Title Page
Site conducted
OHSF-PR-08-06 Version 1 Revision 1 Dated 21/01/2021
Conducted on
(Format:- City - Job Pack / PN Number) E.g Aberdeen S12345 Always insert City name and Job Pack / PN number if known
Team Leader/ Team name
CityFibre Holdings Ltd, 15 Bedford St, London, WC2E 9HE
Prepared by
Who is the principle contractor?
What is the name of the principle contractor?
Please send an email to iAuditor.support@cityfibre.com detailing the contractor name and city.
If unknown/other have you sent an email to iAuditor.support@cityfibre.com?
Existing team or new team?
Safety Check - If you answer 'No' to any of the following 3 questions, end the audit and take appropriate action.
Please answer the following 3 questions based on your dynamic risk assessment on arrival at the site. If you answer 'No' to any of the following questions please explain this in the free text field which appears with a 'No' answer, end the audit and take the appropriate action.
Is it safe for you to conduct this audit?
Please explain why and what action you have taken as a result.
Is it safe for the construction workers to continue work?
Please explain why and what action you have taken as a result.
Is it safe for members of the public in the areas, surrounding the site, that they are able to access?
Please explain why and what action you have taken as a result.
Aerial Audit
Is there a copy of the Green Book available on site
Which Audit/Inspection are you completing today?
Existing Pre-climb label removed from pole
Please Comment
New Pre-climb label secured to pole
Please Comment
ASN fitted within correct envelope of space
Please Comment
Please provide a photograph of this.
ASN securely fixed to pole
Please Comment
Label attached to feeder cable on the left / right-hand side of ASN
Please provide a photograph of this.
Type of label used (Black font on yellow background)
Please provide a photograph
Please provide a photo
Helical clamp used for overhead cable type and correctly attached to pole ring head
Please Comment
Is the BFT fixed to the pole every 300mm-450mm using 16mm aluminium strips and fixing with 2 x 38mm long galvanised bonding nails, along with steel flat washers?
Please Comment
Has ladder loop been installed correctly in accordance with PEA_FG_001?
Overhead cable loadings not exceeded (DILOR)
Please Comment
Is Pole capping installed/replaced in a safe manner that does not obstruct pole markings or labels?
Please Comment
Overhead cables routed with correct separation maintained to power cables?
Please Comment
Cable ties (Strap Cable Fixing) Cut flush with no sharp edges
Please Comment
Cables routed on pole in a manner which will not obstruct access to existing line plant
Please Comment
Hazardous fibre waste (sharps/shards) cleared from site
Please Comment
Work site left tidy, all rubbish removed.
Please Comment
Existing Pre-climb label removed from pole
Please Comment
New Pre-climb label secured to pole
Please Comment
ASN fitted within correct envelope of space
Please Comment
Please provide a photograph of this.
ASN securely fixed to pole
Please Comment
Label attached to feeder cable on the left / right-hand side of ASN
Please provide a photograph of this.
Type of label used (Black font on yellow background)
Please provide a photograph
Please provide a photo
Helical clamp used for overhead cable type and correctly attached to pole ring head
Please Comment
Is the PIA-BFT fixed to the pole every 300-450mm using 16mm aluminium strips and fixing with 2 x 38mm long galvanised bonding nails along with steel washers?
Please Comment
Has ladder loop been installed correctly in accordance with PEA_FG_001?
Overhead cable loadings not exceeded (DILOR)
Please Comment
Is pole capping replaced/ installed in a safe manner that does not obstruct pole markings or labels?
Please Comment
Transition cable from UG to OH correctly labelled (CFNPIA123456) and secured a maximum 300mm above caping/ first cleat
Type of label used (Black font on yellow background)
Please provide a photograph
Please provide a photo
Please provide a Photo
Please provide a photo
Please provide a photo
CF PIA OH cables correct power separation distances maintained
Please Comment
Cable ties (Strap Cable Fixing) Cut flush with no sharp edges
Please Comment
PIA cables routed on pole in a manner which will not obstruct access to existing line plant
Please Comment
Hazardous fibre waste (sharps/shards) cleared from site
Please Comment
Work site left tidy, all rubbish removed.
Please Comment
Sign Off
Would you like to highlight any good practice?
Who would you like to highlight?
If answer is other, please specify.
Please name the group / individual you would like to highlight
Which category best describes the good practice? Categories TBC
Please describe the category of the work being recognised.
Please give a description of the practice you have observed and would like recognised.
Please provide the name of the Supervisor or Sub-Contractor.
Please provide the name of the Gang Leader.
Auditor Signature