Title Page

  • Job Reference ABC###

  • Customer Name

  • Engineers Name (s)

  • Conducted On

  • Site Address
  • Room Name or Number

Room Layout & Exterior

  • Capture the overall room layout, interior and exterior. For the interior pictures, the room should be in a general state of usability. Ensure that no excessive installation materials or tools are present in the room before beginning this section.

  • Take at least one picture of the exterior / entrance to the room. Picture(s) should include room number, room name if the room is permanently labeled. Also capture booking/scheduling panel(s), occupancy indicators, and any other installed equipment.

  • Take a picture(s) of the overall layout of the meeting room. Depending on the size/layout of the room, multiple pictures may be required. Picture(s) should include the displays, cameras, control panels, microphones, and any other installed equipment.

Display Checks

  • How many wall-mounted displays are installed in this room?

  • Complete the following section for each wall-mounted display

  • Display
  • Record the manufacturer, model, and size of the display

  • Record the serial number of the display

  • Is the display installed in the correct location and at the correct height per the schematic?

  • Is there an ISDM approved deviation from the schematic for this display?

  • Record the reason for the deviation from the schematic. ISDM project management must be notified of the change.

  • Is the display properly mounted to the bracket with all safety brackets in place?

  • Take picture(s) of bracket

  • Notify install team and ISDM project management of discrepancy.

  • Take picture(s) of bracket

  • Is the display mounted level (confirm with spirit level 20cm/9in, minimum, in length) and with no flex in the screen?

  • Take picture(s) of display showing level

  • Notify install team and ISDM project management of discrepancy.

  • Take picture(s) of monitor showing level

  • Are the cables to the display installed neatly using cable ties or hook and loop fabric to keep them tight?

  • Are the cables to the display labeled properly in accordance with the schematic?

  • How many projectors are installed in this room?

  • Complete the following section for each projector

  • Projector
  • Record the manufacturer, model, and size of the projector

  • Record the serial number of the projector

  • Is the projector installed in the correct location and at the correct height per the schematic?

  • Is there an ISDM approved deviation from the schematic for this projector?

  • Record the reason for the deviation from the schematic. ISDM project management must be notified of the change.

  • Is the projector properly mounted to the bracket with all safety brackets in place?

  • Take picture(s) of bracket

  • Notify install team and ISDM project management of discrepancy.

  • Take picture(s) of bracket

  • Is the projector mounted level (confirm with spirit level of at least 20cm/9in in length) and centered with the screen?

  • Take picture(s) of monitor showing level

  • Notify install team and ISDM project management of discrepancy.

  • Take picture(s) of monitor showing level

  • Are the cables to the projector installed neatly using cable ties or hook and loop fabric to keep them tight?

  • Are the cables to the projector labeled properly in accordance with the schematic?

  • Does this projector have a dedicated screen to project to?

  • Is the screen installed in the correct location and at the correct height per the schematic?

  • Is there an ISDM approved deviation from the schematic for this screen?

  • Record the reason for the deviation from the schematic. ISDM project management must be notified of the change.

  • Is the screen mounted level (confirm with spirit level of at least 20cm/9in in length)?

  • Is the screen an appropriate size for the resolution of the projector?

Equipment mounted behind displays

  • Is there non-conferencing equipment (switcher, A/V extenders, etc.) mounted behind the display?

  • Please continue the inspection on the next page.

  • What types of equipment are mounted behind the display?

  • Is all equipment securely mounted with brackets or another appropriate mounting technique that will reliably support the weight of the equipment?

  • Are all cables behind the display neatly installed and secured with cable ties or hook and loop fabric?

  • Are all cables labeled properly in accordance with the schematic?

  • Take pictures of the equipment and mounting. Pictures should show all equipment, mounting hardware, and cable management

Cable Cubby Checks

  • How many cable cubby / in-table media connections are installed in this room?

  • Continue this inspection on the next page

  • Complete the following section for each cable cubby / in-table media connection

  • Cable Cubby
  • Have all of the modules / connectors been supplied and installed correctly based on the provided schematics?

  • Which modules / connectors are missing?

  • Which modules / connectors are present?

  • Does the DisplayPort connection allow for video and audio to be shared to the local screen and speakers?

  • Does the DisplayPort connector have any physical damage?

  • Does the VGA connection allow for video to be shared to the local screen?

  • Is there a separate audio connector present?

  • Does the connector allow for audio to be shared to the local speakers?

  • Does the audio connector have any physical damage?

  • Does the VGA connector have any physical damage?

  • Does the HDMI connection allow for video and audio to be shared to the local screen and speakers?

  • Does the HDMI connector have any physical damage?

  • Are there "Link Lights" or some other representation of connection present when a device is connected to the network port?

  • Does the network connector have any physical damage?

  • Is there a dial tone present when a phone is connected to the RJ11 port?

  • Does the RJ11 connector have any physical damage?

  • Is there power present when a device is plugged in?

  • Is the power plug unobstructed?

  • Does the power connector have any physical damage?

  • What type of connector is it?

  • Does the connection function properly?<br>

  • Does the connector have any physical damage?

  • Which modules / connectors are present?

  • Does the DisplayPort connection allow for video and audio to be shared to the local screen and speakers?

  • Does the DisplayPort connector have any physical damage?

  • Does the VGA connection allow for video to be shared to the local screen?

  • Is there a separate audio connector present?

  • Does the connector allow for audio to be shared to the local speakers?

  • Does the audio connector have any physical damage?

  • Does the VGA connector have any physical damage?

  • Does the HDMI connection allow for video and audio to be shared to the local screen and speakers?

  • Does the HDMI connector have any physical damage?

  • Are there "Link Lights" or some other representation of connection present when a device is connected to the network port?

  • Does the network connector have any physical damage?

  • Is there a dial tone present when a phone is connected to the RJ11 port?

  • Does the RJ11 connector have any physical damage?

  • Is there power present when a device is plugged in?

  • Is the power plug unobstructed?

  • Does the power connector have any physical damage?

  • What type of connector is it?

  • Does the connection function properly?<br>

  • Does the connector have any physical damage?

  • Are there retractable cables in the cable cubby?

  • Can the retractable cables can be extended and retract smoothly without excessive force?

  • Are all cables under the desk / table neatly installed and secured with cable ties or hook and loop fabric?

  • Are all cables on top of the desk / table socked where possible?

  • Are all cables labeled properly in accordance with the schematic?

  • Is the cable cubby secured tightly to the table?

  • Take pictures of the cable cubby installation. Pictures should show the top and bottom of the cubby and all cables into the cubby.

Equipment mounted to the table / desk

  • Is there equipment mounted to the table / desk?

  • Please continue the inspection on the next page.

  • What types of equipment are mounted to the table / desk?

  • Is all equipment securely mounted with brackets or another appropriate mounting technique that will reliably support the weight of the equipment?

  • Are all cables mounted to the desk / table neatly installed and secured with cable ties or hook and loop fabric?

  • Are all cables labeled properly in accordance with the schematic?

  • Take pictures of the equipment and mounting. Pictures should show all equipment, mounting hardware, and cable management

In-Room Conferencing Equipment

  • Does this room include in-room conferencing equipment (Cisco Room Kit, Poly Studio USB, Crestron Flex, etc)?

  • What type of conferencing equipment is installed?

  • Is the camera bar mounted in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are all cables to and from the camera bar installed in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are all cables to and from the camera bar labeled in accordance with the schematic?

  • Is the camera bar clean with no finger marks on it?

  • Is the NUC/PC mounted as required per the elevation/table layout?

  • Are all connections to the NUC/PC installed in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are all cables to and from the NUC/PC labeled in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are the presentation cables installed neatly using cable ties or hook and loop fabric to keep them tight?

  • Are all presentation cables labeled in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are there external mics in this installation?

  • How many external mics are in this installation?

  • Are all of the external mics connected to the system in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are the cables for the external mics ran neatly?

  • Are the cables for the external mics labeled in accordance with the schematic?

  • Is there a dedicated control panel for this equipment (Touch 10, Navigator, TC8, etc. Do not include control panels that are part of a third-party control solution)?

  • How many control panel(s) are in this installation?

  • Are all of the control panel(s) connected to the system in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are the cables to the control panel(s) installed neatly using cable ties, hook and loop fabric, or a cable sock to keep them tight?

  • Are the cables for the control panel(s) labeled in accordance with the schematic?

  • Is the touchpanel screen free of blemishes / scratches?

  • Are there any dedicated peripherals connected to the In-Room Conferencing Equipment not already covered in this section?

  • What type of peripheral(s) are connected to the conferencing equipment?

  • How many peripheral(s) are in this installation?

  • Are all of the peripheral(s) connected to the system in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are the cables to the peripheral(s) installed neatly using cable ties, hook and loop fabric, or a cable sock to keep them tight?

  • Are the cables for the peripheral(s) labeled in accordance with the schematic?

  • Take pictures of the In-Room Conferencing Equipment. At a minimum these should show the mounting hardware, the cable management, the control panel, and any connected peripherals.

  • Continue this inspection on the next page

Rack Mounted Equipment

  • Does this room include rack mounted equipment (Cisco Codec Pro/Plus, DSPs, AMX/Creston/Extron controllers, matrix switcher, etc.)?

  • What equipment is installed in the rack?

  • Is the equipment installed in the rack in accordance with the rack elevation drawing / schematic?

  • Are all cables installed in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are all cables installed neatly using cable ties or hook and loop fabric to keep them tight?

  • Are all cables labeled in accordance with the schematic?

  • Is there a third-party control panel for this equipment (AMX G5, Crestron TSW, Extron Touchlink, etc. Do not include control panels that are part of a dedicated VC/MTR solution)?

  • How many control panel(s) are in this installation?

  • Are all of the control panel(s) connected to the system in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are the cables to the control panel(s) installed neatly using cable ties, hook and loop fabric, or a cable sock to keep them tight?

  • Are the cables for the control panel(s) labeled in accordance with the schematic?

  • Take pictures of the rack-mounted equipment. At a minimum these should show the full rack front and back, the cable management, the control panel, and any connected peripherals.

  • Continue this inspection on the next page

Addtional Equipment

  • Is there any equipment in this installation that has not been covered on a previous page?

  • For each piece of additional equipment, complete the following section:

  • Addtional Equipment
  • What type of equipment is installed?

  • Is the equipment installed in accordance with the rack elevation drawing / schematic?

  • Are all cables installed in accordance with the schematic?

  • Are all cables installed neatly using cable ties or hook and loop fabric to keep them tight?

  • Are all cables labeled in accordance with the schematic?

  • Take pictures of the equipment. At a minimum these should show the front and back of the equipment, the mounting hardware, and the cable management

  • Continue this inspection on the next page

Additional Issues / Completion

  • Are there any issues with the physical installation of this room that have not been covered by a previous section of this report?

  • This inspection is complete. Notify ISDM Technical Operations and Project Management.

  • For each additional issue, complete the section below:

  • Installation Issue
  • Describe the nature of the issue:

  • Provide any pictures or video that will help with the diagnosis or resolution of the issue

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.