Title Page
Origin job order number (S-XXXXXXX)
Site Address
Prepared by (Name)
Please select the Origin PM for this job (as a notification will be sent to them)
- Els Leung
- Laine Couper
- Ragav Ranganathan
- John Mckenzie
- Kurt Colgar
- Unknown
Job safety assessment
Are there any existing electrical hazards present to conduct the works?
Please elaborate how control measures will be taken
Any traffic hazards present to conduct the works?
Please elaborate how control measures will be taken
Will there be any risks to public/pedestrians during the EVC removal works
Please elaborate how control measures will be taken
Wet weather hazards? (increased risk of slips, trips & falls?)
Please elaborate how control measures will be taken
Any presence of dangerous animals (i.e. dogs?)
Please elaborate how control measures will be taken
Presence of any ignition sources?
Please elaborate how control measures will be taken
Any asbestos or suspicion of asbestos on-site related to the scope of works?
Please elaborate how control measures will be taken
Potential UV exposure/risk?
Please elaborate how control measures will be taken
Presence of hazardous substances or dangerous goods?
Please elaborate how control measures will be taken
Do you have sufficient PPE to conduct the works?
Are there any additional hazards or risks identified on-site? If so, please elaborate
Total number of team members on-site (including yourself)
Please confirm that the works that you are conducting can be done safely alone, and confirm that there is a physical person on-site aware of your presence, activity and nature of the works being conducted
Please cease any works until you have consulted your Origin field supervisor for further clarification.
Upload site specific SWMs applicable for this job
I have confirmed that all members of the team are aware of any hazards on-site and have identified appropriate controls and measures for the removal works I also have applicable SWMs on-site & all team members are aware of their role in the safe completion of the work.
EVC system removal details
Please provide photos of EVC system before removal
Is there any existing damage around the EVC location that will not form part of your works to rectify?
Please provide photos of existing damage around EVC location
Please confirm you will be removing the EVC and replacing this with a suitably rated general power outlet, at the same location
For EV Charger removals, Origin expects the installer to remove the existing EVC and replace this with a suitably rated GPO at the same location. The GPO is to be fed by the upstream RCBO.
The installer is to ensure that any existing penetrations or any screw holes are to be covered and filled with translucent silicon seal. Unless otherwise agreed to by your Origin PM prior. -
Please advise why you have deviated from the above
Please confirm that all penetrations and screw holes will be 'made good', covered and sealed appropriately.
Please ensure all penetrations and screw holes are appropriately sealed as this is a requirement of the work order
Please confirm that the existing upstream RCBO is left untouched, and is supplying power to the installed GPO
Please advise why you have deviated from the above
Photos checklist of completion
Photo of the EVC location after removal, and a replacement GPO installed
Photo of any seals/make good of penetrations have been done appropriately
Photo of upstream RCBO supplying power to the GPO within customers switchboard
Completed Certificate of Electrical safety works
Other applicable photos as part of the removal scope of works (please add note)
Customer/Installer signature
As the installer I have confirmed that I have completed the removal of the EVC in a safe and compliant manner at this address, and have used appropriate seals/coverage on existing penetrations and/or screw holes. I will also take the removed EVC equipment back to my own warehouse and notify Origin to organise pickup after this inspection is completed
Completion date
Customer name
As the customer, I agree all works and the removal of the EVC have been completed to my satisfaction