Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Does the restaurant have a Certificate of Acceptability

  • Is the COA displayed or easily accessible

  • Does the restaurant have a health and safety file

  • Does the restaurant have the appropriate health and safety teams

  • All distribution boards secured

  • Is a current copy of the electrical COC attached to the electrical distribution board

  • Any loose wiring that may pose a hazard in the restaurant area


  • Has the restaurant had a hygiene audit done by FCS

  • Date of last audit

  • Percentage of last audit

  • Is there a corrective action plan on failed areas

  • Are all kitchen staff trained on food hygiene practices

  • Kitchen floors are clean with only acceptable levels of operational working dirt

  • Is the food preparation areas, including hot areas, visibly clean

  • Is the kitchen ceiling free from holes and missing ceiling panels

  • Is there a wash basin for staff to wash their hands

  • Does the wash basin have hot and cold water, soap and paper towels

  • Chemicals stored separately from food areas


  • Are there temperature records for the fridge and freezers

  • External walls of the fridges in good state of repair

  • Internal walls and floors in good state of repair

  • Rubber seal on the door in good state of repair

  • No food is stored on the floor, all food is stored off the floor on shelving or pallets

  • Cooling unit is free from dirt build up

  • There is no visible dirt build up within the fridge

  • Floors are clean within the fridge

  • All shelves are clean from dirt build up

  • Does food stored in the fridges have food labels

  • Raw food is stored below cooked foods

  • Meats are separated accordingly from other meats ie: fish

  • Is the fridge and freezer free from any expired foods


  • Dry store area visually clean from dirt

  • Internal floor and walls in good state of repair

  • All shelves clean from dirt build up

  • Floors clean within the dry store

  • No food is stored on the floor, all food is stored off the floor on shelving or pallets


  • Is there a gas isolation valve

  • Are staff trained in gas shutdown procedures

  • Is there a sign to indicate where the the gas isolation valve is located

  • Do staff know where the gas isolation switch is

  • Is there a gas detection unit in the kitchen

  • Is the gas detection unit working correctly

  • Does the outlet have a fire suppression system over the hot cooking areas

  • Is the fire suppression system in the cocked or ready position

  • Are the nozzles of the suppression system directed in the correct direction

  • Is the system serviced every six months

  • Date of last service

  • Is there a fire blanket(s) located within the kitchen

  • Is there fire extinguishers located within the kitchen

  • Are the fire extinguishers sealed

  • Is the fire equipment free from obstructions

  • Smoke detection system in good state of repair

  • Sprinkler system in good state of repair

  • Are emergency exits clear

  • Is there adequate emergency signage within the kitchen

  • Break glass release box or door release in good state of repair


  • undefined


  • Completed by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.