Title Page
Who is conducting this audit?
Document No. OHSF-PR-08-03 Version 1 Revision 0 Dated 11/12/2019
(Format:- City name - Job Pack / PN Number) E.g Aberdeen S12345 Always insert City name and Job Pack / PN number if known
CityFibre Holdings Ltd, 15 Bedford St, London, WC2E 9HE
Conducted on
Safety Check - If you answer 'No' to any of the following 3 questions, end the audit and take appropriate action.
Please answer the following 3 questions based on your dynamic risk assessment on arrival at the site. If you answer 'No' to any of the following questions please explain this in the free text field which appears with a 'No' answer, take the appropriate action and, when safe to do so, continue the audit.
Is it safe for you to conduct this audit?
Please explain why and what action you have taken as a result.
Is it safe for the construction workers to continue work?
Please explain why and what action you have taken as a result.
Is it safe for members of the public, in the areas surrounding the site, that they are able to access?
Please explain why and what action you have taken as a result.
Who is the Principal Contractor?
Reference materials (Streetworks Code of Practice etc.)
Code of Practice (Red Book)
https://cityfibreholdings.sharepoint.com/IMS/OHSMS/Shared%20Documents/Compliance%20Department%20Folders/IAuditor%20Reference%20Matrials/safety-at-streetworks.pdf -
CDM Code of Practice
https://cityfibreholdings.sharepoint.com/IMS/OHSMS/Shared%20Documents/Compliance%20Department%20Folders/IAuditor%20Reference%20Matrials/l153(1).pdf -
CityFibre Fibre Specification Document
https://cityfibreholdings.sharepoint.com/IMS/OHSMS/Shared%20Documents/Compliance%20Department%20Folders/IAuditor%20Reference%20Matrials/CF-NOD-SFI01%20-%20Fibre%20Specification.docx?d=wc41be78482c44d1eb56b968a21e799cf -
Contractor Monitoring Risk Assessment
Pole Inspection
Are you inspecting BT or CityFibre pole?
Please advise who own the asset
What is the Pole ID?
Has the engineer got the correct accretations (NRWSA, SA001, SA7)?
Pole check/ test
Have drop wires minimum height checks been completed?
Under no circumstances should joint user poles be climbed
Has the engineer checked the correct depth of installation?
Is there any sign of damage to the pole? *Damage caused by hedge trimming, vehicle damage, Vandalism etc.
Is the pole in date to climb?
What is the test Date?
Can at least three quarters of the circumference of the pole be seen and tested?
D = Defective (Decay) DO NOT CLIMB SC= Shallow climbable SD= Shallow depth (THESE POLES SHOULD NOT BE CLIMBED) H + Z = Hazard near the pole, if an engineer can safely position their ladder in such a way to reduce the hazard then the pole can be climbed.
Is there a D, SC, SD, H or Z tag?
Is there any decay or rot suspected on the pole?
Pre-climb set up
Is the site set up in accourdance street work ( red book)
It the pole accessed by ladder or MEWP?
Is the engineer accredited for ladder use:
have the ladders been safety checked and set up as per SA001?
Is the harness fitted, serviceable and in date?
Is the engineer accredited for mobile platform use?
Has the site and mobile access been set up as per regulations
Is the harness fitted, servicible and in date
Has the engineer got the correct footwear (Boots with 90-degree heel) and are they clean of any mud dirt on the sole?
Is the engineer wearing a hard hat with chinstrap in place?
is the engineer wearing eye protection?
is the engineer wearing a Clean high vis jacket?
Have all rings been removed or taped up to stop catching on pole steps?
Is the harness is good order (no tears signs of loose stitching rust on D rings)?
Has the harness got its serial number and test certificate?
Is the fall arrest restraint in good order (No tears signs of loose stitching carabiner in good working order)?
Is the pole belt in good working order (No tears loose stitching carabiners in good working order)?
Commencement of Climb
Is the pole been accessed as per SA001
Has the engineer secured their pole belt and fall arrest system over their shoulder before climbing?
Are three limbs in contact always whilst climbing?
Has the fall arrest system been attached to the pole before engineer proceeds onto the first pole step?
Has engineer confirmed carabiner secure before commencing work?
Bringing Tools and Equipment to work area
Is the engineer using a tool bas to bring equipment up to the work area?
Has the tool bas been secured to the harness in such a way that it will pull away if snagged (Looped length of rope under the harness)
ASN Checks
Has the equipment been fitted safely and securely in accordance with CF & OR specs?
Describe why?
Route Visit Complete? (Check all mandatory fields have been completed)
Sign Off
Would you like to highlight any good practice?
Who would you like to highlight?
If answer is other, please specify.
Please name the group / individual you would like to highlight
Which category best describes the good practice? Categories TBC
Please describe the category of the work being recognised.
Please give a description of the practice you have observed and would like recognised.
Please provide the name of the Supervisor or Sub-Contractor.
Please provide the name of the Gang Leader.
Auditor Signature