Prepared by
Site Location and Postcode
Work instructions available
Does your work affect others
Can other people's work affect you
Does everyone have the correct PPE for todays work
Is everyone on site trained in the task they are carrying out
Have all areas of valuable habitat been protected
Have you been made aware of sensitive customers
Do you have a suitable refuelling point
Do you have the correct authority to work (TPO, SSSI)
Work from ground (Low Risk)
MEWP Access (Medium Risk)
Ropes and Harness access (High Risk)
WAH Justification Add why you consider your decision the most appropriate for the task- e.g. All work can be carried out from ground safety/ MEWP access/ etc.
Please list generic risk assessments and method statements associated with this task:
Site specific risks and hazards - Controls/ actions required/ comments
Site Hazards- access/ egress, services, weather conditions, ground conditions, fuel storage, badgers/ birds/ bats, traffic management, needles and sharps, public access.
Who and how affected- operatives, general public, other site workers, lone workers.
Control measures required and by whom- safe working distance, appropriate training, additional machinery, additional PPE, assisted felling, additional emergency planning.
Site specific working methods- How do you intend to carry out this work? Add a description. Include any details of working at height, specialist kit, competence, supervision, banksman, drop zones, exclusion zones, lowering and felling controls.
Emergency Procedures and Planning
Access route for emergency services:
Grid reference:
Emergency services meeting point:
Nearest A&E hospital:
Nominated first aider:
Nominated aerial/ pole top/ MEWP rescuers
Emergency rescue kit location:
Mobile phone signal strength:
Nearest working landline:
Nominated Team Leader; I confirm that I have verified this risk assessment and amended where necessary. I have briefed the team of risks, controls, job plan, safe working methods and emergency procedures. I have detailed and rebriefed any amendments made:
Team Leader Sign:
Team Members; I confirm that I have been briefed and understood and/ or contributed to this site specific risk assessment and will carry out works accordingly taking into consideration the appropriate control measures identified on this document and the associated risk assessments and method statements.
Team Members Sign:
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