Origin Field Delivery - KCM - Supervisor Inspection (Rev 4)
Origin Operations Area: ( e.g. Combabula )
Detailed Location:
Conducted on
Inspection Team Members
Describe Task or Activity being conducted.
Are the tools and equipment being used appropriate for the task and in good condition?
If a work permit is in place are the work location , the equipment and the exact scope of works adequately described?
If a work permit is in place is it correctly dated and all mandatory sections filled in and signed where appropriate?
Where a permit calls up certificates /supporting docs. are these avail. at the work front eg. Gas Test Records , Isolation Lists
Are qualified persons in charge of lifting operations ?
If lifting is involved has a simple lift plan or other assessment of lifting risks been completed?
Has lifting and rigging gear been inspected and has a current quarterly inspection tag or colour displayed and is marked with SWL?
Is PPE correct for task and being worn / used correctly?
Work Areas Tidy and clear of trip Hazards?
Current inspection tags on electrical equipment and no additional electrical hazards from water etc?
First Aid Kit stocked and available at work front ?
Spill kits stocked and available at work front ?
Dust mitigation in area ?
Adequate certified first aid personnel available for all shifts ?
Are Isolations correctly specified , tagged and verified by Permit Holder prior to starting the task?
Are the work team aware of heat stress precautions? Is an available supply of fresh, clean drinking water available?
Have controls been put in place to identify all repetitive or sustained postures, movements or forces?
Do the work team have a reliable and effective form of communication at the work front?
In areas where Vehicle Management is under way is there evidence of clear, positive communication by all parties?
If Vehicle Management is underway are clear signs and barricades in place?
Where underground services exist have the service locations been communicated to the work team?
Where overhead services exist is the exclusion zone and height of the operational plant documented ? Is appropriate signage and spotter in place if required?
Have possible conflicts with other teams in the area been identified? ( SIMOPS?)
Risk Management
Does the Risk Assessment ( TRA/SHEWMS etc, ) description match the task description ?
Are appropriate hazards identified in the risk management document?
Are effective controls listed for each hazard and are these controls being carried out?
Have the work party members read, understood and signed onto the Risk Assessment Tool. ( eg. TRA,SHEWMS or JHA)
Have personal risk assessments been conducted e.g. ( Take 5, Job Start Cards)
Work Team demonstrates knowledge of the Life-Saving Rules / CPB Safety Essentials and the application of those to the task at hand?<br><br>(A high score here indicates the team know the specific lifesaving rules that apply to the task.
Team has the ability to effectively respond to an emergency?
Additional Comments
Photo of task being assessed.
Inspection Team
Contractor Representative
Origin Energy Representative