Site Number/Name
Conducted on
Prepared By
Contractor Name
Contact Details
Contact Name
Primary Email
Mailing Address
How did you hear about Greenfleet
Land Details
- SA
- WA
Local Council
Name of Property/Site
Total Area of Property (Ha)
Area available for planting (Ha)
Title details e.g. vol/fol, SPI, Lot on Plan
Are there leases or licences on the property?
This may impact Greenfleet's ability to lodge a carbon agreement.
Other Encumbrances
This may impact Greenfleet's ability to lodge a carbon agreement.
Site Details
Current Land Use?
Adjacent Land Use
Weed species present onsite.
Noxious Weeds
Annual Rainfall
We aim at plantings in areas above 400mm.
Fencing Required?
Are you prepared to source funds for the fencing required?
Greenfleet cannot provide funds for fencing.
Other site specific issues?
Nearest Medical Emergency Centre
Admin Details
Are there any access issues such as locked gates, private roads etc?
Has the site been cleared in the last 5 years?
Was it native vegetation that was cleared?
Why was the native vegetation cleared?
Please provide details of the land clearing?
If the site has been cleared in the last 5 years the revegetation may not meet additionality requirements.
Is there a legal obligation to re-vegetate the property?
Please provide details of this obligation.
A legal requirement to revegetate renders projects ineligible for carbon plantings.
Have you received funds from elsewhere to re-vegetate the property?
Please provide details of this funding.
Funding from elsewhere may impact Greenfleet's ability to claim the carbon rights over the planting area.
Have there been past attempts at large scale revegetation of this site?
Details of previous planting projects.
Basic Carbon Contract Commitments explained
Are you willing to put a planting agreement on the title of property?
Willing to allow Greenfleet to come and monitor the site as time progresses?
Has the property been identified/confirmed on Google Earth?
EVCs of the area.
Planning Scheme Restrictions?
Is a Planning Permit required
Alert General Manager Revegetation of this.
Estimate carbon sequestration potential (CO2-e YR30)