Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Brief overview of business
Outline brief business overview
Do you have a long term planning process
Do you have 12 month plans
Do you review plans on a regular basis
Does your day to day activity reflect your plans
If you had structure to planning would that assist & if so how
Do you have governance systems in place (BOD AB)
Do Directors meet on a regular basis
Are there regular management meetings
Do you have a SM plan & what is an average sale
Do you have a prospecting plan
Do you measure SM activity
Do you know who,your target market is
Do you have an active referral process - what is the $ value of a lead
Do you loose customers or fail to convert sales - if so what is the cost of that to you
What is the biggest challenge in the SM area and how is that impacting on you
Is everyone's role well defined & if not what issue does that cause
Do you measure productivity
Are you recovering all billable hours and if not what is that $cost to you
Do you back cost / manage projects and if not what is that cost to you
Do you have a process to capture variations & if not what is the $cost to you
How accurate is GL
Do you run monthly management reports
Do you have cashflows / budgets
Do you have a process to measure stock turns - can you reduce stock & if so now much $ would that save
Do you have a process for AR
Do you have a process for AP
Could you ever fail to invoice & if so what would the $cost be
Is there a clear separation of duties
Do you know your key numbers, GP%, GP required etc
Do you cost recover / disbursements etc
Is the company as profitable as it could be & if not why
Do you know what activity generates the most profit for you
If there was a major challenge what would it be and what's the $cost of that
How is that challenge affecting the company
People often know what to do but don't implement well - how well do you implement
Who holds key people in business accountable
What difference would it make if you could solve challenges above
If you put processes in place what additional $ could you get into business - what difference would that make
Questions for me
If you were to start working with me when would you want to start
My suggestion
Next meeting date
Key action steps to be completed - when