- Garage
- Cellar
- Landing
- Bedroom 1
- Bedroom 2
- Bedroom 3
- Bedroom 4
- Bedroom 5
- Bathroom
- En suite
- Loft
- Other room(s)
- N/A
Enter the names of the "other" rooms
Provide details of the areas of damage
- Ceiling
- Ceiling decorations
- Walls
- Wall decorations
- Joinery
- Flooring
- Electrics
- Plumbing
- Other
Please give a description of the repairs necessary.
Is the room box or L-shaped?
If the room is L-shaped then measure the largest box and add in the dimensions of the inset that is applicable
Room length (metres)
Room width (metres)
Room height (metres)
If the room is L-shaped then measure the largest box and add in the dimensions of the inset that is applicable
Length of inset (metres)
Width of inset (metres)
Have kitchen units been damaged by the peril?
Approximate quality specification of kitchen
Confirm details of the damaged items
- Base units - carcass only
- Base units - including fronts
- Wall units - carcass only
- Wall units - including fronts
- White good housing units - carcass only
- White good housing units - including fronts
- Worktops
- Plinths
No of damaged base units
No of damaged wall units
No of undamaged base units
No of undamaged wall units
Please add at least 2 general shots of the room and views of the affected area to demonstrate the works required and evidence any amendments.
Remember: if you do not provide evidence of actual damage the IVP will not approve additional costs.
If the additional work is required as a consequence of the scheduled repair the demonstrate this. If you are unable to do this until work has started then you must get your operatives to provide evidence of the issue or you will not be paid for this.
If the case is a Fixed Price repair then evidence of additional damage MUST be provided within 3 days of the start of the repair. -
Is there a requirement for testing for asbestos?
Have asbestos test results already been provided?
Provide details of what needs testing. If process allows you to take samples then confit if this has been done.
Do you need to include details of moisture measurement readings in this report?
Provide a sketch plan locating the "moisture reading locations" and the "datum moisture reading locations" as per the standard measures. You need to show where each of your readings has been taken rom (including your equilibrium target measure) by drawing a number that corresponds with the readings that you take.
Provide details of moisture readings taken in this area
Moisture reading at location
Add readings taken at this location
Reading no.
Type of reading
- Concrete Moisture Content
- Equilibrium Relative Humidity
- In Depth Probes
- Moisture Content in Wood
- Datum CMC
- Datum ERH
- Datum IDP
- Datum MCiW
- Other
Reading obtained
Temperature at time of reading (in degrees C)
Date of reading
It may be that you wait until all necessary stabilisation has been completed before taking these readings as this could make a difference.
Remember, you can add in new areas by either tapping "Add Area no." again or by tapping the "+ Add" button that is on the 1st area.
Building fabric information
Approximate date of construction of the property
Type of property
- Detached
- Semi-detached
- End-terraced
- Mid-terraced
- Bungalow
- Dormer bugalow
- Cottage
- Flat / apartment / tenement
- Listed property
Provide details of the main construction of the external walls
- Solid - brick
- Solid - stone
- Solid - cob
- Cavity: brick - brick
- Cavity: brick - block
- Cavity: block - block
- Other
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Provide details of the main construction of internal walls
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Confirm details of the floor construction (ground)
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Details of internal woodwork
Please confirm details for "other" item(s)
Peril information
Damage caused by:
- Accidental damage
- Collision / impact
- Escape of Water
- Flood
- Fire / smoke
- Storm
- Theft
- Other
Source of the water
- External water main
- Internal cold water feed pipe
- Internal hot water feed pipe
- Internal waste pipe
- Ingress due to roof failure
- Drainage failure
- Flood of river / sea water
- Other
Provide detail of water source
Depth of water
Type of water
Provide detail of the cause of loss
Provide a brief description of what has caused the damage (if the damage was caused by fire then please confirm the seat of the fire)
Details of the areas where work is required at the property
Tap on "Add Area no." to create the 1st area. This will open up Work Area 1 and allow you to start creating the details of that work area. This will allow you to confirm details of each area and detail what work is required.
You can add in new areas by either tapping "Add Area no." again or by tapping the "+ Add" button that is on the 1st area. -
Add in a new area for each room
Area no.
Room / area
- Porch
- Hall
- Lounge
- Dining room
- Kitchen
- Conservatory
- Utility room
- Larder
- WC
- Under stairs cupboard
- Study
- Other reception room
- Stairwell
- Garage
- Cellar
- Landing
- Bedroom 1
- Bedroom 2
- Bedroom 3
- Bedroom 4
- Bedroom 5
- Bathroom
- En suite
- Loft
- Other room(s)
- N/A
Enter the names of the "other" rooms
Provide details of the areas of damage
- Ceiling
- Ceiling decorations
- Walls
- Wall decorations
- Joinery
- Flooring
- Electrics
- Plumbing
- Other
Please give a description of the repairs necessary.
Is the room box or L-shaped?
If the room is L-shaped then measure the largest box and add in the dimensions of the inset that is applicable
Room length (metres)
Room width (metres)
Room height (metres)
If the room is L-shaped then measure the largest box and add in the dimensions of the inset that is applicable
Length of inset (metres)
Width of inset (metres)
Have kitchen units been damaged by the peril?
Approximate quality specification of kitchen
Confirm details of the damaged items
- Base units - carcass only
- Base units - including fronts
- Wall units - carcass only
- Wall units - including fronts
- White good housing units - carcass only
- White good housing units - including fronts
- Worktops
- Plinths
No of damaged base units
No of damaged wall units
No of undamaged base units
No of undamaged wall units
Please add at least 2 general shots of the room and views of the affected area to demonstrate the works required and evidence any amendments.
Remember: if you do not provide evidence of actual damage the IVP will not approve additional costs.
If the additional work is required as a consequence of the scheduled repair the demonstrate this. If you are unable to do this until work has started then you must get your operatives to provide evidence of the issue or you will not be paid for this.
If the case is a Fixed Price repair then evidence of additional damage MUST be provided within 3 days of the start of the repair. -
Is there a requirement for testing for asbestos?
Have asbestos test results already been provided?
Provide details of what needs testing. If process allows you to take samples then confit if this has been done.
Do you need to include details of moisture measurement readings in this report?
Provide a sketch plan locating the "moisture reading locations" and the "datum moisture reading locations" as per the standard measures. You need to show where each of your readings has been taken rom (including your equilibrium target measure) by drawing a number that corresponds with the readings that you take.
Provide details of moisture readings taken in this area
Moisture reading at location
Add readings taken at this location
Reading no.
Type of reading
- Concrete Moisture Content
- Equilibrium Relative Humidity
- In Depth Probes
- Moisture Content in Wood
- Datum CMC
- Datum ERH
- Datum IDP
- Datum MCiW
- Other
Reading obtained
Temperature at time of reading (in degrees C)
Date of reading
It may be that you wait until all necessary stabilisation has been completed before taking these readings as this could make a difference.
Remember, you can add in new areas by either tapping "Add Area no." again or by tapping the "+ Add" button that is on the 1st area.
Site specific risk assessment.
You must provide confirmation of site specific issues noted during the visit.
Are there any disabled persons living at the property?
Provide details
Are the works likely to affect access to/from the property?
Provide details
Are there any elderly / infirm persons living at the property?
Provide details
Are there any young children living at the property?
Provide details
Are there any pets, particularly dogs?
The customer must be able to keep pets in a secure area away from the work.
Provide details
Are there any other personal considerations to be taken into account?
Provide details
Please enter any additional comments here
Select all relevant hazards identified during your visit
- Slips / trips / falls
- Electric shock
- Chemical handling
- Manual handling
- Falling debris
- Sharps / knives / needles
- Bio / toxic hazard
- Working at heights
- Lone working
- Confined spaces
- Deep water & concealed sumps, etc
- Transport of plant / goods
- Provision & Use of Work Equipment
- Poor lighting
- Potential asbestos containing materials
- Other
- None identified
You have identified the possibility of ACMs in the property. Have you either taken a sample (by reference to the correct sampling methodology) or arranged for a sample to be taken for testing?
Provide details of any asbestos testing requirements so that this can be arranged
Are the electrics suitable for use?
Provide details of any electrical works required
Please confirm details of other hazards identified:
Are any emergency works required?
Provide details of any emergency works required
Meeting conclusion
Have you discussed room clearance with the customer?
Provide details as to why this has not been done.
Have you discussed material choices with the customer?
Provide details as to why this has not been done.
Have you discussed policy excess collection with the customer?
Provide details as to why this has not been done.
Have you agreed a start date with the customer?
Provide details as to why this has not been done.
Provisional or confirmed?
Start date agreed with customer