Title Page

  • Prepared by

  • Supervisor

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Type of Pool/Spa

  • Date of Construction

Audit Details

1. Requirements for barriers (including boundary fences) Refer to 147C of Part 9A Division 2 of the Building Regulations 2018

  • One or more of the following barriers must be in place to restrict access to the part of the land on which the swimming pool or spa is located:

  • A wall of a building, but only if—<br> (i) any door or gate in the wall complies with regulation 147D; AND<br> (ii) any openable part of any window in the wall complies with regulation 147E;

  • A fence and gate complying with AS1926.1-1993 as in force or as issued from time to time;

  • A paling or imperforate fence if—<br> (i) it is at least 1500mm in height measured above the ground level on the approach side; AND<br> (ii) any door or gate in the fence complies with regulation 147D.

2. Doors and gates located in walls forming part of the pool barrier Refer to 147D of Part 9A Division 2 of the Building Regulations 2018

  • Is the door or gate fitted with a self-locking or self-latching device that prevents the door or gate, if the door or gate is in its closed position, from being opened by a person unable to reach the opening mechanism for the door or gate?

  • Is the opening mechanism on the door or gate located not less than 1500mm above the finished ground level or the internal floor level from the approach side? AND

  • Is the door or gate fitted with a device that returns the door or gate to its closed position—

  • from any position in the range of positions from fully open to resting on the lock or latch; AND

  • from a stationary start from any position within that range without the application of manual force

3. Windows located in walls forming part of the pool barrier Refer to 147E of Part 9A Division 2 of the Building Regulations 2018

  • Is the openable part of the window in the wall not less than 2400mm above the finished ground level or paving immediately external to the window? OR

  • Is the openable part of the window in the wall not less than 1500mm above the floor of the room containing the window? OR

  • Does the openable part of the window in the wall have a catch, bolt, lock or other stop located not less than 1500mm above the floor of the room containing the window so that the openable part of the window cannot be opened more than 125mm? OR

  • Is the openable part of the window in the wall securely fitted with a flyscreen?

4. Fencing height, ground clearance, outside surface & vertical members (including boundary fences) Refer to AS1926.1-1993

  • Is the effective pool fencing height greater than 1200mm from the finished ground level?

  • Has a clear quadrant of 1200mm radius been maintained around the entire pool fence perimeter when measured from the top of the pool fence on the approach side in a downward arc?

  • Does the pool fencing use perforated materials?

  • If the pool fencing uses perforated materials or mesh with apertures less than 13mm, does it have an effective fencing height of not less than 1200mm?

  • If the pool fencing uses perforated materials or mesh with apertures greater than 13mm and less than 100mm, does it have an effective fencing height of not less than 2400mm? OR

  • If the pool fencing uses perforated materials or mesh with apertures greater than 13mm and less than 100mm, does it have a vertical section of effective fencing height that is not less than 1800mm and a cranked top of 450mm no greater than 135 degrees away from the pool and with apertures less than 100mm?

  • If the pool fencing uses mesh, does it have a strainer wire or rail at the top and the bottom, and is it firmly fastened and tightly strung?

  • Does paling or imperforate fencing have an effective height of not less than 1500mm? AND

  • Do any doors or gates in the paling or imperforate fence comply with regulation 147D?

  • Is the height of the opening between the bottom of the fencing and the finished ground level not greater than 100mm?

  • Is the ground surface under the fencing stabilised?

  • Is the outside surface of the pool fencing free from projections and indentations greater than 10mm? and spaced not less than 900mm apart and the lower projections or indentations are not less than 1100mm below the top of the fencing?

  • Is the clear space between any adjacent vertical members not greater than 100mm at any point?

5. Horizontal climbable members, horizontal non-climbable members & horizontal surfaces inside the fencing. (Including boundary fences) Refer to AS1926.1-1993

  • Are horizontal members located on the outside of the fencing, and if so, spaced not less than 900mm apart, and the lowest horizontal member not less than 1100mm below the top of the fencing?

  • Does fencing with vertical members spaced greater than 10mm apart have horizontal members spaced greater than 900mm apart?

  • Does fencing on a sloping site have a distance between the top surface of the highest lower member and the top surface of the lowest upper member greater than 900mm when measured perpendicular to the finished ground level?

  • Does fencing with vertical members spaced greater than 10mm apart have an inside Non-Climbable protection zone of 300mm measured from the inside surface of the fence?

6. Pool gates and fittings Refer to AS1926.1-1993

  • Do the pool gates only swing outwards?

  • Is the height of the opening between the bottom of the pool gate and the finished ground level not greater than 100mm and the ground surface is stabilised?

  • Is the distance between the top surface of the lower hinge and the top surface of the upper hinge greater than 900mm apart? OR

  • If the hinges are spaced less than 900mm apart, has a 60 degree cap which prevents the hinge from being climbable been installed to the lower hinge and a gap of no greater than 10mm?

  • Are pool gates fitted with a self-closing device that is capable of self-close and self-latch from all positions, from fully opened to resting on the latching mechanism without the use of manual force?

  • Are pool gates fitted with a self-latching device that will automatically operate on the closing of the gate and will prevent the gate from being re-opened without being manually released?

  • Is the latching device not able to be inadvertently adjusted during operation?

  • Is the latching device not able to be adjusted without the use of tools?

  • When in the closed position, is the latching mechanism not being able to be released by the insertion of any implement between the 10mm gap?

  • Is the release to the latching device located on the outside of the gate?

  • If so, is it greater than 1500mm above finished ground level? OR

  • If so, is it greater than 1400mm above the highest lower horizontal member?

  • Is the release to the latching device located on the inside of the fencing?

  • If so, is the latching device not able to be reached without going through the fencing at a height greater than 1200mm above the finished ground level or greater than 1100mm above the highest lower horizontal member

  • If so, is the release of the latching device fitted on the inside of the fencing greater than 150mm below the top of the gate?

  • If so, is the release of the latching device fitted on the inside of the fencing greater than 150mm away from the edge of the hand-hole opening where this has been provided?

  • Where the release to either the latching device or the latch is located at a height LESS than 1500mm above the finished ground level or 1400mm above the highest lower horizontal member, is it shielded with no opening LESS than 10mm and shielded with an effective radius of 450mm from the operating part of the latch?

  • If a hand-hole exists within a shield, is the bottom of the hand-hole located greater than 1200mm above the finished ground level and 1100mm above the highest lower horizontal member and the shielding is extended to the top access hole or 150mm above the top of the latch?

  • Is the shield to the latching device free from sharp edges?

7. Strength and rigidity Refer to AS1926.1-1993

  • Are the openings in the fencing strong and rigid enough to resist the forces applied that could reasonably be expected during normal usage?

  • Are the posts and footings in the fencing strong enough to resist the forces applied that could reasonably be expected during normal usage and show no signs of permanent damage to posts or loosen any footings?

  • Are the rigid fencing components strong enough to resist the forces applied that could reasonably be expected during normal usage without any component becoming permanently deformed?

  • Are the flexible fencing components strong enough to resist the forces applied that could reasonably be expected during normal usage without any component breaking, tearing or having fixings loosen?

8. Issuing of certificates of pool and spa barrier non-compliance and related matters (147ZF) Refer to Part 9A Division 6 of the Building Regulations 2018

  • Note: If in the opinion of the Inspector any of the following exists, the Inspector must immediately issue a Certificate of Pool and Spa Barrier Non-compliance (Form 24) to the owner of the land

  • An answer of YES signifies a Critical Non-compliance

  • Is the barrier incapable of being made compliant with the applicable standard within 60 days?

  • Is the owner unlikely to bring the barrier into compliance with the applicable standard within 60 days?

  • Does the non-compliance with the applicable standard pose a significant and immediate risk to life or safety?

  • Is there any door and or gate which forms part of the barrier, when in the closed position, is able to be opened by a person who is unable to reach the opening mechanism for that door or gate?

  • Is there any door or gate which forms part of the barrier unable to be completely closed?

  • Is there any part of the barrier less than 1000mm in height measured above the ground?

9. Compliance Decision Refer to Part 9A Division 6 of the Building Regulations 2018

  • Is Pool Safety Barrier compliant with the applicable standard to allow for a Form 23 -Certificate of Compliance to be issued?

  • If non-compliant, will you issue the owner a list setting out the non- compliant items, giving the owner 60 days in which to bring the Pool Safety Barrier into compliance with the applicable standard?

  • If Critical Non-Compliant, will you issue a Form 24 Certificate of Non Compliance? (Copy must be sent to Local Council)

  • Note. Inspector must advise owner of his/her intention to carry out a reinspection specifying a date not more than 60 days from the day that the owner receives the inspection report and the notice

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