
  • Playground Equipment Inspection

  • Conducted on

  • Inspection completed by:

  • Playground/Reserve inspected:

Area checkpoints

  • 1. Is the area free from obvious drainage problems?

  • 2. Is all equipment securely fixed unless it is designed to be portable?

  • 3. Is the area free from any tripping hazards (tree roots, remains of removed equipment, fallen tree branches, uneven undersurfacing)?

  • 4. Are all borders secured and free of splinters?

  • 5. Is all softfall material of sufficient depth for surface type and fall height (pine chips 250mm)?

  • 6. Is rubber/synthetic undersurfacing adequate for the fall height of the equipment?

  • 7. Is the fall zone free of rocks, stones, glass or other hard or sharp objects?

  • 8. Is the equipment complete, with no missing parts?

  • 9. Are all timber joints and joints between timber and steel fastened properly (all main load bearing joints bolted)?

  • 10. Are all timber components free of excessive warping or splintering?

  • 11. Is all steel used for the construction stainless or coated (e.g. Galvanised, zinc coated, powdered or painted)?

  • 12. Are all ends of the tubular steel sections capped?

  • 13. Are all accessible bolt heads and nuts recessed, rounded or covered with protective caps and galvanised, coated or made from stainless steel?

  • 14. Are all small components including fasteners present (e.g. Nuts, bolts, screws and clamps)?

  • 15. Are all components free from distortion (e.g. Not bent, vandalised or out of level)?

  • 16. Is the protective paint (timber and steel) or coating (metal) in good condition?

  • 17. Is all steel chain and its connectors galvanised or made from corrosion resistant metal?

  • 18. Is equipment free from excessive rust, or evidence of broken members or cracked welds?

  • 19. Are the plastic or fibreglass components free of cracks, damage or wear that would affect their durability and safe use?

  • 20. Are concrete elements stable?

  • 21. Are all bearings and moving parts greased?

  • 22. Are all fixed structures (including the footings) stable and do not deflect by the loading or movement of the user?

  • 23. Are all footings and foundations covered with compacted soil so that they do not protrude above ground?

  • 24. Are guardrails and handrails secure?

  • 25. Are shackles, bearings and wire ropes operating smoothly and lubricated if necessary?

  • 26. Are rope nets sound, including attachment and anchor points?

  • 27. Are sandpits free from unwelcome debris (e.g. Syringes, glass, animal droppings)?

  • 28. Is the area free from other problems during the inspection?

Signature and date

  • Inspected by:

  • Date

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